Sherwood Habitats Strategy Group

Notes of Meeting

14th January 2016 10am – 1pm

SFT offices, Edwinstowe


Carl Cornish CC RSPB Chair

Nick Crouch NC NCC Vice Chair

Karyn Haw KH NE

Chris Jackson CJ Notts BAG

Norman Lewis NL

Mark Speck MS NWT

Andy Lowe AL NWT/Birklands Ringing Group

Ian Major IM SFT

Apologies: Janice Bradley NWT, Adrienne Bennett FC, Sarah Spurry Community Representative, John McMeeking NWT, Katie Swindley EA, Paul Tame NFU, Cathy Gillespie NCC, Jago Moles NT, Malcolm Hackett Greenwood, Ruth Tall, NE

Notes of previous meeting – Agreed.

2. Actions of the last meeting

Actions - BOM report to go to KH (CJ will forward to KH)


HLF LPS - Consultant for ecosystem services workshop to be assigned, RSPB to work with BEKI on elements. See Beki email.

KH - Query on what projects are?

CJ - Beki will speak at Notts BigBag Forum

4. SFRP Board update (CC)

Patrick Candler SFT CEO is still chair and Michael Copleston has stepped down with Rob Fitzsimmons CEO of NWT as new vice chair.

Next Board SFRP meeting is March 2016.

5. Sherwood sub-catchment partnership update (CC & MS)

Sherwood sub catchment partnership update - CC circulated Claire's email. Mark added some clarity. Please send any project ideas to Claire to include in project bank.

6. State of Sherwood Report (NC)

This formed the main element of the meeting.

Include and help set Smart targets. Can/will inform a work plan, data collection, priority sites/species.

Notes collated by NC and CC.

12. AOB

KH update on stewardship. KH working on draft report of reprioritisation of NE work by March.

Patrick Candler spoke about the Woodland Trust Tree Charter project and SFT involvement in partnership. Aspires to create a new Forest Charter for the UK. PC send links with minutes.

Date of next meetings

Thursday 14th April 2016 10am – 1pm SFT Offices, Edwinstowe

Thursday 14th July 2016 10am – 1pm SFT Offices, Edwinstowe

Thursday 13th October 2016 10am – 1pm SFT Offices, Edwinstowe