Supply List 2016-2017
Humanities Core with Andrea Gough
These supplies are highly recommended for English and History. Please have your supplies at school on or before Monday, August 29. Keep in mind that some supplies will need to be replenished regularly. Please let me know privately if you are unable to acquire these supplies, for any reason.
These are supplies you need to have with you in class EACH DAY.
q A just-right reading book -- that you have not read, yet
q Enough binder paper to meet your needs
q Preferred: One top-loading clasp folder for CORE (plastic recommended) This folder should be able to be closed with some kind of string or elastic closure, so that the large number of handouts I distribute do not get lost. Alternately: If your student is already organized with a binder for all subjects, then make sure he/she has TWO plastic 3-ring pocket folders in that binder – one for ELA one for Social Studies.
q One “Composition” notebook for History
q One 3 subject spiral notebook for ELA, with perforated pages for tearing out if needed
q One bag or box (or a gallon Ziplock), labeled with full name and containing the following:
o One box of eight colored pencils
o One hand-held pencil sharpener (not electric/battery operated)
o Two highlighters (one pink, one yellow)
o One glue stick (not liquid glue sticks)
o Several dark blue or black ballpoint pens (You will write in pen this year!)
o Pencil and eraser
o One extra-fine tip black sharpie
o Scissors (optional, but very helpful)
For your in-class PORTFOLIO you will need:
q One 2½” binder with a clear plastic sheath on front (for making a personalized cover) – if you cannot find a 2½ inch binder, look for a 2 inch not a 3 inch, please
q 12 write-on binder dividers
q Use of an email address for sending files and research information to and from school You must know all necessary usernames and passwords.
The classroom community always APPRECIATES:
q Kleenex (We go through a LOT of tissue!)
q Unscented baby wipes for cleaning grubby desktops and hands, as we don’t have a sink…
q New, or gently-used, age-appropriate books