Panama City, Panama March 21-26, 2010
The CIP: The Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS) has the objective to serve as a permanent Inter-American forum of the Member States of the Organization, for the strengthening of hemispheric cooperation in the area of port sector development, with the active cooperation and participation of the private sector. To accomplish these objectives, the CIP holds regular meetings every two years and can call for special meetings and specialized conferences.
The CIP’s main functions are: to serve as the principal advisory organ of the Organization and its Member States in all topics concerning the development of the port sector; to propose and promote hemispheric cooperation policies in port sector development, in accordance with the guidelines from the General Assembly and CIDI, as well as from the Summits of the Americas; to facilitate and promote the development and improvement of port sector activities in the hemisphere; to promote the adoption of cooperation agreements pertaining to the port sector among the governments of Member States and the Observer States before the OAS; to gather and disseminate information related to port sector activities in the Member States; to generate, analyze, propose and adopt programs, projects and activities on port sector matters, among others.
The Committee holds regular meetings every two years, having done so in five occasions: Guatemala, Guatemala (1999); San Jose, Costa Rica (2001); Merida, Mexico (2003); Maracaibo, Venezuela (2005); and Salvador, Brazil (2007); and a special meeting held in Algeciras, Spain (2006).
The main objectives of the Sixth CIP Meeting are to evaluate the fulfillment of the resolutions and mandates approved in its Fifth Meeting (Brazil, 2007); establish the necessary policies for the fulfillment of the 2010-2011 CIP Work Plan; elect the members and authorities of the Executive Board for 2010-2011; establish and integrate the Subcommittees of the Executive Board as well as the Technical Advisory Groups for 2010-2011; approve the CIP budget for 2010-2011, among others. The CIP Meeting will be held from March 21-24, 2010.
The meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports is open for the participation of representatives and advisors of the OAS Member States, Observer States, international, national, and regional organizations, associate members of the Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) and guests.
2. The Executive Board of the CIP (CECIP): is the organ responsible for executing the Committee's policies and resolutions. The Executive Board holds regular and special meetings and is comprised of representatives from 15 Member States, elected for a two year period.
The CECIP has held regular meetings in 10 occasions in: Buenos Aires, Argentina (1999); Bridgetown, Barbados (2000); Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (2001); Montevideo, Uruguay (2002); Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela (2003); Managua, Nicaragua (2004); Houston, Texas, United States (2005); Guayaquil, Ecuador (2006); Lima, Peru (2007); Buenos Aires, Argentina (2009); and a special meeting held in Puerto la Cruz, Venezuela (2006).
The main objectives of the Eleventh CECIP Meeting are to evaluate the fulfillment of the 2009 work plans; approve work plans for the new Subcommittees of the Executive Board established for 2010-2011; approve a place and date for the next CECIP meetings, among others. The CECIP Meeting will take place from March 24-26, 2010.
In order to facilitate the execution of the CECIP Work Plan, the Executive Board has twelve (12) Subcommittees:
(i) Subcommittee on Policy and Coordination, chaired by Mexico and integrated by: Barbados (Vice-Chair) El Salvador, United States and Uruguay; (ii) Subcommittee on Cargo Services, chaired by Brazil and integrated by: Barbados, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico (Vice-Chair), Nicaragua, Peru, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela; (iii) Subcommittee on Vessel Services, chaired by Argentina and integrated by: Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Jamaica (Vice-Chair), Mexico and Venezuela; (iv) Subcommittee on Port Security, chaired by the United States and integrated by: Argentina (Vice-Chair), Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela; (v) Subcommittee on Environmental Port Protection, chaired by Venezuela and integrated by: Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama (Vice-Chair), Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay; (vi) Subcommittee on Port Investments, chaired by El Salvador and integrated by: Bahamas (Vice-Chair), Brazil, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico and Venezuela; (vii) Subcommittee on Port Legislation, chaired by Panama and integrated by: Argentina (Vice-Chair), Barbados, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela; (viii) Subcommittee on Port Planning and Management, chaired by Chile and integrated by: Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay (Vice-Chair); (ix) Subcommittee on Statistics, Costs and Tariffs, chaired by Peru and integrated by: Argentina, Barbados, Chile (Vice-Chair), Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela; (x) Subcommittee on Port Development for Cruise Ships, chaired by Barbados and integrated by: Argentina, Bahamas, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua and Trinidad and Tobago; (xi) Subcommittee on the Participation of Women in Port Affairs of the Hemisphere, chaired by the Dominican Republic and integrated by: Argentina, Bahamas, Ecuador (Vice-Chair), El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela; (xii) Subcommittee on River and Lake Ports, chaired by Paraguay and integrated by: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia (Vice-Chair), Peru and Uruguay.
The Executive Board and Subcommittee meetings are open for the participation of representatives and advisors of the OAS Member States, Observer States, international, national, and regional organizations, associate members of the TAGs and guests.
3. The Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) are advisory groups of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP), whose primary objective is to provide technical advice to the Committee on specific aspects of hemispheric port sector development. There are currently four TAGs:
(i) TAG on Logistics and Competitiveness, chaired by Mexico and integrated by: Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Peru, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. Associate Members: Asociación de Despachante de Aduana (Uruguay); Asociación de Terminales y Operadores Portuarios A.C. (Mexico); Compañía Marítima del Pacifico (Mexico); Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company (United States); Halcrow Inc. (United States); Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Marítimo- INDESMAR (Peru); Internacional de Contenedores Asociados de Veracruz- ICAVE (Mexico, Vice-Chair); OCUPA S.A. de C.V. (Mexico); Port of Miami (United States); Terminal Internacional del Sur S.A.-TISUR (Peru).
(ii) TAG on Port Security, chaired by the United States and integrated by: Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
(iii) TAG on Navigation Safety, chaired by Argentina and integrated by: Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Jamaica, Mexico and Venezuela. Associate Members: Consorcio de Gestión del Puerto de Bahía Blanca (Argentina, Vice-Chair); Kongsberg Norcontrol IT AS (United States).
(iv) TAG on Environmental Port Protection, chaired by Venezuela and integrated by: Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay. Associate Members: La Administración de los Puertos de Paranaguá y Antonina (APPA) (Brazil); Ocean Pollution Control (Panama, Vice-Chair).
The four TAGs will hold their meetings on Sunday, March 21, 2010, during the morning.
The Technical Advisory Group meetings are open for the participation of representatives and advisors of the OAS Member States, Observer States, international, national, and regional organizations, associate members of the TAGs and guests.
4. Place and date of the meetings: They will take place from Sunday 21 to Friday 26 of March, 2010 at Hotel El Panamá, Panama City, Panama. Telephones: +507 215-9443/9445, Fax: +507 269-3309.
5. Draft agenda and rules of procedure of the meetings: The draft agendas for the meetings of the Committee and Executive Board were prepared by the Office of the Chair of the Executive Board, in coordination with the Host Country, and the CIP Secretariat. CIP Rules and Procedures will govern the meetings.
6. National Coordination:
María Isabel Spiegel de Miró
Secretary General
Autoridad Marítima de Panamá
Albrook, Edificio PanCanal Plaza.
Apartado Postal 0843-0533, Balboa, Ancón, Panamá
Tel: (507) 501-5111; Fax: (507) 501-5407
E-mail: Migdalia Jaen (Executive Assistant)
7. Secretariat of the Meeting:
Carlos M. Gallegos
Executive Secretary
Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP)
Organization of American States (OAS)
1889 F. Street, N.W., Office 695
Washington, D.C., 20006, United States
Telephone: (202) 458-3871; Fax: (202) 458-3517
8. Participants: Representatives of the OAS Member States and Observer States, international organizations and guests interested in industrial and commercial topics, academia, and the public and private sectors.
9. Registration of participants:
Representatives of Member States and Observer States before the OAS should register by note of accreditation from their Chancellery addressed to the Secretariat of the CIP/OAS. Their registration is free. In addition, they can also register at the site of the meetings beginning at 08:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 21, 2010. In addition, every representative must fill out the attached registration form.
Representatives of international organizations should register by a note of accreditation from their organization addressed to the Secretariat of the CIP/OAS. They can also register at the site of the meetings beginning at 08:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 21, 2010. In addition, every representative must fill out the attached registration form.
Special guests are representatives of the institutions that have signed cooperation agreements with the OAS, and associate members of the Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) that are up to date with their annual contributions, as well as speakers, sponsors and other individuals that will support the meetings. Their registration must be completed by sending a written or electronic communication, in response to the invitation sent by the Secretariat of the CIP/OAS. Their registration is free. Special guests can register until Thursday, March 18, 2010. In addition, every guest must fill out the attached registration form.
Guests are individuals who do not qualify in the above noted categories but have a special interest in participating in the meetings, and have the right to attend all the social and technical activities. Their registration must be completed by filling out the attached registration form and sending it to the indicated recipient, by fax or email. Additionally, these individuals must pay a registration fee (through a bank transfer) of US $ 425 per person before March 5, 2010. Subsequently, registrations can also be completed at the site of the meetings for a registration fee of US $ 475 per person (cash only) beginning at 08:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 21, 2010. Please take note of the forms of payment indicated in the registration form. In addition, every guest must fill out the attached registration form.
10. Languages: Simultaneous interpretation services into Spanish and English will be provided.
11. Hotel: Preferential rates have been negotiated in the following hotels. However, accommodations at the hotel hosting the meetings are recommended.
Hotel / Room / Floor / Preferential Rates* / RegularRates
Individual / Double / Individual / Double
Hotel El Panamá
(Hotel venue)
Person to contact: Alice L. Duque
Address: Vía España y Vía Venetto
Tel: +507 215-9443/45 Fax: +507 269-3309 E-mail: / Standard / Regular / 148.5 / 170.5 / 264.0 / 286.0
Executive / 187.0 / 209.0 / 275.0 / 295.0
Deluxe / 198.0 / 220.0 / 301.0 / 330.0
Junior Suite / Regular / 187.0 / 209.0 / 302.5 / 324.5
Executive / 225.0 / 247.5 / 310.0 / 330.0
Deluxe / 236.5 / 258.5 / 345.0 / 365.0
Suite / Regular / 264.0 / 286.0 / 379.5 / 401.5
Deluxe / 313.5 / 335.5 / 500.0 / 520.0
Please take in mind that the rates are applicable from March 19-27, 2010, and that both rates include a 10% tax and breakfast- buffet
*The deadline to carry out reservations with the preferential rates is Monday, February 22, 2010
Hotel / Floor / Preferential Rates* / Regular Rates(US$)
Individual / Double / Individual / Double
Hotel Granada
Person to contact: Hazel McDonald
Address: Calle Eusebio A. Morales y Vía España
Tel: +507 366-7780 Fax: +507 204-4474
E-mail: / Standard / 88.0 / 99.0 / 110.0 / 121.0
Hotel Continental
Person to contact: Hazel McDonald
Address: Vía España y Calle Ricardo Arias
Tel: +507 366-7977 Fax: +507 204-4474
E-mail: / Superior Floor / 148.5 / 165.0 / 159.5 / 176.0
Please take in mind that the rates are applicable from March 19-27, 2010, and that both rates include a 10% tax and breakfast- buffet
*The deadline to carry out reservations with the preferential rates is Monday, February 15, 2010
Hotel Reservations. It is recommended that you make all reservations through the contact person identified above. To obtain special rates, make reservations before the mentioned dates and state your participation in the CIP and CECIP/ OAS Meetings in Panama City, Panama. Regular rates will be applied after the deadline.
12. Communications: International calls and fax services will be available at the user’s expense at the hotel.
13. Arrival into the country: All foreigners must carry a valid passport upon entry to Panama. Please consult the Consulate or Embassy in your country if a visa is required.
14. Currency and exchange rate: The local currency is the Balboa (1 balboa = 100 cents). However, the currency used is the US dollar, with an exchange rate of 1 Balboa = US. $ 0, 99 on December 7, 2009. Currency exchange can be processed without restrictions at the airport, banks, and hotels.
15. Travel arrangements: Participants’ travel expenses are responsibility of their governments, organizations, or the participant, as the case may be.
16. Airport: It is recommended to arrive at Tocumen International Airport, Panama City, Panama.
17. Customs: Every participant must be cleared by customs at the first point of entry into the country.
18. Climate: The temperature in March ranges between 26º and 28º C (78º and 82º F).