Madison Middle Prep

Dr. Brian J. Mells, Executive Principal

Myra H. Taylor, Transitions Academy Principal

Andre R. Warren, Continuity Academy Principal

Faculty and Staff Guidelines

2017 - 2018

School Mascot: Ram

Statements of Purpose 5

School’s Mission Statement 5

Belief Statements 5

Section 1 – District Policy 6-7

Section 2 – Safety and Security 8

Arrival and Dismissal Plan 8-9

Fire Drill Plan 10-11

Weather Drill Plan 12-13

Lockdown Plan 14

Section 3 – General Information 15

MNPS District Calendar 16-17

Character Education 18-19

Faculty List 2017 - 2018 20

Testing Dates 2017 - 2018…………………………………………………………21-22

Faculty Meeting Dates 23

Organizational Chart 24

Request for Leave and Field Trip Forms Procedures 25-26

MNPS Elementary Substitute Folder 27-38

Substitute Teacher Appraisal 39

Testing Dates 217-2018……………………………………………………………….40


Absence of Teachers, Classified Staff and Custodians 41

Accident or Job-Related Injury 41

Announcements 41

Art Education 41

Arrival of Students 41

Arrival of Teachers 42

Attendance Recording Procedures 42

Behavior in Hallways 43

Bookroom 43

Bullying 43

Cafeteria 43

Cell Phone Use by Employees 44

Child Abuse Investigations 44

Classroom Cleanliness 45

Classroom Management 45

Classroom Celebrations 46

Communication with Parents 47

Copier Access 47

Corporal Punishment 47

Cumulative Records 47

Custodial Services 47

Discipline of Students and the Office 47

Dismissal of Students 48

Dress Code 48

Duty-Free Lunch 48

Early Student Dismissal 49

Emergency Procedures 49

Field Trips 49

Funds for Teachers 49

Fund Raising 50

Grade Books 50

Homework 50

Illness of Students 50

Inclement Weather Absences or Tardiness 51

Leadership Opportunities and Grade Level Chairpersons 51

Leaving the Building 52

Leaving School Grounds with a Child 52

Long Range Planning 52

Library 52

Mailboxes 52

Medication Form 52

Money Collected from Students 53

Monitoring of Electronic Mail Communications 53

Music Education 54

Payroll 54

Physical Education 54

Recess 55

Record Keeping 55

Report Cards 55

Restroom Breaks 55

S-Team Process 56

School Counselor 56

Substitute Folders 57

Sunshine Committee 57

Supervision of Students 57

Tardiness of Students 57

Tardiness of Teacher 57

Telephones and Voice Mail 58

Textbooks 58

Time on Task 58

Use of Television and Videotapes 58

Withholding Records for Money Owed 59

Section 5 Forms 59

Bus Disciplinary Referral 60

Cum Record Dive 61

Room Repair Form 63


MNPS Field Trip Request Form 65

Minutes of Committee Meetings 67

Minutes of Grade Level Planning Meetings 68

Inclement Weather - CLASSROOM DISMISSAL LOG 69

Inclement Weather Information Card - Pre K-12 70

Parent Communication Log 73



Student Accident Form 75

Awards 77

Transportation –REQUEST FOR Alternate Afternoon Transportation 78


TRANSPORTATION - Extended Day / Tutorial Program Transportation Permission Slip 80

TRANSPORTATION - Extended Day / Tutorial Program Transportation List 80

TRANSPORTATION - Bus Rules for Students 82

Signature Page 85

Statements of Purpose

District Vision

Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools will be the fastest-improving urban school system in America, ensuring that every student becomes a life-long learner prepared for success in college, career, and life.

District Mission

We deliver a great public education to every student, every day.

Core Values

Whole learner, literacy, excellence, relevance, innovation, talent, collaboration, equity, and diversity.

School’s Vision Statement

The vision of Madison Middle Prep is to nurture our students to develop interpersonal skills through collective accountability in a safe and rigorous academic environment with community engagement and support.

School’s Mission Statement

The mission of Madison Middle Prep is to create a collaborative community of resilient role models and self-respecting scholars.

Belief Statements

At Madison Middle Prep we believe:

·  We believe all children can learn when provided with research-based, high quality, differentiated instruction.

·  We believe our children should have a safe, engaging, organized, stable environment with consistent expectations.

·  We believe instructional interactions should be positive, meaningful and meant to meet the diverse needs of each child.

·  We believe assessments should be data driven and be used to improve, individualize and guide instruction.

·  We believe we need to support our students by providing a safe environment with before, during and after school resources to assist a struggling child.

·  We believe in effective communication and collaboration with all stakeholders to build a sense of trust and a climate where people want to be involved.

We believe decisions should be made with knowledge of a problem, how it relates to our policies and procedures, and then align our plan of action with our mission, beliefs and vision.

Section 1 – District Policy

The following is a list of policies to review:

ADA Compliance

Acceptable Use of Electronic Media and Telecommunications Networks


BEP and New Teacher Money

Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation

Cell Phone Policy

Child Abuse and Neglect

Dress Code Policy

Employee Harassment

Field Trips

Grading Procedures K-12

Inclement Weather

Law Enforcement

Occupational Injury

Parent Involvement

Private Practitioner

Promotion/Retention/Accelerated (K-12)

Student/School Health Services

Student Records

Teacher Resource Materials

Use of Media and Computer Guidelines

Volunteers and Visitors in Schools


Section 2 – Safety and Security

Arrival and Dismissal Plan

Arrival Plan:

All students will enter the front entrance by the front office. (Bus/Car riders and walkers)

Arrival of Students

·  Students may enter the school building through the front entrance at 8:00a.m.

·  Breakfast is from 8:00a.m. 8:15a.m.

·  Students are able to go to classrooms at 8:00a.m.

·  All teachers must be in their classrooms by receive the students.

Arrival of Teachers

·  The teacher’s work day is 8.16 hours in length. (With the exception of extended day.) All teachers are expected to be in their classrooms at 7:55 a.m.

·  Team leaders will call the office if a neighboring teacher is not in their classroom at 8:00a.m. This is to ensure that all classrooms are covered.

·  Please make sure you hear both morning and afternoon announcements.

Dismissal Plan:

Ø  Bus Line-Up completed by Campus Supervisor or Restorative Practice Assistant.

Ø  The current day’s Bus Line-Up will be texted out to the entire Instructional Leadership Team by 4:00.

Ø  Students will be dismissed by announcements, and the order is as follows:

o  8th Grade

o  7th Grade

o  5th Grade

o  6th Grade

Ø  All students must exit the building at dismissal.

Ø  Sponsors of after-school activities will greet students in the front of the building to allow re-entry.

Ø  Dismissal Locations for Instructional Leadership Team:

o  Mells – Tree in the Loop

o  Jones – Front of the buses & Car Riders Line

o  Warren – Entrance Steps

o  Taylor – Back of the Bus Loop

o  Brooks – Lobby

o  Peach & Wood – 1st Floor Break between 5th & 8th Grade

§  Location will vary based upon ‘A’ & ‘B’ schedule

o  Beasley & Roberts – 2nd Floor Break between 6th & 7th Grade

Ø  Dismissal Locations for Support Team

o  McLean – Vending Machine

o  Hight – Lobby

o  Dobbins – Lobby

o  Smith – Middle of Buses

o  Campus Supervisor #2 – Front of Buses

Madison Middle Prep

“A School on the Move”

Fire Drill Evacuation Plan 2017-2018


Hall: Front Office, Lobby, Mall Area, Food Court, Kitchen/Lunch Room

(Yellow) Exit building through the front entrance and walk to parking lot in front of playground

Hall: Gym

(Purple) Exit building through doors in the chorus and band hall (All students should proceed to exit through the back of the gym using stairwell #2)

Chorus and Band

Exit building through hallway classroom doors and walk to field by portables

Life Skills

Exit building through doors in chorus and band hall and walk to field by portables

Hall: Community Cluster Support Hall (CCS Hall)

(Orange) Exit building through front entrance and walk to parking lot in front of playground. (Classrooms 111, 112, 113,114,115, and 116)

Hall: 5th Grade Hall

(Blue) Classrooms 120, 121, and 123 exit building through stairwell #7 and walk to the lower field across the main driveway.

Classrooms 122, 124, 125, and 127 exit building through stairwell #8 and walk to the lower field across the main driveway.

Hall: 6th Grade Hall

(Green) Classrooms 220, 222, and 223 exit building through stairwell #7 and walk to lower field across the main driveway.

Classrooms 224, 225, 226, and 227 exit building through stairwell #8 and walk to grass area by cafeteria.

Hall: 7th Grade Hall

(Black) Classrooms 233, 234, 235, 236, 243, and 245 exit building through stairwell #9 and walk to grassy area between Madison and Stratton.

Classrooms 246, 247, 248, and 249 exit building through stairwell #10 and walk to lower field across the main driveway.

Hall: 8th Grade Hall

(Brown) Classrooms 133, 134, 135, 136, 143, 145, and 147 exit building through stairwell #9 and walk to grassy area between Madison and Stratton.

Classrooms 146, 148, and 149 exit building through stairwell #10 and walk to lower field across the main driveway.

Hall: Related Arts, School Support, Computer Labs (Related Arts Hall)

(Red) Classrooms 210, 211, and 212 exit through stairwell #5, walk through the Community Support Hall and exit the building through the front entrance. Walk to parking lot in front of the playground.

Classrooms 213, 214, 215, and 216 exit through stairwell #6, walk through the Community Support Hall and exit the building through the front entrance. Walk to parking lot in front of the playground.


Exit through stairwell #5 and exit through the front entrance. Walk to the parking lot in front of the playground.

* In the event there is a fire drill during lunch, students should exit through the cafeteria exterior doors and walk to field near the back parking lot.

Staff Assignments:

Staff Member / Assignment Inside / Outside
Myra Taylor / Clear 8th grade hall/ Lower Field across main driveway
Andre Warren / Clear 7th grade hall/ Grass area between MMP and Stratton
Tiffany Jones / Clear 5th grade hall/ Grass area in front of school
Campus Supervisor 2nd fl / Clear 6th grade hall/ Grass area by cafeteria
Dr. Brian Mells / School wide Monitor
Matthew Peach / Grassy area between MMP and Stratton
Larisa Dobbins / Clear the Gym/ Area by portables
Debra Smith 1st fl / Clear Band/Choir Area / Area by portables
Coach Hight / Clear Community Support Hall/ Grass area by cafeteria
Melissa Brooks / Clear Related Arts Hall/ Front of Playground
April Roberts / Area in front of school
Alex Wood / Lower field across main driveway
Teachers on Planning / Lower Field across main driveway

Madison Middle Prep

Tornado Drill 2017-2018

When the announcement is made of a weather safety drill, teachers will immediately bring students to the designated area. Students are to come out to the hallway sit down and face the wall/lockers. Please read these directions carefully as we have made some changes to this plan.


8th Grade Hall: (everyone in the 7th and 8th grade hallway)

·  All students and staff in classrooms 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, and 149 should exit their classrooms and remain in their hallway.

·  All students and staff in classrooms 133, 134, 135, and 136 should meet in the same area as the above mentioned classes (leaving their section of the hallway empty).

·  All students and staff in classrooms 233, 234, 235, 236, 243, and 245 should exit their classrooms and proceed to the first floor through stairwell #9.

·  All students and staff in classrooms 246, 247, 248, and 249 should exit their classrooms and proceed to the first floor through stairwell #10.

5th Grade Hall: (everyone in the 5th grade hallway)

·  All students and staff in classrooms 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, and 127 should exit their classrooms and remain in their hallway.

Community Cluster Support Hall: (everyone in Library, Related Arts and 6th grade hallway)

·  All students and staff in classrooms 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, and 227 should exit their classrooms, walk through the library and proceed to the first floor via stairwell #5 and walk to lower field across the main driveway.

·  All students and staff in the library should report to the Community Cluster Support hallway via stairwell #5

Gym, Chorus, and Band:

·  All student and staff in Chorus and Band should move to the locker room area

·  All students and staff in the Gym should move to the locker room area

Administrative Coverage

·  Peach will monitor Community Support hallway (6th grade/Library)

·  Warren will monitor Community Support hallway (6th grade/Library)

·  Roberts will monitor 5th grade hallway (5th graders)

·  Wood will monitor 8th grade hallway (7th and 8th grade)

·  Jones will monitor Gym

·  Brooks will monitor 5th grade hallway (5th graders)

·  Taylor and will monitor 8th grade hallway (7th and 8th grade)

·  Mells entire school monitor

ADA Students: Paraprofessionals will secure these students.

Campus supervisors and Restorative Assistants:

·  Smith 1st : (8th grade hallway) Campus 2nd : (Chorus/Band)

·  Hight: (8th grade hallway) Dobbins: (Gym)

*In the event the Tornado Drill takes place during lunch, administration will send students to the safest location nearby.

Madison Middle Prep

Lockdown Procedure 2017-2018

An Administrator will come on the P.A. system and say “Teachers, we are now on a Lockdown Drill.” At that point and time, the following should take place immediately:

·  Teachers should calmly step to theirs doors and pull all visibly identifiable students and/or faculty members into their classroom.

·  Lock your classroom door(s)

·  Cover all windows and pull all shades down

·  Pull out your Lockdown Drill folder. (Make sure you have several rosters of all classes printed in your folder)

·  Take roll, highlight all students who are absent or unaccounted for. Add the names of any student(s) and/or school personnel that you pulled into your room.