Sivells Bend I.S.D
Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Philip Marsh, Board President, called the meeting to order. Members present were as follows: Terry Harrell, Ed Johnson, Chad Martin, Mack Faries, Rodney Howell, and Jason Becker. Also present was Mr. Phil Newton, Superintendent.
A quorum was present.
Absent: none
Open: 7:40 PM
Rodney Howell led the invocation.
Ed Johnson led the Pledge to US and Texas flags.
Public representatives – None
Richard Ownby from Region XI Education Service made presentation to District for Title I, Part A Distinguished Progress from TEA Division of NCLB.
A motion was made by Ed Johnson and seconded by Jason Becker to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2010 Public Hearing. The motion passed 7 - 0.
A motion was made by Terry Harrell and seconded by Ed Johnson to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2010 Regular Meeting. The motion passed 7 - 0.
The Superintendent made a report to the Board regarding the following:
A. Enrollment at 68
B. Jim Robertson collected $314.12 in January.
C. Newspaper Articles
D. Adult meals cost for 690.75 in January and was $606.00 in February
E. Literature for Board
F. UIL Academic Summary
G. Financial Report
1 Bank Balances
2 Tax Deposits
3 Investment update including Fund Balance CD
4 Check Register
A motion was made by Ed Johnson and seconded by Mack Faries to approve the Textbook Certification Form for 2010 for titles on the approved adoption list. The motion passed 7 - 0.
A motion was made by Terry Harrell and seconded by Jason Becker to add, revise, or delete (LOCAL) policies as recommended by TASB Policy Service and according to the instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 87 without any changes. The motion passed 7 – 0
A motion was made by Mack Faries and seconded by Philip Marsh to approve the waivers to TEA for Low Attendance Days and Missed Instructional Days. The motion passed 7 – 0
A motion was made by Ed Johnson and seconded by Chad Martin to approve the 2010-2011 SBISD school calendar as presented with a start date of August 23, 2010 and with school ending on May 26, 2011. The motion passed 7 – 0
The Board tabled the purchasing of new tractor at this time.
No Action was taken to amend the 2009-2010 budget to add line item 199-51-6319-00-933-099000 Supplies for Maintenance with fund coming from fund balance.
A motion was made by Chad Martin and seconded by Ed Johnson to accept the resignation of Ann Griffin effective at the end of the current school year and the resignation of Stewart Smiley effective February 26, 2010. The motion passed 7 – 0
A motion was made by Ed Johnson and seconded by Mack Faries to issue “One-Year Term Contracts” to the following teachers for 2010 -2011: Margaret Howell, Rod Tipps, Kim Hollar, Coleen Gunter, and Fred Echenberger.
The motion passed 6 – 0 -1 Rodney Howell Abstained
A motion was made by Rodney Howell and seconded by Terry Harrell to hire Corey Whittington as a long term sub for our 5-8 Language Arts and Reading and 4-6 Social Studies at an increased sub rate of $100/day. Pay for teacher that resigned was $233/day. The motion passed 7 – 0
Personal – Teacher Contracts 2010 – 2011
A. Returning Teachers
B. Resignations
The Board went in executive session at 8:13 and out at 8:21pm
A motion was made by Ed Johnson and seconded by Mack Faries to adjourn at 8:30pm.
The motion passed 7 - 0.
Date ______
Mack Faries, Secretary Philip Marsh, President