Terrestrial Biomes

Biome—very large ecosystems that are distinguished by characteristic plants and animals

1) terrestrial—land based 2) aquatic—water based

Biome / Details / 2 Plants / 2 Animals
Tundra / ·  found in extreme northern latitudes
·  cold, largely treeless
·  permafrost—permanently frozen layer of soil
·  very little precipitation
·  thin, poor soil / gross, moss, shrubs / caribou, reindeer, artic foxes
Taiga / ·  south of the tundra; forested
·  long winters, but overall warmer and wetter than tundra
·  Abundance of evergreen trees and provides more food/shelter than tundra / pines, firs / moose, wolves, bears, lynx
Deciduous Forest / ·  characterized by trees that lose all their leaves in fall (Alabaster, AL)
·  Receive constant rainfall & have longer summers
·  Rich topsoil with layer of clay underneath / maple trees, oak trees / deer, squirrels, owls
Tropical Rainforest / ·  Most biologically diverse
·  Stable, year round growing seasons
·  Many niches b/c of “vertical layering” in forest
·  Canopy (sunny tree tops), understory (dark/moist where smaller trees, ferns, shrubs grow), ground level / bromeliads, trees of all sizes / jaguars, monkeys, tropical birds
Savannah / ·  Usually found in the interior of continents
·  Grasslands found in North America
·  Grasslands found in Africa & Australia, & South America
·  Alternating wet & dry seasons / grasses, wildflowers
grasses, wildflowers
shrubs, grasses / deer, snakes
prairie dogs, rabbits
lions, dingos, gazelles
Desert / ·  receive less than 10 inches of rainfall
·  can be hot OR cold
·  Most plants and animals have adapted to storing/saving water / cacti and other succulents (plants with thick leaves and waxy coverings) / snakes, scorpions, camels

Aquatic Biomes

o  Make up the largest part of the Earth, covering nearly 75 % of the Earth's surface

o  Freshwater—salt concentration of <1%; Marine—salt concentration of about 3%

o  Marine areas contain different zones based on light availability

Biome / Details / 2 Plants / 2 Animals
Freshwater / Ponds & Lakes
bodies of still water / o  Ponds are smaller & can dry up while lakes can last a long time
o  The water temperature and organisms found there depend on its location / algae, cattails / frogs, fish
Streams & Rivers bodies of moving water / o  bodies of flowing water moving in one direction / lilies, moss / otters, snails
Bogs / o  where land & water meet
o  have trees and running water
o no trees, but running water
o get water supply from rain / Spanish moss, mangrove trees
cattails, carnivorous plants
bog lilies, bulrush / alligators, snakes
minks, egrets
turtles, dragonflies
Marine / Ocean / o  largest of ALL the ecosystems
o  Algae is also responsible for the absorption of large amounts of CO2 from our atmosphere / plant-like protists (algae, seaweed, diatoms) / jellyfish, sponges, sharks
Coral Reef / o  in warm shallow waters
o  can be found as barriers along continents / plant-like protists / coral, sea urchins
Estuaries / o  coastal body of water, partially surrounded by land in which saltwater and freshwater mix / mangrove trees, marsh grasses / crabs, fish