Situational Analysis Guideline




Odisha Livelihoods Mission

Panchayati Raj Department, Government of Odisha

The National Rural Livelihoods Mission, a flagship programme of Government of India, earlier known as Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana(SGSY), is being implemented by Government of Odisha through a society known as Odisha Livelihoods Mission (OLM), registered under the Society Registration Act-1860 under the Panchayati Raj department.

The vision of OLM says that “By 2025 the rural people of Odisha live in a state of wellbeing, free from all forms of poverty and have the capacity to cope with all types of vulnerability”. Hence, the project needs to identify the target group first i.e. the poor and vulnerable households in order to ensure packages of benefits and services under the project. OLM will adopt a three-pronged strategy, which would include investment in processes to build voice (empowerment) of the rural poor and simultaneously, access to productive assets and finally provide a platform for scaling-up of livelihood activities.

As a part of its design and process, OLM will develop strategy to ensure social inclusion in order to enable the poor and marginalized to participate as equals in community based organization at the village/ Gram Panchayat level. The social inclusion process will include two steps; first to identify the left out poor/vulnerable, those who are not a part of any SHG/ other CBOs and second to ensure their participation in different community based organizations [SHGs, CLFs, GPLF etc.]. In this process, the OLM also needs to identify the extremely poor and vulnerable groups (EPVG) with particular focus on more vulnerable section like scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, particularly vulnerable tribal groups, single woman and woman headed households, disabled, landless, migrant labour, isolated communities and communities living in disturbed areas.

For this purpose OLM will adopt a community-based approach to identify and prioritize the target group. The proposed methodology for the same is called Situational Analysis (SA) which will comprise of the following exercises:

¨  Assessment of existing SHGs (Collecting SHG and member data in A2 format)

¨  Participatory identification of Poor(PIP)

o  Social mapping/ collection of Household wise information

o  Well Being Grouping

A.  Who will facilitate the Process
The block team (BMMU)1will be primarily responsible for conducting the PIP process under the
supervision of the SM and IB vertical of SMMU. However considering G.P as a unit for
conduction of PIP, the project will constitute one PIP facilitation team, who along with the
Community level Team (PIP support team) will do the PIP in the Field. Broadly the following
person will anchor the PIP process at different level.
·  State: Person anchoring social development & Social inclusion
·  District: District level CM and IB team
·  Block- Block PM along with Institution Building Coordinator
·  GP/Village- Community Professional/ Community Resource Person
However incase the district and block staff is not there, each block will identify one anchor person at block level who along with the SA facilitation team coordinates the SA process at block level. This anchor person may be the ABDO/PA of the block. Besides this the following member are the part of the SA facilitation team who will facilitate the SA process with the support of CC and CRP of other blocks and intensive blocks.
·  MBK of the concerned G.P
·  3 to five CRP-CM of the concerned G.P
·  CP-(Community Professional of the concerned G.P
B.  Activities to be Conducted

1.  Orientation Workshop:

a)  This will be the entry point activity in that GP.

b)  This Workshop will basically aim at introducing the OLM to all its stakeholders at GP level. It also sensitizes the community about the Situational Assessment as a community demand driven process and participatory in nature.

c)  The discussion in the Workshop will focus on

i.  Concept of the OLM

ii.  OLM components

iii.  How the OLM will work at village level

iv.  Need and process of Situational Analysis (SA support team and their role)

v.  Role of CRP team

vi.  Developing indicative list of indicators for well being grouping

2.  Project Communication:

a)  Discussion with Key stakeholders (ICDS Supervisors, Anganwadi Worker, PRI representatives, Opinion Leaders, GPLF & SHG members)

To aware the villagers about the situational analysis process a meeting will be conducted at Revenue village level ensuring the representative from at least 60% household prior to staring the process.

Agenda for village meeting

·  NRLM and its objective

·  Importance of the identification of poor

·  Importance of the participatory approach and involvement of all the villagers in the entire process

·  Role of the external CRP team

·  Formation of the SA support team (Ward member, PRI member, Two leaders and one poor member of the Cluster Level Forum/SHG)

·  Identification of the SA units

b)  Formation of Situational Analysis (SA) Support team and SA unit during village meeting: - In the village meeting as per the geographical location the number of SA unit where the entire SA process conducted, will be decided in consultation with the villagers. Ideally it would be convenient to take 100 to 150 households in a unit. But it may vary in some place where there is scattered habitation or situation similar to this.

A five member SA support team, including the following three categories of members to be formed at village/CLF level to assist the entire process of SA in different units. The SA support team will be formed during the village meeting.

i.  Who can be the members in the SA Support Team?

1.  One PRI representative (Ward Member/ Naib Sarpanch/ Sarpanch/ Samiti Sabhya)

2.  One Anganwadi Worker (AWW)

3.  Three active SHG members from Executive committee of Cluster level Forum (Two Office Bearers and one active SHG member; one of them must be from poor category).

ii.  Roles & responsibility of SA Support Team

1.  Responsible for mobilizing the community

2.  Support the SA Facilitation Team in conducting the SA process.


a)  The SA facilitation team will do the assessment of existing SHGs in a prescribed format (A2) to have the base data of all existing SHGs (both functional and defunct). The list of existing SHGs will be collected from the concerned AWW. From this A2 data the functional SHGs along with the default and defunct SHGs of the village will be known to constitute the rudimentary CLF. This will also help to crosscheck inclusion status and multiple membership of household in SHGs.

b)  On the next day all the five members of SA support team will be oriented on the role of CLF and process of SA like social mapping, filling up of datasheet, wellbeing grouping etc.

c)  After orientation to SA support team the remaining activities of SA will be facilitated by the SA Facilitation Team.

d)  In case there is no Rudimentary CLF formed, then an SA support team will be formed to facilitate the entire process taking any three active members either from the existing SHGs or from the villager like village volunteer including one PRI and AWW.

e)  If the existing CLF is constituted with the representation of SHGs from more than one village, then separate SA Support team will be formed for each village and in the SA support team SHG members from that particular village representing the CLF will participate.

I.  Social Mapping, Filling Up Data sheet, well-being grouping

Social mapping

i.  This helps in Identification of households in the village/hamlet, where the process will be practiced (Utmost care must be taken to confirm that all the households are identified and drawn in the map in the presence of community members)

ii.  Transect: The team should do a transect walk along with key informants to gather a general idea about the location of houses and infrastructure.

iii.  The map should be drawn with minimum interference by the facilitating team (preferably with a small group in the village/hamlet having representation from each section of the society for example male & female, different caste and class groups)

iv.  Advisable to have 1-2 key informants per 10 households who will give information about their neighboring 10 households.

v.  One person (capable of drawing the map) from the community should draw the map

vi.  Always start with an important landmark in the village/Hamlet

vii.  Be attentive and keep on confirming the map with the community.

Finalization of social Map

viii.  Use some common symbol to indicate different categories of households while preparing the final map.

ix.  The roof of the household in the social map will indicate the well being category and the base of the household are meant for the social category.

x.  Put a black circle on the top of the households who are in SHGs.

xi.  Put a Red Cross mark on the top of the household where no eligible woman member is there to be in SHG.

xii.  Put a pink circle on the top of the households to that house who are coming in to SHG fold in the process of Situational Analysis or after SA.

xiii.  Put a black star mark at the bottom of the household having PWD (people with disability) member.

xiv.  Use the following color for Well-being category

a.  Green – Well off

b.  Yellow- Manageable

c.  Sky – poor

d.  Red – EPVG

xv.  Use the following colors for Social category

Green – General

Yellow- OBC

Sky – SC

Red – ST

Purple – Minorities

xvi.  Use the following symbols for involvement in SHG

Household already in SHG- (black circle)

Household coming into SHG fold after SA- (pink circle)

Household not in SHG- No symbol.

No eligible member in the Household to be in SHG – (Red Cross mark) ×

Household having PWD member- Black star mark-

xvii.  The final map will be prepared in such a way that one can get facts and figures by seeing the map in aspects like, social category, well-being category, Membership in SHG etc. (Refer to the picture of household )

xviii.  While preparing the final social map joining different habitations, the household number will continue serially till the completion of all the habitation. For example if you are preparing the final map of three habitation of a revenue village consisting of 112, 87 and 142 households respectively, then household serial numbers will start from 1 and it will end at 341.


i.  It is a side by side activity which will be carried out with social mapping by the CRP team/CRP-CM.

ii.  While drawing the map the documenter will write the Sl. No. of each household in the Social Map. The same household no. will be maintained while filling up the datasheet. Accordingly name of the head of the household and other data as asked in the data sheet will be filled up for that particular household.

iii.  Validate household head name while using the same map during WBG.

iv.  The Facilitator will then collect the information as required to fill up the datasheet carefully without interruption from other team members.

v.  Most of the Information in datasheet will be collected during the social map and will be finalized after the Well Being Analysis is over.

vi.  Always prefer to crosscheck the information with other community members.


i.  The process will start with validation of Social Map to confirm that all the HHs are identified

ii.  The SA team will ensure that all the households in that particular SA unit should find a place in the social Map as well as in the datasheet and a card should be created for each Household bearing the name of head of the Household.

iii.  Ensure the participation of at least 2/3rd households of the village/hamlet in the process.

iv.  Try to spell out different categories with the help of the opinion of the community in terms of standard of living, sources of income, liabilities, vulnerability aspects

v.  Use some case studies if required

vi.  Use some robust indicators like house type, agricultural land/ production, livestock, income from other sources etc. and as mentioned by the community member.

vii.  Give the community some time to discuss and analyze on different categories and ask them whether such type of households are there in their village/hamlet.

viii.  Start discussion about each household using the prepared card and categorize that household in the decided category.

ix.  Don’t hurry and allow sufficient discussion on each household.

x.  Team should facilitate sufficient discussion and wherever necessary refer to the filled up datasheet and always try to triangulate with other members present.

xi.  Always encourage the representatives from neighbors of that particular household on which the discussion is going on for categorization.

xii.  This will categorize household into three categories

a.  Well Off (Bhala Chalani)

b.  Manageable (Chalaniya)

c.  Poor (Abhabi)

i.  EPVG (Nisahaya), which will be a sub-group of Poor category.

xiii.  Always keep the cards in three different piles for three major WBG categories.

xiv.  The community will be given opportunity to rethink on households categorized in a particular Well-being Group.

xv.  Always try to have a consensus on household for each category.

xvi.  Then, try to initiate the discussion on the third category i.e. Poor to categorize EPVGs.

xvii.  The documenter should always try to note down community’s view point on different Well-being category which will help in fixing the indicators in that village/hamlet. It will also give concrete evidence of categorizing household in different Well-being category.

xviii.  At last the WBG list will be finalized in the village/hamlet.

xix.  Well being indicators to be captured and recorded for each household. For example, if a household is identified as poor, list of indicators to be captured for which that household falls under that category.