Southampton Preparative Meeting Tea Committee

For Nominations Committee

To serve on the Tea Committee is an excellent way of getting to know people and a valuable contribution to everyone's need of refreshments.

Refreshments are needed for:-

1.Sunday tea/coffee after Meeting for Worship. A tea rota is on the notice board in the lobby and anyone may sign up to make and serve tea/coffee. This is not necessarily a Tea Committee member. All are encouraged to share in this rota.

2.Area Meeting - which may be held in Southampton once/twice a year

3.The Biennial Quaker Gathering. Dates for these are on the list of meetings published by Area Meeting once a year. The format for (2) and (3) above is the same. Drinks to be provided (by two people) - when Friends arrive (usually between 10 and 11); at lunch time (Friends bring their own lunch); and serving a shared tea from contributions that have been brought in. These to be asked for after Meeting for Worship the week before and in the Bulletin.

4.Occasionally there are special gatherings which need the services of the Tea Committee, such as the Peace Walk.


  • The Convener needs to make sure that named people from
  • the Tea Committee are available to help with the above functions.
  • Writes a new rota to be signed x2 year. Fourth Sunday is a Bring and Share Lunch.

Instructions for making refreshments in the upstairs kitchen

If you have signed up to make tea and coffee you are responsible for bringing 1 litre (2 Pints) of semi-skimmed milk.

  • Arrive in good time. 10.20 allows you time to get things ready.
  • Open the skylight.
  • Fill the urn and set to No. 4 (takes 45 min to boil and is thermostatically controlled).
  • Pre-fill the two kettles. They can be boiled up after Meeting as standbys.
  • Set out 2 trays on counter in kitchen with mugs.
  • Get out large teapot and have tea bags handy - 8-10 bags for filling 2i3rds full.
  • Get out sugar and use 1/2 dishes on counter with teaspoons.
  • Put milk in jugs.
  • Come out of Meeting after welcoming and before notices.
  • Open the hatch so you are ready to serve when Friends come upstairs.
  • Check urn is boiling and make tea. Put milk in about half thecups and teaspoon of coffee in the others.
  • You can start pouring so it Is cooling slightly, so the Clerk isable to start Preparative Meeting promptly.
  • Collect all dirty utensils, wash up and tidy away. There are always some dirty mugs to wash after P.M. as Friends take them down so as not to miss the start of the meeting.
  • Unplug the kettles and urn and empty them.
  • Close the skylight.
  • Close the door after you as it is a fire door.

* Money can be reimbursed for the milk and for biscuits if you buy any. Please ask the Convenor.

Instructions for use of the Downstairs Tea Unit

The unit is used after Meeting for Worship for making tea/coffee

every Sunday, except on the first Sunday of the month when there

Is Preparative Meeting. Then it is more convenient to use the

kitchen upstairs.

If you have signed up to prepare the drinks you are responsible for

bringing 1 litre (2 pints) of milk (semi-skimmed).

It is advisable to arrive in good time. 10.20 allows you time to get

things ready.

On getting to the Meeting House open up the 'cupboard', switch on

the hot water boiler - the switch for this is over the left hard side of

the worktop, next to the light switch. Also switch on the boiler for

the washing up; this switch is in the right-hand cupboard under the

worktop. Right-hand side near top.

Put up one of the small tables in front of the 'unit'.

Put out cups on the two trays, which should be on the worktop.

Cups on shelves above worktop.

Plates and teapot are in cupboards under the worktop.

Tea, herb tea, coffee, sugar are on the shelf marked Quaker. There may be some biscuits in the tin on top shelf marked Quaker.

Come out of Meeting once the welcoming has been done and before the Notices. This gives you a chance to make the tea, put coffee in cups ready for filling, etc.

Friends usually come and help themselves.

You are responsible for washing up and tidying things away and importantlyremember to switch off the 2 heaters and the light before closing the doors.

Tea and coffee supplies, etc., will be provided by the Warden. Please let her know if they are running low.

Warden is also responsible for clean cloths and towels.