SJTU-KTHSummer School on Materials for Energy

SJTU-KTH Summer School on Materials for Energy

August 26-30, 2013


Shanghai, P.R.China


SJTU-KTHSummer School on Materials for Energy



Section 1: Schedule 2

Section 2: Agenda 3

Section 3: Brief Bios of Professors 7

KTH Royal Institute of Technology 7

Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity 16

Section 4: Abstract 21

KTH Royal Institute of Technology 21

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 26


SJTU-KTHSummer School on Materials for Energy

Section 1: Schedule

Section 2: Agenda

Saturday, August 24

Pick-up and Check-in

12:55 / Pick-up
(if you are flying with CA936 via Frankfurt) / Pudong International Airport
15:00-17:30 / Check-in
Campus Tour with your teammates (optional) / Academic Exchange Center
17:30-18:30 / Dinner / Academic Exchange Center

Sunday, August 25

Chong-Ming Island Tour

* Take the tour with SJTU-KTH Summer camp of Energy Systems

Check-in and Reception

15:00-17:30 / Check-in
Campus Tour with your teammates (optional) / Academic Exchange Center
17:30-18:30 / Brief meeting of KTH and SJTU professors / Academic Exchange Center
18:30-20:00 / Reception / Academic Exchange Center

**Sign up for the optional tour to Shanghai Steam Turbine Plant on Friday afternoon when check-in.

Monday, August 26

Solar energy

8:00-8:30 / Poster hang-up / hallway outside 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
8:30-10:00 / Prof. Lars Kloo’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
10:00-10:30 / Coffee break
Taking Picture / hallway outside 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
10:30-11:00 / Prof. Lars Kloo’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
11:30-13:00 / Lunch / Academic Exchange Center
13:00-14:00 / Prof. Zhang Wang’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
14:00-15:00 / Prof. Zhang Peng’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
15:00-15:30 / Coffee break
15:00-17:30 / Students’ task preparation / small meeting rooms in Chan Sui Kao Building
Discussion session about teaching by KTH and SJTU professors / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
17:30-18:30 / Dinner / Academic Exchange Center
18:30-19:30 / Students’ task presentation / 117 and 202 Chan Sui Kao Building

Tuesday, August 27

Nuclear Energy

8:30-10:00 / Prof. Waclaw Gudowski’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
10:00-10:30 / Coffee break
10:30-11:30 / Prof. Waclaw Gudowski ’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
11:30-13:00 / Lunch / Academic Exchange Center
13:00-15:00 / Prof. Zhang Lefu’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
15:00-15:30 / Coffee break
15:30-16:00 / Short Campus tour / Minhang Campus
16:00-18:00 / Establishment ceremony of China-Sweden Culture Centre
Summer school opening / 323 Wenxuan Building
18:00-20:30 / Banquet / Liu Yuan Restaurant

Wednesday, August 28


8:30-10:00 / Prof. Vincent Bulone’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
10:00-10:30 / Coffee break
10:30-11:30 / SJTU Materials Science and Engineering Lab tour / School of Materials Science and Engineering
11:30-13:00 / Lunch / Academic Exchange Center
13:00-16:40 / Off-campus tour / Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility
16:40-20:30 / Dinner and Huangpu River Band Tour

Thursday, August 29

Integrated Computational Materials Engineering& Materials Genome

8:30-10:00 / Prof. John Agren’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
10:00-10:30 / Coffee break
10:30-11:30 / Prof. John Agren’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
11:30-13:00 / Lunch / Academic Exchange Center
13:00-15:00 / Prof. John Agren’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
15:00-15:30 / Coffee break
15:30-17:30 / Students’ task preparation / small meeting rooms in Chan Sui Kao Building
17:30-18:30 / Dinner / Academic Exchange Center
18:30-19:30 / Students’ task presentation / 117 and 202 Chan Sui Kao Building

Friday, August 30

Energy Solutions

8:30-10:00 / Prof. Wolfgang Eberhardt’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
10:00-10:30 / Coffee break
10:30-11:00 / Prof. Wolfgang Eberhardt’s lecture / 117 Chan Sui Kao Building
11:00-11:30 / Final words and awards ceremony
11:30-13:00 / Lunch / Academic Exchange Center
Lunch(for Professors) / Liu Yuan Restaurant
13:00-16:00 / Off-campus tour (optional) / Shanghai Steam Turbine Plant
17:30-18:30 / Dinner / Academic Exchange Center

Saturday, August 31

Free Activity (KTH –SJTU student’s group activity, optional)

Section 3: Brief Bios of Professors

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Lars Kloo


Professor Lars Kloo; Applied Physical Chemistry

Department of Chemistry, CHE

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH);

SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Telephone: +46-8-790 9343; Fax: +46-8-790 9349



Lars Kloo (b. 1961) is Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology(KTH) since 1998. He received his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry at Lund University in 1990on a thesis on the thermodynamic and structural correlation in molten salts; ionic liquids. Hebecame docent in Inorganic Chemistry at Lund University in 1994. He has been visitingscientist at Liverpool University (UK; NMR spectroscopy), Cornell University (USA;quantum chemistry) and Auckland University (NZ; quantum chemistry). He is currently Headof Division for Applied Physical Chemistry at KTH. His main research has focused on newmedia for inorganic synthesis and electrochemically active electrolytes for solar cells,experimental and theoretical characterization of inorganic, organometallic, bioinorganic,interface systems as well as pharmaceutical drugs. He has published about 180 articles inrefereed scientific journals which have been cited more than 3,200 times (H-index 26).He received the Göran Gustafsson prize in Chemistry, Royal Academy of Science, 2002. Hehas enjoyed research grants from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Energy Agency,the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, the K&A Wallenberg Foundation, variousEU-programs and other agencies since 1990. He was the coordinator of the FP5 RTN‘Nanocage materials’, and has been a member of the Center for Molecular Devices (CMD)since its establishment in 2005. He was a member of the KTH University board 2004-06. Hehas supervised 12 PhD and 2 Licentiate students to their degrees and several Master degreestudents. He has been extensively involved both in program and project evaluation at theSwedish Research Council, as well as at various non-Swedish research councils; mostrecently, the evaluation of the scientific case of the MAX-IV synchrotron (chairman) at LundUniversity and the NANOMAT large program for the Norwegian Research Council. He hasalso reviewed a large number of Ph.D. dissertations as committee member and opponent,several academic appointments and regularly acts as peer reviewer for scientific journals(ACS, RSC, Wiley-VCH etc.). He is member of the editorial board of Dalton Transaction(RSC). He is currently advisor to the Swedish Research Council concerning research relatedto synchrotron, neutron and free-electron laser infrastructures. He has also extensiveexperience from teaching inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, quantum mechanics,spectroscopy and thermodynamics at undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as inuniversity pedagogics and Ph.D. supervision.

Wacław Gudowski

Professor in Neutron and Reactor Physics at Kungliga

Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) - The Royal Institute of

Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

Till 2006 - Director of the Nuclear Energy

Technology Centre (CEKERT) at the Royal Institute of

Technology in Stockholm, Sweden

2006-2011 Deputy Executive Director, International

Science and Technology Center (ISTC), Moscow

Member of the Swedish Royal Academy of

In mid 70’s an active research in High Temperature Gas Gooled Reactors (HTGR),few papers published on this subject in 70s.

PhD thesis based on the fast pulsed research reactor IBR-2 (Dubna, Russia) design.

One of the European pioneers of research in acelerator driven transmutation ofnuclear waste, or so called Accelerator Driven Systems - ADS.

From 1996 to1999 coordinated the first European research project on ADS – Impactof the Accelerator Based Technologies on Nuclear Fission Safety (IABAT) with 10research institutes from 6 European countries. This project has grew and branchedinto eight different ADS-related projects in the 5th FrameWork Programme (FP) ofthe European Community. In the 6th FP - one of the architectures of the biggest everEuropean Integrated Project - IP Eurotrans.

Till 2006 Coordinator of the European project “Impact of Transmutation andReduction of Waste on Geological Waste Repository – RED-IMPACT “with 23different partners representing 11 European countries. A very specific feature of thisproject is that partners of the RED-IMPAT project came from 3 differentcommunities: research institutes, universities and waste managementagencies/companies.

Author of over 90 scientific papers in nuclear technology, nuclear data and solidstate physics.

Engineering Sciences – IVA.

In 2005 started and coordinated a European project in an education area: “EU-ChinaCampus for Energy and Environment”. Partners of this successfully developingproject are Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm, Tsinghua University inBeijing, Politecnico di Torino and Harbin Engineering University.

One of the initiator in 1995 of the Fredric Joliot–Otto Hahn Summer School onNuclear Reactors. Permanent Board Member of this School and its lecturer.

Lecturer and Mentor of the First World Nuclear University (WNU) in Idaho, USA,in 2005. World Nuclear University is today a recognized institution organizingannually summer educational sessions for the best students and young professionalsin the nuclear science and technology.

Since 1992 involved in the activities of the International Science and Technology Center promoting culture of nonproliferation and responsible science. First as an advisor to the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then as a colaborator of more than 30 ISTC projects, an animator and the first chairman of the Contact Expert Group on Partitioning and Transmutation related ISTC projects.

In 1997 – associated fellow of the Los Alamos National Laboratory and a foreign expert for the Department of Energy in transmutation research.

In 2003 and 2005 an international expert of the French Parliament for public hearingon nuclear power and nuclear waste.

From November 2006 to May 2011 on leave from the Royal Institute of Technologyfor an assignment as a Deputy Executive Director of the International Scienceand Technology Center (ISTC) in Moscow representing the European Union andbeing responsible for 50 M$ research project program in nuclear technology.

From mid-2011 Program Director of the KTHs Master Program in Nuclear EnergyTechnology which he designed and established at KTH in 2006 before his term atthe International Science and Technology Center in Moscow.

Vincent Bulone

John Ågren

Present position: Professor

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)/Materials science and engineering/Physical metallurgy

KTH/100 44/ Stockholm, SWEDEN

phone +46 8 790 91 31, mail:

1975: Master of science (Bergsingenjör), Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

1981: TeknD in physical metallurgy; “Computer simulations of diffusional reactions in multicomponent alloys with special applications to steel”, supervisor: Prof. Mats Hillert

1981-1982: Postdoc at Man Labs Inc., Massachusetts USA

1986: Docent in physical metallurgy

Present position (from 1991): Professor at Materials Science and Engineering (fullmaktsprofessur), KTH, 70% research in position.

Earlier positions

1982: Research associate, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

1983 (fall): Acting professor in physical metallurgy, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

1983 - 1993: Department head of physical metallurgy, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

1988- 1990: Acting professor in mechanical metallurgy, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Statistics of graduate education.

Main supervisor for 25 graduated PhD

Main supervisor for 6 PhD-students at present

YearName present affilation

1990: Björn Jönsson Outokumpu Stainless, Sweden

1992: Zi-Kui Liu Penn State, USA

1992: Bengt Hallstedt RWTH, Germany

1994: Hong Du General Electrics, USA

1996: Anders Engström TCSAB, Sweden

1997: Lars Höglund KTH, TCSAB, Sweden

1997: Annika Borgenstam KTH, Sweden

1997: Magnus Andersson SSAB, Sweden

1998: Sven Haglund Swerea Kimab, Sweden

1999: Thomas Helander Kanthal, Sweden

2000: Susanne Norgren Sandvik Mining, Sweden

2000: Åsa Gustafson Scania, Sweden

2001: Martin Schwind Seco Tools, Sweden

2003: Dilip Chandrasekaran Kanthal, Sweden

2003: Joakim Odqvist KTH, Sweden

2004: Henrik Larsson TCSAB, Sweden

2004: Anders Petersson Kennametal, USA

2004: Zhi-hui Xu University of South Carolina, USA

2005: Henrik Strandlund Sandvik Machining Solutions, Sweden

2005: Johan Bratberg TCSAB, Sweden

2009: Klara Asp-GrönhagenLinköping University, Sweden

2010: Ylva GranbomSSAB Strip Products, Sweden

2010: Elin Westin Böhler Schweißtechnik, Austria

2011: Johan Jeppsson TCSAB, Sweden

2011:Karin MannessonSwerea KIMAB, Sweden

2012: Hemantha Kumar YedduKTH, Sweden

International Prizes/Awards/Academy memberships

2005: honorary chairman of the International Conference on Diffusion in Solidsand Liquids, Aveiro, 2006: member of IVA (Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences)

2011: Hume-Rothery Award, presented by the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (USA).

2011: Fellow of ASM (USA)

2012: The Sefström medal

Leadership experience

1993 - 1997: Department head of Materials Science and Eng., Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

1995 - 1999: Member of directory board of the Swedish Institute for Metals Research, Sweden

1996 – 1998, 2004-2006: Director of the Brinell Centre- Inorganic Interfacial Engineering, a Vinnova competence centre.

1997 - 2006: Member of directory board of the Consortium for materials technology for thermal power generation

1999 - 2003: Chairman of graduate studies in mechanical and materials engineering at Royal Institute of Technology

2003-2006: Member of KTH faculty board

2007- 2012: Director of Vinnova Excellence centre – Hero-m

Further Academic and Professional Activities

1997: One of the founders of Thermo-Calc Software

1997 – 2000: Member of directory board of Thermo-Calc Software AB

2001 - present: Chairman of the directory board of Thermo-Calc Software AB

Reviewer of research proposals for TFR 1998-2000

Reviewer of research proposals for the Swedish Research Council 2001 – 2002, 2004, 2007

Reviewer of research proposal for Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (The Netherlands) 1999

Member of scientific advisory board of Max Planck Institut für Metallforschung, Stuttgart 2006-2009

Member of scientific advisory board of Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science, Leoben, 2008-

Member of organizing committee (chairman of 2) of 5 international conferences in Stockholm

Guest scientist at Max Planck Institut fur Eisenforschung, Dusseldorf, periods of time 1988-1990

Member of the “Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Committee”, TMS, 2009-

Organisation of International conferences in the field of the applicant (membership

in the steering and/or programme committee)

2002: Calphad XXXI, May 5-11, Stockholm, Sweden (B. Sundman and J. Ågren chairs)

2005: PTM 2005, May 29-June 3, Phoenix, USA (member in international advisory committee)

2006: International Symposium on Inorganic Interfacial Engineering, June 20-21, Stockholm, Sweden (L. Bergström and J. Ågren Chairs)

2004: Hillert symposium on thermodynamics and kinetics of migrating interfaces in steels and other complex alloys, Dec 2-4, Stockholm, Sweden, (chair)

2008: DIMAT 2008, Oct 28-31, Lanzarote, Spain (member in international scientific committee)

2010: PTM 2010, June 6-11, Avignon, France (member in international scientific committee)

Memberships to Editorials Boards of International Journals

previous Member of Editorial board of J. of Mater. Sci. and Eng.

previous Member of Editorial board of J. Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,

previous Associate editor of J. of Phase Equilibria and diffusion

Wolfgang Eberhardt

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Eberhardt, born in 1950 in Lieser, studied physics at the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Diploma 1974) and at the University of Hamburg. He obtained his PhD as a member of the synchrotron radiation research group at DESY in 1978. Afterwards he spent more than twelve years as a researcher in the US – first as postdoc and Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Pennsylvania, afterwards at Brookhaven National Laboratory and more than seven years in the corporate research laboratory of EXXON. 1990 he followed a call as director of the Institute for »Electronic Properties« at the Institute of Solid State Research (IFF) of the Research Centre Jülich, jointly with a professorship at the Universität Köln. From 2001 to 2008 he was the scientific director of BESSY with a professorship at the Technische Universität Berlin. In2003 he was awarded an honorary PhD from Uppsala University (Sweden). With the merger of BESSY and the Hahn-Meitner-Institute to establish the new Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) he became the scientific director for Energy Research of this new centre in January of 2009 until June 2011. In 2011 he joined the Center for Free Electron Laser Research (CFEL) at DESY in Hamburg

The more than 300 referred publications of Wolfgang Eberhardt concern the experimental investigation of the electronic properties of atoms, molecules, and solids as determined with angle-resolved photoemission and (resonant) X-ray emission using synchrotron radiation as the excitation source. His special research area includes the electronic properties and magnetism of thin-film systems for magnetoelectronic applications and their femtosecond magnetization dynamics. Additionally, his research interests cover the electronic properties and atomic geometry of individual size-selected nanoparticles (clusters). He has done pioneering studies concerning the femtosecond dynamics of core electron excitation and decay processes in molecules and solids: the now well established core-hole clock method. Since he is a world-known expert for the generation and application of synchrotron radiation, he is a member of numerous scientific advisory boards in the US, Europe and Asia.

Concerning energy research, he was involved in formulating two recent reports for the US Department of Energy. From 2009 to 2012 he was a member of the directorate of the association of renewable energy research centers in Germany and in 2011 he was elected spoekesperson. In 2010 he was involved in a study to extend the utilization of renewable energy in Germany for the German ministry of the environment.

Section 3: Brief Bios of Professors

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Zhang Wang

Brief CV:

Dr. ZHANG Wang, male, born in 1981, ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity lecturer. He got the PhD degree in materials science at the ShanghaiJiaotongUniversity in 2008. From 2009 to 2010, he worked as a post-doctor at the TechnicalUniversity of Troyes, France. In 2008, he got the Fifth China Youth Scienceand Technology Innovation Award and president of Shanghai Jiaotong University Award. In 2010,his Ph.D. thesiswas named the outstanding doctoral dissertation in Shanghai. Up to now, he has published 45SCI papers with 347 citations, and H-index 8.

His research involves many aspects of the biological template, microstructure analysis and functional oxide. Mainly includes the following two aspects: First, with special microscopic grading structure Lepidoptera wings as a structural template, through a series of chemical coupling to prepare both original natural structure characteristics obtained inorganic functional materials characteristics. The new type of structure function material; analysis method based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, optical properties carried out on the microscopic grading three-dimensional structure analysis and optimization algorithm using Particle Swarm (PSO) to optimize the design of specific optical properties.

Zhang Peng

School of Materials Science and Engineering


Shanghai 200240

Phone: (86)13651850686 (cell)



Associate Professor, Energy and Environmental Materials

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,

  • Heterogeneous Catalysts: Core/Shell Structures and Bimetallic Catalysts
  • Solar Energy Conversion Devices
  • Photo-Electrochemical Systems for Hydrogen Production and CO2 Reduction


  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, 2007

University of California, Davis, CA

Dissertation: Energetics of Nanophase Zinc and Yttrium Oxides

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Navrotsky

  • M.E. in Materials Chemistry, 2003

Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Thesis Title: Synthesis of Sulfide Nanocrystals by Hydrothermal Microemulsions

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Lian Gao

  • B.S. in Chemical Physics, 2000

University of Science and Technology of China