Piedmont Middle School

Site-Based Management Team

September 1, 2015


Members Present: Tracy Strickland (Admin) __x__, Henry Chandler (AP) _x___,

David L. Fox (chair) ___x_, Rena McGee-Helms(G)__x__, Jeff Starnes (6) __x__,

Kristen Crossley (7) __x_, Christy Hall __abs__, Trena Marshall (PE/Pace) abs,

Stephanie Schmitz (EC)__x_ ,

Lana Funderburk (MC)__x__, Karl Falkenberg (TA) _x__,

Gina Loftis(P) __abs__, Pam Melchor(P) __x__

Meeting Start Time: 3:30 pm Meeting Adjourned: 4:09 pm

What / Time* / Details / Decision
1. Review Minutes / 5mins / Copy of Minutes
June 2, 2015 / Approved Not Approved
Motion: R. McGee-Helms
2nd :K. Crossley
2. Change of Transportation
3. Beginning of 2015-2016 School-Year- Updates
4. Roofing Updates
5. Advisory- Panther Time (PT)- Updates / 40mins / All team members introduced themselves
Strickland shared that there are concerns at the front office regarding parent telephone requests for transportation changes. How can we prove parent identity as well as maintaining student health/safety?
  1. Ideas included – parent must provide a confidential piece of info which can be verified on PowerSchool when they call?
  2. Mandatory hard copy of note or email or fax to front office?
  3. Emergency list to be used when it is a true emergency, not just so-and-so is going home with so-and-so for a slumber party
Strickland stated that her update will include roofing updates – new roof, new carpet in media center and band room due to roof leak. Roofing is expected to continue until December. PdMS has implemented the “advisory” component of the schedule, as per last year’s site-based decision. Advisory is referred to as “Panther Time”, and has been a successful edition to the schedule. / Due to health and safety issues, the team recommends a requirement of a hard copy to be provided by the parent (ie. Note, fax, email) for any student transportation changes.
Vote was unanimous
Open Forum
6th –
7th –
8th -
Pace -
EC -
Parents –
Guidance -
Admin – / 15mins / 6th grade is working to alleviate traffic flow in the hallways
No issues
Chandler stated Ms. Hall will be the 8th grade rep
No rep present (Ms. Marshall absent)
Working on schedules for co-teaching and resource classes
Vision/Hearing 9/25 for 7th grade
Snakes Alive 10/16
Book Fair 10/22
Falkenberg suggested that brightly colored name tags be used for visitor passes
How do we schedule classes? Parents have voiced that kids never see their friends
Mosley is sending home Duke Tip letters 9/2
Robinson has sent out student counsel info
Chandler welcomed the new Principal, Mrs. Tracy Strickland and Vice Principal, Ms. Michelle Gray to the school stating that he was happy with the new administration team.
Motion to adjoin at 4:09pm
**Next Meeting Scheduled for October 6th / Waiting for team approval from 8th grade
This process is handled through PowerSchool.

Minutes Taken By: Stephanie Schmitz EC Teacher