


Submitted by: Peru

/ 6th Secure Trade in APEC Region Conference
Lima, Peru20-21 August 2008


Sixth ‘Secure Trade in the APEC Region's Conference (STAR VI)

“Security and Vulnerabilities of the Global Supply Chain”

Day 1 – Wednesday 20 August 2008

08:30 – 09:30Registration

09:30 – 10:30Opening and Plenary Session

Welcome remarks from host –Vice-Admiral (r)Luis Giampetri, Vice-president of Peruand President of the Extraordinary High Level Commission APEC 2008

Opening remarks - Overview of Secure Trade in the APEC Region–Ambassador Juan Carlos Capuñay, APEC Executive Director

Outcome of STAR V Conference in Sydney 2007 - Mr. Quinton Devlin, Director, Reform Ecotech and Human Security, APEC Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Introduction of sessions and context setting by guest speaker - David A. Menachof, Ph.D., Sr. Lecturer in International Logistics, Cass Business School, City University (London)

10:30 – 11:00Morning Coffee

11:00 – 13:00Cross-cutting theme - “Supply Chain Security Challenges Faced Within APEC Region”

Sessions 1, 2 and 3 will outline the current status of initiatives for the development of secure trade programs and practices.

Session 1: “New and Emerging Threats and Vulnerabilities of Supply Chain Security: A Risk-based Approach”

Presenter: Mr. Samuel Banks, Executive Vicepresident, Sandlers & Travis Trade Advisory Services, Inc.

Session 2: “Current Approaches Towards Supply Chain Security: Harmonization of Measures and Mutual Recognition of Standards and Practices”

Presenter: Mrs. Mayra Hernandez, International President, Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC)

13:00 – 15:00Lunch (free)

15:00 – 17:00Session 3: “Responding to a Disruption to the Global Supply Chain: Facilitating Trade Recovery”

Presenter: Mr. Gregory Goh, Senior Assistant Director (Security Policy) International Relations and Security Division, Ministry of Transport Singapore

Cross-cutting theme - “Implementation of Supply Chain Security Measures”

Sessions 4,5and 6will review strategies for the implementation of secure trade programs and practices.

Session 4: “Facilitation of Information Exchange: The Need to Work Collaboratively”

Presenter: Ms. Marie Sassine, Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Safety & Security, Transport Canada

Day 2 – Thursday 21 August 2008

08:30 – 10:30Session 5: “Technological Solutions: Towards a Convergence of Technology?”

Presenter: Mr. John Hooper, Director EU and Latin America, American Science & Engineering, Inc.

Session 6: “The Human Factor: Shaping Mindsets and Developing a Security Culture Amongst Staff”

Presenter: Mr. Carlos E. Ochoa, Program Manager, C-TPAT, Office of Field Operations/C-TPAT, U.S. Customs and Border Protection

10:30 – 11:00Morning Coffee

11:00 – 13:00Cross-cutting theme - “Partnering of Government & Private Sector in Supply Chain Security”

Sessions 7, 8, 9 and 10 will provide an opportunity for the private sector to showcase developments and progress relevant to secure trade programs and practices.

Session 7: “Regional Capacity Building: The Role of International Cooperation”(separate streams)

Stream 1:

Maritime transport

Presenters: Ms. Brenda V. Pimentel, Regional Co-ordinator, IMO Regional Presence for Technical Co-operation in East Asia, and Mr. Cyrus Mody, International Maritime Bureau (IMB)

Stream 2:

Air transport

Ms. Cindy Farkus, Assosciate Administrator, Office of Global Strategies, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and Mr. Graham A. Lockwood, Programme Coordinator, Cooperative Aviation Security Programme - Asia Pacific, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Session 8: “Collective Efforts of the User Community and Logistics Service Providers: A Case for Air and Sea Hubs?”(separate streams)

Stream 1:

Maritime transport

Presenters: Mr. John Kok, General Manager, CSI, Hutchinson Port Holdings, and

Stream 2:

Air transport

Mr. John Edwards, Head of Cargo Security, IDFS Cargo, International Air Transport Association (IATA)

13:00 – 15:00Lunch (free)

15:00 – 17:00Session 9: “Airport and Seaport Privatisations: Programs to Co-ordinate Security Efforts”

Stream 1:

Maritime transport

Presenters: Mr. Eduardo Chappuis, Project Manager, DP World Callao, and

Stream 2:

Air transport

Mr. Victor Rocha, Central Manager Operations, Aeropuertos del Perú

Session 10: “Costs and benefits of Investing in Supply Chain Security Measures: Case Studies of Successful Experiences by Private Sector”

Stream 1:

Maritime transport

Presenters: Mr. Khac Le Ngo, Legal Manager, The Transport and Chartering Corporation (Vietfracht), andMrs. Mayra Hernandez, International President, Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC)

Stream 2:

Air transport

Mr. Jorge Checa, Vice-President Agrícola Athos, Mr. Daryl Strong, Head of Air Transportation, Oracle Corporation, and Mr. James Collett, General Manager of Aviation Security Operations, Australia's Office of Transport Security (OTS).

17:00 – 17:30Afternoon coffee

17:30 – 18:30Plenary wrap-up and closing

(Stream Facilitators’ reports to Plenary)

Closing remarks - Ambassador Park Sang-ki,Chair, Counter-Terrorism Task Force

This wrap-up session will review the preceding sessions and map a way forward for the STAR conference. This session will form the basis for the subsequent report to the closing Plenary.

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