Mies van der Rohe Award 2013
Henning Larsen Architects with Batteríið Architects and Studio Olafur Eliasson: Concert Hall and Conference Centre Harpa, Reykjavik\Iceland, 2011 © Photo: Nic Lehoux / 8February — 20April 2014
Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM,
Schaumainkai 43, Frankfurt am Main, Ground Floor
Fri, 7February 2014, 19.00
Fri, 7February 2014, 11.00
On Saturdays and Sundays 15.00
Tue, Thu — Sun 11.00 — 18.00 \ Wed 11.00 — 20.00 \
Mon closed
The Mies van der Rohe Award is Europe’s most prestigious architectural accolade. The prize, which has been bestowed every other year for as many as 25 years, crowns high-caliber architecture of cultural significance and commends outstanding projects destined to promote modern urban development. The list of world-famous award winners includes such heavy-weights as David Chipperfield, Rem Koolhaas and Zaha Hadid.
For the 2013 Mies van der Rohe Award the international jury selected the winning entry from among 335 nominated projects from 37 European countries, with Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center in Reykjavik/Iceland, which was designed by Henning Larsen Architects in conjunction with Batteríið Architects and Studio Olafur Eliasson, emerging as best of the best. Works by BIG Bjarke Ingels Group, Aires Mateus Arquitectos, Marie-José Van Hee architekten and Jürgen Mayer H were among the finalists.
Featuring an extensive spread of models and plates the exhibition presents work by the current prizewinner, the winner of the “Emerging Architect Special Mention”, the finalists and 34 projects that made it on the shortlist. The winning projects of the last 25 years will also be on show.
The principal objectives of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der RoheAward are to recognise and commend excellence in the field of architecture and to draw attention tothe important contribution of European professionals in the development of new ideas and technologies.The Prize as well as the Emerging Architect Special Mention are awarded biennially to works completedwithin the previous two years, produced in countries covered by the Culture programme of the European Union.
In this way, the Prize offers both individuals and public institutions an opportunity to reach a clearerunderstanding of the cultural role of architecture in the construction of our cities. Furthermore, the Prizesets out to foster architecture in two signifcant ways: by stimulating greater circulation of professionalarchitects throughout the entire European Union and by supporting young architects as they set off ontheir careers.
Candidates for the Prize are put forward by a broad group of independent experts from all over Europe,associations that form part of the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) and other European nationalarchitects’ associations, as well as the Advisory Committee members. At each biennial edition, the Juryselects two works: one that receives the Prize and the other the Emerging Architect Special Mentionboth in recognition of their conceptual, technical and constructional qualities. The Jury also selects a setof shortlisted works to be included in both the Prize catalogue and exhibition.
The Prize consists of a cash prize of 60,000€, while the Special Mention is endowed with 20,000€. Alongwith the cash prizes, the winners are also awarded a sculpture designed by the Catalan artist Xavier Corberóinspired by the columns of the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, symbol of the Prize and one of the 20thcentury’s major architectural works.
Reykjavik/Iceland, 2011
Peer Teglgaard Jeppesen, Osbjorn Jacobsen / Henning Larsen Architects; Olafur Eliasson / Studio OlafurEliasson; Sigurdur Einarsson / Batteríið Architects
Harpa forms part of an extensive plan to expand and revitalize the eastern harbour of Reykjavik, as wellas to improve the connection between this part of the harbour and the city centre. The building consistsof both concert and conference facilities, including four main halls.
Seen from the foyer, the configuration of the halls forms a sort of ‘massif’, recalling the rocky IcelandicCoast, which contrasts to the expressive multifaceted glass façade that is the result of a unique collaborationwith Studio Olafur Eliasson.
The changing daylight penetrating the façade creates a vibrant and adventurous play of light, shadowand colour in the foyer. Inspired by the crystallized basalt columns commonly found in Iceland, thesouthern façades create kaleidoscopic reflections of the city and the surrounding landscape. Made of a twelve-sided space-filler of glass and steel that Eliasson calls ‘quasi brick’, the building appears as anever-changing play of colour, reflected in the more than 1,000 three-dimensional bricks composing thesouthern façade. The remaining façades and the roof are made of sectional representations of this geometricsystem, resulting in two-dimensional flat façades of five and six-sided structural frames.
Light and transparency are the key elements of the building. Emerging on the border between the landand the sea, the crystalline structure captures and reflects the light – promoting a dialogue betweenthe building, the city, and the surrounding landscape. One of the main ideas has been to ‘dematerialise’the building as a static entity and let it respond to the surrounding colours of the city lights, ocean andglow of the sky.
Madrid/Spain, 2012
María Langarita, Victor Navarro / Langarita-Navarro Arquitectos
The Red Bull Music Academy (RBMA) is a nomadic annual music festival. The 2011 edition of RBMA wasgoing to be held in Tokyo, but given the devastating effects of the earthquake, the location had to bechanged. With only two months to build, the city of Madrid took over.
The creative space known as Matadero Madrid, which is located in an early 20th-century industrial warehousecomplex, was designated as the event’s new location.
The RBMA at Matadero Madrid launched the programming for the new Nave de Música, a space specifically dedicated to audio creation and research. The construction project was approached as a temporarystructure based on the criteria of adaptability and reversibility that would make it easy to completely orpartially reconfigure over time.
Under these circumstances and in an emergency situation, the work began on an infrastructure capableof meeting the precise technical and acoustic needs of the event, in addition to accelerating, promotingand enriching a series of extremely intense artistic encounters that would take place between the participatingmusicians.
At the same time, an environment was added that would record and archive everything taking place.The proposal was developed following five guidelines: deadlines and budget, preservation of the warehouse,programme requirements, acoustics, and temporariness. As a result, the project unfolded in thewarehouse’s interior in the form of a fragmented urban structure in which the variable relationship betweenproximity and independence, and pre-existence and performance, could offer unexpected stagesto its community of inhabitants.
- Market Hall, Ghent/Belgium, 2012. Paul Robbrecht, Hilde Daem / Robbrecht en Daem architecten; Marie-Jose Van Hee / Marie-José Van Hee architecten
- Superkilen, Copenhagen/Denmark, 2012. Bjarke Ingels, Nanna Gyldholm Moller, Mikkel Marcker Stubgaard / BIG Bjarke Ingels Group; Martin Rein-Cano, Lorenz Dexler / Topotek 1; Jakob Fenger, Rasmus Nielsen, Bjornstjerne Christiansen / Superflex
- Nursing Home, Alcacer do Sal/Portugal, 2010. Francisco Aires Mateus, Manuel Aires Mateus / Aires Mateus
- Metropol Parasol, Sevilla/Spain, 2011. Jürgen Mayer H., Andre Santer, Marta Ramirez Iglesias / J. MAYER H.
Wiel Arets, Chair of the jury
Principal, Wiel Arets Architects, Amsterdam, Berlin, Maastricht, Zürich / Dean, College of Architecture,Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago.
Pedro Gadanho
Curator, Contemporary Architecture, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York
Antón García-Abril
Principal, Ensamble Studio
Louisa Hutton
Principal, Sauerbruch Hutton Architects, Berlin
Kent Martinussen
CEO, Danske Arkitekter Center (DAC), Copenhagen
Frédéric Migayrou
Director, Architecture & Design, Centre Pompidou, Paris / Barlett Professor of Architecture, London
Ewa Porebska
Editor-in-Chief, Architektura-murator, Warsaw
Giovanna Carnevali, Secretary of the Jury
Director, Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Barcelona
The idea for a prize for European architecture was proposed to the European Parliament by MP XavierRubert de Ventós. On April 28, 1987 an agreement was signed between European Commissioner CarloRipa di Meana and Barcelona Mayor Pasqual Maragall to launch the ‘Mies van der Rohe Award of the European Communities’, and the first edition was carried out in 1988.
In 2000 the Fundació Mies van der Rohe submitted the model of the Mies van der Rohe Award in responseto the call for proposals by the European Commission for the ‘European Union Prize for ContemporaryArchitecture’. In this new phase, the Emerging Architect Special Mention, which recognises giftedyoung professionals, was added. Upon acceptance, the Mies van der Rohe Award became the officialarchitecture prize of the EU and since then, six editions have been carried out (in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007,2009 and 2011).
The basic objectives and organisational procedures that were established in 1987 have remained thesame. From the beginning, the Prize has been a collective project that benefits from the collaboration ofthe Steering and Advisory Committees, the ACE member architects’ associations and the other nationalarchitects’ associations, the independent experts, jury members and the architects whose works areproposed every two years.
One of the most important aspects is that in addition to the works to be granted the Prize and the SpecialMention the Jury makes a selection of works to be published in a catalogue and included in a travellingexhibition. This has resulted in a series of publications that have mapped the evolution of Europeanarchitecture over the last two decades years and have provided an important archive of documentationthat includes photographs, original drawings, digital material and models.
Also, the Prize emphasises what European architecture has to offer to the rest of the world. The worksproposed are not limited by scale or programme. The selection of the Jury for each edition has includedprivate houses, public housing, museums and cultural installations, sports facilities and large-scale urbanand infrastructure projects with the common denominator being the contribution that these worksmake to the construction of the city.
/ Fundació Mies van der Rohe (ed.)European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture
Mies van der Rohe Award 2013
english/catalan, Softcover, 188 pages , size 24 x 17 cm
Museum shop prize: 29,- EUR, not in bookstores available
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture.
Mies van der Rohe Award 1988-2013
8February – 20April 2014
The exhibition is hosted in cooperation with Fundacío Mies van der Rohe/Barcelona.
Committee of Honour
S.A.R. el Príncipe de Asturias
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth
Antoni Vives, President of the Fundacio Mies van der Rohe
Doris Pack, Member of the European Parliament, Chairwoman of the Committee on Culture and Education
Jan Truszczyński, Director General for Education, Training, Culture and Youth of the European Commission
Selma Harrington, President of the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE)
Board of Trustees Fundació Mies van der Rohe
Ajuntament de Barcelona, Ministerio de Fomento, Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Consorci de la Zona Franca, Fira de Barcelona, Col・legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, Escola Tecnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona, The Museum of Modern Art/ New York, Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz,/ Berlin.
Prize Steering Committee
Architekturzentrum Wien/ Vienna, Dansk Arkitektur Center/ Copenhagen, Deutsches Architekturmuseum/ Frankfurt, Fundacio Mies van der Rohe/ Barcelona, Institut francais d’architecture/ Paris, Nederlands Architectuurinstituut/ Rotterdam, RIBA/ London, Triennale di Milano/ Milan.
Prize Advisory Committee
arc en reve centre d’architecture/ Bordeaux, Architecture Foundation/ London, Architekturzentrum Wien/ Vienna, Arkkitehtuurimuseo/ Helsinki, Arkitekturmuseet/ Stockholm, CIVA/ Brussels, Dansk Arkitektur Center/ Copenhagen, DESSA/ Ljubljana, Deutsches Architekturmuseum/ Frankfurt, Fundacio Mies van der Rohe/ Barcelona, Institut francais d’architecture/ Paris, Nasjonalmuseet for Kunst, Arkitektur og Design/ Oslo, Nederlands Architectuurinstituut/ Rotterdam, RIBA/ London, Triennale di Milano/ Milan.
Yannis Aesopos, Felix Arranz, Tom Avermaete, Balint Bachmann, Ursula Baus, Dominique Boudet, Marco Brizzi, Konrad Buhagiar, Matevz Celik, Pierre Chabard, Francois Chaslin, Sarah Cremin, Marc Dubois
Andrzej Duda, Lukas Feireiss, Jorge Figueira, Manuel Gausa, Stefan Ghenciulescu, Christina Grawe, Joseph Grima, Gonzalo Herrero Delicado, Hans Ibelings, Anne Isopp, Boris Brorman Jensen
Luzlim Kabashi, Omer Kanipak, Audrys Karalius, Martin Keiding, Robert Konieczny, Vlatko P. Korobar, Igor Kovacevic, Ivan Kucina, Alexandre Labasse, Tomas Lauri, Mari Lending, Maciej Milobedzki, Maroje Mrduljaš, Jorma Mukala, Christine Murray, Triin Ojari, Osamu Okamura, Arjen Oosterman, Shane O’Toole, Suha Ozkan, Petros Phokaides, Luigi Prestinenza, Sixten Rahlff, Tatjana Rajic, Kristien Ring, Arno Ritter, Marina Romero, Roman Rutkowski, Giampiero Sanguigni, Carole Schmit, Georgi Stanishev, Lina Stergiou, Grzegorz Stiasny, Maria Topolcanska, Elsa Turkusic, Roemer van Toorn, Joao Vieira Caldas, Vesna Vučinić, Ellis Woodman, Artis Zvirgzdņš.
Architects Council of Europe (ACE) Members
AAA, Shoqata e Arkitekteve te Shqiperise, Albania
BAIK, Bundeskammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten, Austria
FAB, Koninklijke Federatie van de Architectenverenigingen van Belgie, Belgium
CNOA, Conseil National de l’Ordre des Architectes, Belgium
Asocijacija Arhitekata u Bosni u Hercegovini, Bosnia and Herzegovina
САБ, Съюз на архитектите в България, Bulgaria
КАБ, Камарата на архитектите в България, Bulgaria
UHA, Udruženje Hrvatskih Arhitekata, Croatia
Σύλλογος Αρχιτεκτόνων Κύπρου, Cyprus
ČKA, Česká komora architektů, Czech Republic
AA Akademisk Arkitektforening, Denmark
Danske Arkitektvirksomheder, Denmark
EAL, Eesti Arhitektide Liit, Estonia
SAFA, Suomen Arkkitehtiliitto Finlands Arkitektförbund, Finland
UNSFA, Union Nationale des Syndicats Français d’Architectes, France
CIAF, Conseil International des Architectes Français, France
Syndicat de l’Architecture, France
CNOA, Conseil National de l’Ordre des Architectes, France
AAM, АсоцијацијанаархитектинаМакедонија, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
VFA, Vereinigung Freischaffender Architekten Deutschlands, Germany
BdB, Bund Deutscher Baumeister, Architekten und Ingenieure, Germany
BDA, Bund Deutscher Architekten, Germany
BAK, Bundesarchitektenkammer, Germany
TEE, Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδας, Greece
Σ.Α.Δ.Α.Σ. - Π.Ε.Α., Συλλογοσ Αρχιτεκτονων Διπλωματουχων Ανωτατων Σχολων - Πανελληνια Ενωση
Αρχιτεκτονων, Greece
MEK, Magyar Epitesz Kamara, Hungary
RIAI, Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland, Ireland
CNAPPC, Consiglio Nazionale Degli Architetti, Planificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori, Italy
LAS, Latvijas Arhitektu savienības, Latvia
LAS, Lietuvos architektų sąjunga, Lithuania
OAI, Ordre des Architectes et des Ingenieurs-Conseils, Luxembourg
KTP, Kamra tal-Periti, Malta
Arkitektbedriftene i Norge, Norway
NAL, Norske arkitekters landsforbunds, Norway
IARP, Izba Architektow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Poland
Stowarzyszenie Architektow Polskich, Poland
Ordem dos Arquitectos, Portugal
OAR, Ordinul Arhitecților din Romania, Romania
SKA, Slovenska komora architektov, Slovakia
ZAPS, Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije, Slovenia
CSCAE, Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de Espana, Spain
SAR, Svenska Arkitekters Riksforbund, Sweden
BNA, Bond van Nederlandse Architecten, The Netherlands
Bureau Architectenregister, The Netherlands
TMMOB Mimarlar Odası, Turkey
ARB, Architect’s Registration Board, United Kingdom
RIBA, Royal Institute of British Architects, United Kingdom
Other European Architects Associations
Arkitektafelag Islands, Iceland
Liechtensteinische Ingenieur-und Architektenvereinigung, Liechtenstein
Union of Serbian Architects, Serbia
Association of Architects of Montenegro
Fundació Mies van der Rohe
DirectorGiovanna Carnevali
Breaking New Ground CoordinatorIvan Blasi
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture/Mies van der Rohe Award 2013
Coordinator and curator Diane Gray
Prize Technical Team and exhibition coordinationAnna Bes, Meritxell Cuspinera, Jordi Garcia
CollaboratorsNuria Benages, Ivan Blasi, Houda El Bakkali, Anouk Manuel, Raul Martinez, Alejandro Raya
CommunicationAnna Giro, ICE - Imagen y Comunicacion Empresarial, Mercedes Soler-Lluro, Ines Soler-Lluro, Gemma Pascual
Prize Administration TeamLaura Arenas, Manager, Arnau Cabeza, Clara Moreno, Victor Sanchez
Model maintenanceAdria Maynes
Graphic DesignDavid Lorente.
ProductionDolors Soriano
Printingmaud, inditec
- First Jury meeting and 2013 selected projects: Nihao Films
- Jury visits the 5 finalists and interviews: Ariadna Ribas/Director, Pol Galofre/Production manager, Uri Valverde,/Cinematographer, Julia Benach & Anna Rajadell/Sound design, Carla Ramis/Editor-FX, Gracia Camps & Carlotta Schiavon/ Production assistant, Adria Mayol, Albert Segarra & Paco Ferrari/Cameras, Sandra Formatger/Gaffer, Aleix Lopez/Camera assistant.
in collaboration with ESCAC
The exhibition material for the projects has been provided by the architects. We want to thank all the architects’ offices for the donations of the models and all the staff for their valuable collaboration.
All rights reserved © Fundacio Mies van der Rohe, Barcelona, 2013.
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