Plastics (Injection Molded Parts) Product Design with CAD (Solidworks)

OBJECTIVE / Injection molded plastics parts usage in various applications are growing such as medical devices - drug-dispensing systems, diagnostic, surgical implants, analytical system, disposable products, MP3 players, printers, consumer electronics, industrial sensors and more. Plastics continueto replace metals, glass and traditional materials in above mentioned industries. Purpose of the course is to educate mechanical engineers, designers and students involved in designing complicated injection molded mechanical components/systems with 3-D CAD such as Solidworks and Pro/E. This course teaches you basic & advance features in designing/evaluating plastics parts with 3-D CAD systems.
ATTEND / This course is meant for mechanical engineers, designers/drafters who wish to learn about Plastics Product Design and Development.
COURSE OUTLINE / - Introduction to Plastic Materials
- Designing intricate tight tolerance mechanisms with plastics
- Designing Injection molded parts for complicate wall thickness
- Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA)
- Selecting plastic materials FDA, IEC point of view
- Manufacturing (injection molding, machining) tight tolerance parts
- Choosing tooling vendors and suppliers for prototype and mass production
INSTRUCTIOR / Sanjeev “Sam” Tanna is a Founder of the Intanna Corporation ( ) and has MS degree in Engineering from University of Massachusetts.
Intanna provides niche PLASTICS PRODUCT DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, TRAINING and SERVICES with contract R & D, product engineering and manufacturing to medical devices, bio-tech and consumer electronics industries. Intanna works in North America and Asia.

SJSU – Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department

Plastics Product Design and Methodology

(9 am- 4 pm)

OBJECTIVE / Many good experienced engineers and designers are unaware of methodologies used in designing intricate mechanisms and products with plastics. The course gives hands on and practical knowledge of Plastics Product Design with highly focused tight tolerance Injection Molded parts, assembly methods, material selection guide, molding process and mold design.
ATTEND / This course is designed for mechanical engineers, designers, managers, manufacturing/process engineer and quality assurance engineers.
COURSE OUTLINE / - Plastic material structure, properties and application
- Plastic material selection criteria – basic guide lines
- Injection mold design, gate and cavity layout and importance of draft angle
- Designing intricate tight tolerance mechanisms with plastics – case studies
- Designing Plastics for mass production assembly and DFMA
- Brief introduction to FDA, IEC point of view plastic materials
- Manufacturing (injection molding, machining) tight tolerance parts
- Choosing tooling vendors and suppliers for prototype and mass production
INSTRUCTIOR / Sanjeev “Sam” Tanna is a Founder of the Intanna Corporation ( ) and has MS degree in Engineering from University of Massachusetts. Intanna provides niche contract R & D, product engineering and manufacturing services to medical devices, bio-tech and consumer electronics industries. Intanna works in North America and Asia.