Six big math Ideas – Sample + 3 Observation Forms

Video Clip: / Sample Observation:
3’s Tangram puzzle ( sample screen shot)

In this cell please place one helpful screen shot of the quick time movies you are observing by pressing shift/apple/4 on any mac. When you press those thee keys together in that order, your mouse arrow turns into a compass-like icon on your screen and you can select with your mouse the area of the screen you wish to take a "picture" of. Once you have your selection, release the mouse and you will hear a click sound (like a shutter being released on a camera). The computer then generates a picture file on your desktop, called picture1, picture2, Then simply insert the pictures/screengrab into this word template.
For a PC hit function ( fn) and print screen (prntscn) / Write what you ‘see ‘ here in this cell. (sample observation follows)
Girl completing ‘big book’ of tangram animal puzzles in a room with no other visible children, although there is audible background noise. The puzzle book has two-page spreads, each spread has a small animal tangram shape opening with the words ‘Small [animal name],’ and a large animal tangram shape opening with the words ‘Big [animal name].’ The tangram puzzle pieces are laid out on the table in the way they should fit in the book (no reversibility). The child reads the book with the caregiver (off camera), repeating the words “Small [animal name]” and “Big [animal name].” She then starts putting the pieces in the puzzle book, using the palm of her hand to press the pieces securely in. While she is finding and putting the pieces in, she talks calling the big pieces the momma [animal’s name], and saying what they might be doing (“Mamma swan is in the water.”) She is able to find all of the puzzle pieces with little difficulty with some caregiver prompting and she completes the puzzle book.
Math Content:In the following cells describe any of the six ideas you believe this clip shows
Early Number / Classification/Categorization
Matching one for one (one piece per opening)
Putting together and taking apart (putting puzzle pieces together) / Sorting (putting puzzle pieces into their place)
Seriation/Pattern/Prediction / Pre Standardized measures/ Comparing
Recognizing size (Mama Swan, baby swan)
Alert to sequence (completes puzzle book in order) / Notices difference in Big and Small
Spatial Relations / Temporal Concepts
Use of Puzzle
Matched Shape to patterns / Followed sequence in book
Math Processes:
Mathematical Reasoning at
Pre-operational Level of Logic / Problem Solving
Understood how to match puzzle piece to opening – followed order in book – made sense of big and small to momma and baby. / Categorized big and small and momma and baby – put puzzle pieces in their place.
Mathematical Communication
and Representation / Math Connections
Followed sequence of book, talked during puzzle time and made connections. / Understood that one puzzle piece fit in to one opening

Six big math Ideas – Observation #1

Video Clip: / Observation:
Math Content:
Early Number / Classification/Categorization
Seriation/Pattern/Prediction / Pre Standardized Measures/ Comparing
Spatial Relations / Temporal Concepts
Math Processes:
Mathematical Reasoning at
Pre-operational Level of Logic / Problem Solving
Mathematical Communication
and Representation / Math Connections

Six big math Ideas – Observation #2

Video Clip: / Observation:
Math Content:
Early Number / Classification/Categorization
Seriation/Pattern/Prediction / Pre Standardized Measures/ Comparing
Spatial Relations / Temporal Concepts
Math Processes:
Mathematical Reasoning at
Pre-operational Level of Logic / Problem Solving
Mathematical Communication
and Representation / Math Connections

Six big math Ideas – Observation #3

Video Clip: / Observation:
Math Content:
Early Number / Classification/Categorization
Seriation/Pattern/Prediction / Pre Standardized Measures/ Comparing
Spatial Relations / Temporal Concepts
Math Processes:
Mathematical Reasoning at
Pre-operational Level of Logic / Problem Solving
Mathematical Communication
and Representation / Math Connections