Star Trek Theme Packet
Written By Mik Larsen (2013-4), Revised December 2014
0. One person known as Mr. Atoz created an annotated version of this man’s work. Heonce battled with an adversary known as Tumak, who took his name from a Skrreean character in “Sanctuary”. One combat this figure engaged in prompted him to mention that he had “more face time . . . than Darien Wallace”, referring to a frequently-seen TNG crew member. He first appeared after a description of the events of “Battle Lines” and “The Storyteller”, and one supplementary figure altered this figure’s work using a “Weyoun's Breen-to-jive universal translator”. Notable snippets of this man’s work include “A killer under cover like Anton Karidian/ Plans decimation of population like Odona down on Gideon”, and“Before he makes the star go nova,blow it up like Amorgosa/take the alpha to omega, flyin' through the sun like Dr. Reyga”. He once stepped outside his typical field to comment in verse upon Katy Perry’s cover of Jay-Z and Kanye West’s “Niggas in Paris”. He prompted a response in rhyme from Zach Handlen in May 2013, and was nominated for a 2012 Commentariat Award but lost to LeslieKnopeHeadlines. For 10 Points, name this novelty AV Club commentator who drops relevant rhymes in the persona of a supporting DS9 character.
ANSWER: Rappin’ Jake Sisko
1. One of these figures recites the 19th of A.E. Housman’s “Last Poems” and Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 after being told her talents are “Lies! ALL LIES!”. One of these named D’Nesh manipulated Commander Kelby into disabling the Enterprise's warp engines after being introduced on Harrad-Sar’s barge. Known as lodubyaln in their native language, several of these were imprisoned alongside Enterprisecrew on Verex III in the episode “Borderland”. One of them was blown up with explosives while choking on the surface of Elba II in “Whom Gods Destroy”, while another appeared in a scene preceding a hallucination of a battle with the Kaylar on Rigel VII. One named Marta served as the consort of Garth of Izar, while Vina played another under the control of the Talosians. Commodore Jose Mendez called them “vicious, seductive” and irresistible to humans in “The Menagerie”. For 10 Points, name this class of dancers and entertainers known for their sex appeal and green skin.
ANSWER: Orion Slave Girls (accept lodubyaln before mention or Orion women or clear-knowledge equivalents)
2. This group was originally under the authority of the Detapa Council. Agents of this group once sabotaged an attempt to vaporize a silithium-laden comet, and members such as Yteppa and Corbin Entek attempted to undermine support for Legate Tekeny Ghemor. One member of this group, Dejas, sabotaged the Defiant’s main emitter coupling in order to stop the launch of a wormhole relay station. One of this organization’s efforts was sabotaged by an infiltrator posing as Colonel Lovok, and its fleet was destroyed at the Battle of the Omarion Nebula, along with that of the Tal Shiar. One former leader of this group died in a Dominion prison camp after failing to destroy the Founders’ homeworld. That man, Enabran Tain, revealed before dying that he was the father of a DS9 inhabitant. For 10 Points, identify this group of which Garak was once a member, the Cardassian secret police.
ANSWER: The Obsidian Order
3. This episode includes one scene where Worf attempts to construct a wooden ship, and one sequence contains the Kumar and Talupian Maneuvers. A subplot involves a project from Wesley’s plasma physics class that was supposedly scattered using the transporter but which actually contained useful antimatter. It includes a needlessly complex conversation about whether Riker “knows that we know he knows”, as well as Picard’s line “It is possible to make no mistakes, and still lose” after Data suffers a crisis of confidence. It concludes with one character saying he “busted him up” after a 30000-move stalemate in Strategema as one side played for a draw. Featuring the Zakdorn Strategema master Sirna Kolrami as played by Roy Brocksmith, For 10 Points, name this episode with the antiquated USS Hathaway, where the Ferengi throw a wrench into a Federation training exercise before being scared off.
ANSWER:“Peak Performance”
4. This planet’s government was seated in the city of Paxau, and locations on this planet included the AxianaLakes and the battle site of the Pyrithian Gorge, as well as the Caves of Touth, which were overrun with arctic spiders. Inhabitants of this planet were once conquered by a species whose name later cameto mean “foolish” in their language, the Vaadwaur, and they believed in the supernatural Guiding Tree in an afterlife called the GreatForest. A group of settlers from this planet damaged the Delta Flyer and protected an asteroid from hostile miners in the episode “Homestead”. A moon of this planet, famous for its marshlands, was devastated by a device created by Ma’Bor Jetrel called the Metreon Cascade; that moon was Rinax, and the attack killed Alixia, favorite sister of Voyager’s morale officer. For 10 Points, name this planet in the Delta Quadrant, the home planet of Neelix and his species.
ANSWER: Talax or Talaxia
5. According to the novel The Klingon Gambit, this event affected a 750-parsec area, andbefore the Dominion War, the Archanis Sector and Donatu V were places affected by this event. Neutralized by an energy field in the novel Spock Must Die!, an initial version of this was started by the actions of Claymare and Ayelborne, and one response to this action was Kor’s statement "A shame, Captain. It would have been glorious". Imposed by a namesake Council of Elders, it was eventually obsoleted by the Khitomer Accords, and granted both sides use of the other’s shore leave facilities. One result of this agreement was competing claims for fostering development on Sherman’s Planet, which the Federation hoped to accomplish through shipments of quadrotriticale [quad-ro-tri-ti-kay-lee]. Initiated during the episode “Errand of Mercy”, For 10 Points, name this interstellar agreement which established detente between Human and Klingon aggression during the Original Series.
ANSWER: The Organian Peace Treaty (prompt on the Neutral Zone or the Klingon Neutral Zone before the end of the first sentence)
6. Caution: common link! One episode with this word in its title involves keeping Jonathan Archer’s dog Porthos out of the way to avoid him being eaten; it also includes a plot point that Romulans are using a telepathically controlled ship to destabilize negotiations. Another episode with this word as its title involves a search which turns up Dekon Elig and Surmak Ren, while yet another features a battle with a disguised Orion ship and involves a cast member being stabbed by Thelev the Andorian. That episode centers on the possible admission of dilithium-rich Coridan to the Federation and includes the first appearance of the pig-faced Tellarites, whose ambassador Gav is found murdered in a Jeffries Tube. One episode with this word in its title involves a virus transmitted through faulty replicators which induces aphasia throughout Deep Space Nine. For 10 Points, name this common feature of these three episode titles, an Enterpriseone of which is about Tellerite-Andorian negotiations, and a TOS one which has the first appearances of Amanda Grayson and Sarek.
ANSWER: Episodes with Babelin the title (“Babel One”, “Babel”, “Journey to Babel”) (accept Babel or One before end of first sentence)
7. According to the terrible MMORPG Star Trek Online, this species masterminded a conflict between the Gorn Hegemony and the Klingons; in that instantiation they were known as Groundskeepers or Undine. Admiral Bullock was a false name used by one on Terrasphere 8 andValerie Archer was the alias of one who wound up kissing Chakotay. In the words of The Doctor, members of this species can have as many as five sexes, and a defeat by this species was the cause of Arturis’ vendetta against Voyager. They were first encountered while preparing to cross a corridor called the “Northwest Passage”. One member of this species was hunted by the Hirogen in the episode “Prey”, and they won the Battle of Matrix 010, Grid 19. Initially defeated using modified-nanoprobe torpedoes, they could not be tracked normally because they emit a biogenic field. For 10 Points, name this species which originated in fluid space, an aggressive biological species which won a short and decisive war over the Borg.
ANSWER: Species 8472 (accept Groundskeepers or Undine before mention)
8. This character served under the drill instructor Tamoon, and, in a simulated world, was killed in a quarrel over a woman named Sylvia. He once had a short-lived relationship with Martha Landon and suffered from temporary madness due to the interphasing of the Defiant. He had served in the Academy alongside dropout Irina Gallulin, who later joined a group led by Dr. Sevrin, and was replaced by Arex the Edosian in his most notable office. He once complimented a Klingon officer by saying they had “wonderful muscles” and in one appearance referenced Cinderella before dropping boots at the feet of web-footed Crewman Dax. He imagined he had an older brother named Piotr (Peter) in “Day of the Dove” and posed as a captain during a putative hostage negotiation at Nimbus III. He served under Clark Terrell on the Reliant and recovered from a Ceti Eel infestation in Star Trek II. For 10 Points, name this navigator during the Original Series, who was fond of attributing things, such as quadrotriticale, scotch, and the Cheshire Cat to his native Russia.
ANSWER: Pavel Andreievich Chekov
9. This episode saw the first mention of the Cardassian splinter group the True Way. Rom fixes a mechanical problem with a copper-ytterbium spatula in this episode, and one character in this episode uses the metaphor of "a house . . . so damaged by termites that you must not only kill the termites, but demolish the house and build again!" One plot point in this episode centers around the use of underground lasers to cause artificial earthquakes, and another character shoots Garak in the neck as he attempts to back out of a suicidal plan. This episode includes the geologist Duchamps, played by Michael Dorn, and an escape via a bomb hidden in an earring. Its Nehru jacket-clad antagonist employs the mercenary Falcon, who is knocked out by a champagne cork in the opening scene. Including the love interest Mona Luvsitt and the villain Hippocrates Noah, For 10 Points, name this episode about keeping all the characters alive in a violent holosuite program, a ‘60s spy spoof.
ANSWER: “Our Man Bashir”
10. This character was once called “toothless” for failing to prevent an invasion of Cardassia, his marriage to Lukara was nearly interrupted by a surprise attack. Played by Kevin Conway and Robery Herron in his Trek appearances, this character famously took refuge from a storm at Quin’lat and once defeateda race called the Fek’lhri. He once mimicked the voice of Surak while under the control of Excalbians, and later lost political support for not knowing the difference between real and replicated warnog. He won a victory at the River Skral against Molor, and once saved his brother Morath in Gre-thor. An object belonging to this character was cast adrift in space after being found by a group including Jadzia Dax. He was tested by the Knife of Kirom in the Boreth monastery, and the Story of the Promise describes the return of this person from Sto-vo-kor. For 10 Points, name this figure cloned from a sacred blade, the legendary Emperor of the Klingon Empire.
ANSWER: Kahless the Unforgettable
11. One character in this episode describes his first job as being “like the first time you fall in love . . . you don’t ever love a woman quite like that again” in a conversation involving the USS Stargazer. The Enterprise parts ways with the shuttle Goddard at this episode’s end, and one plot point focuses around impulse engine regulation 42:15 and its author. This episode’s second act starts when an automatic piloting beam overloads the Enterprise’s engines. A man named Franklin dies in this episode from a degraded transporter pattern, and at a climactic moment a small craft’s shields prop open an escape hatch; that craft, the Jenolen, was thereafter destroyed by photon torpedoes. One character describes his ability to tell how fast a starship travels by the feel of the deckplates, and this episode’s line “It is green”, describing Aldebaran whisky, refers to the episode “By Any Other Name”. A prominent guest star in this episode had been stranded on a gigantic artificial structure while en route to Norpin V’s retirement colony. For 10 Points, name this episode which included a recreation of the TOS Enterprise’s bridge and the discovery of a Dyson Sphere, which featured James Doohan as Scotty.
ANSWER: “Relics”
12. One member of this family hijacked a Denobulan medical ship called the Barzai and had minions named Persis and Rankin. That member once escaped incarceration after reprogramming a PADD to open all the prison’s doors and also freed Augment embryos from Cold Station 12. Another member of this family, when asked about his profession, compared himself to Michelangelo after replying “Why does a painter paint? Why does a boxer box?” One person who married into this family experimented on the planetary core of Atrea IV. One member, nicknamed “Often-Wrong”, lived on Mavala IV before being assumed dead after an attack on Omicron Theta; he once appeared in a dream sequence as a blacksmith who forges a metal bird. Another once was recognized because of her blinking pattern. One member programmed a creation of his to travel to a laboratory on Terlina III but was surprised when two arrived. For 10 Points, name this family, of which one member was a rogue eugenicist, and another worked on positronic matrixes, being the creator of the fake Dr. Juliana Tainer, B-4, Lore, and Data.
ANSWER: Soong (Arik and Noonien)
13. Some Ferengi attempted to bribe a member of this species during a race at Deep Space 3 in the episode “Interface”, while one Romulan saying advises one to “never turn your back on a” member of this species. A nursery rhyme from this species’ culture was used as a coded message in “For The Uniform”. This species had leaders named Thot Pran and Thot Gor, and this species created an energy dampening weapon which won the Second Battle of Chin’toka. In “Penumbra” Ezri and Worf were captured by this species in the Goralis system, and this species made a suicidal attack on Earth in “The Changing Face of Evil”. Known for their mastery of cold-storage units, they used refrigerated suits when interacting with other races. For 10 Points, name this humanoid species which joined the Cardassians alongside the Founders near the end of the Dominion War, and which sort of look like Ubesians from Star Wars.
ANSWER: The Breen (Confederacy)
14. One reaction to this event was the supposition that an involved party would become “the alien trash of the galaxy”. It sparked a meeting after which one character expressed surprise that another “vouched” for him, and one result of this event was the shattering of a saucer which fell due to vibrations caused by it. First discovered on screen by Dmitri Valtane, it resulted in a transmission from Brigadier Kerla asking the Federation to obey treaty stipulations. One character exclaimed “Let them die!” in a discussion of this event, and it led to a state dinner onboard the Enterprise with a delegation which included Azetbur and Chancellor Gorkon. It resulted in a shockwave which hit the USS Excelsior and caused the depletion of Qu’onos’ atmosphere over a period of fifty years. For 10 Points, describe this detonation at an energy-production facility at the Klingon homeworld’s lone natural moon.
ANSWER: The Explosion of Praxis (accept equivalents)
15. This character deceived Thomas Riker into nearly releasing a nanovirus on the Klingon homeworld in the novel Triangle: Imzadi II. Data responds “Perhaps you would be happier in another job” to this character’s statement that they enjoy writing occasionally. This character employed Ambassador Kell, and once headed an attempt to assassinate Vagh, the Klingon governor of Krios Prime. The USS Sutherland thwarted one plan led by this character via the maintenance of a tachyon detection grid; that action stopped supplies from reaching Toral, son of Duras. In one episode this character snooped on a meeting between Pardek, Proconsul Neral, and Spock, while in another she had Geordi kidnapped en route to a cybernetics symposium. Her crying out during an attempted escape led to her mother’s execution. For 10 Points, name this blond Romulan military officer born from a mother taken captive at the Battle of Narendra III, the daughter of alternate-timeline Tasha Yar.