Sixth-Grade Humanities

Pacific Cascade Middle School

Mrs. Kathryn Skalak



Dear Students and Families:

Welcome to Pacific Cascade Middle School! Your first days and weeks will be filled with renewing old friendships and making new friends with 6th graders from other elementary schools. You may be concerned about lockers, lunches, and bathroom locations, but I will help you in any way I can to make these adjustments easier. You’ll also be asked to adjust to a new and challenging curriculum right off the bat! Again, I’ll do everything I can to make these academic challenges fun and rewarding. Please read and discuss this letter together so that my expectations are fully understood.

Course Description

Here is a general timeline that will guide our studies throughout the year:

First Trimester

Social Studies:Ancient Civilizations Textbook:5 Themes of Geography,

and Pre-History

Language Arts:Literature Textbook: Six Traits, Vocabulary and Spelling,

Parts of speech,

Writing: Memoir

Reading:Independent Reading, and Read aloudFreak the

Mighty by Rodman Philbrick

Second Trimester

Social Studies:Ancient Civilizations Textbook:Rise of Civilizations and

Ancient Egypt

Language Arts:Literature Textbook: Continue daily writing practice,

vocabulary, grammar andspelling,

Writing: Expository response to a prompt, and short

research paper

Reading:Independent Reading, classroom novel The Giver

by Lois Lowry

Third Trimester

Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations Textbook:Ancient Greece and

Ancient Rome

Language Arts:Literature Textbook: Continue daily writing practice

vocabulary, grammar and spelling

Writing: Persuasive writing and poetry project

Reading:Independent Reading, classroom novel

The Thieves of Ostia by Caroline Lawrence


Being prepared is essential to a successful year. This area of organization may be very challenging to somesixth graders. If you are forgetful you may leave extras with me to put in a cupboard for your later use. By September 8, you should have:

  • Three-ring binder with sectionsdedicated to LA and SS
  • Journal (non-spiral)that you will need every day (A lab book is fine, or you may wish to find something more formal.)
  • Plenty of loose leaf notebook paper – replenished each week
  • Pens (black or blue only please – no gel pens) and pencils
  • Flash Drive (labeled with name and named electronically)
  • Zipper pocket or some place to keep ASB card and flash drive available daily

Each day you will need to bring your binder, PCMS Planner,(or some form of tracking assignments other than loose papers), journal, textbooks, flash drive, Independent Reading Book (we’ll visit the library the first full week of school), writing implements, and any assigned homework.

General Classroom Expectations and Homework

My three classroom expectations are:

  • Show Respect
  • Students respect themselves, their peers, staff and the school
  • Make Good Decisions
  • Students take responsibility for their behavior and their learning.
  • Solve Problems
  • Be prepared with materials on hand, and be a problem solver!

We will take time to write assignments in your planners daily. Each student has a standing nightly homework assignment to read his/her novel for 20 minutes. I will assign additional homework several nights a week that should not take more than 30 minutes to complete. (I try to give time in class to begin short homework assignments.) Long-term assignments and projects should be checked each day for progress. Please check the homework calendar on my website if you forget to write down your assignment. Have the phone numbers or e-mails of at least two study buddies at home so you can call them for help if you can’t get online.

Communication between home and school is vital!

If you have any questions, please feel free to:

  • E-mail me at
  • Check my webpage:
  • Call me at 425-837-5932– I do not answer during class but will check messages and return your call within 24 hours
  • I am also available for short conferences before or after school by appointment.
  • I look forward to meeting you at Curriculum Night,September 28, 2010.

Please sign and return to Mrs. Skalak byTuesday, September 7, 2010. (Worth 5 points if turned in on time.)

We acknowledge that we have read and understand Mrs. Skalak’s expectations and contact information.


Student Name – Please print


Student SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian Signature

E-mail address and/or phone

Any additional information you would like me to know about your student: