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United Nations



/ Distr.
FPM 3/7

Northwest Pacific Action Plan

Data and Information Network

Regional Activity Centre

The 3rd NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Meeting

Busan, the Republic of Korea, 26 - 28 October 2004



This manuscript was submitted by the Data and Information Network Regional Activity Center of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP DINRAC), as the report on DINRAC activities and related expenditures made during 2002/2003 biennium.


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  1. The First NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Meeting (Shanghai, 25-28 November, 2002) agreed that the budget for the 2002/2003 biennium for DINRAC activities, based on the decision by the Seventh NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting (Annex 6 of the UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 1/13), as shown in Table 1.
  1. As approved by the Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting (20-22 March, 2002, Vladivostok, Russian Federation), the total budget in Biennium 2002/3 for DINRAC is $125,000).

Table 1. The budget for the 2002/2003 biennium for DINRAC activities,adopted by the First NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Meeting, Shanghai, 25-28 November 2002 (in USD)

/ Actions / Responsibility / Remarks / Budget
Activity A:
Harmonization and Completion of National Reports on data and information networks /
  1. Updating of old IOC formats.
  2. Sending Format to countries and updating input by countries
  3. Receipt of National Reports and producing draft for consideration of 2nd FPM - by DINRAC
/ DINRAC, based on National reports received from NOWPAP Members / NOWPAP Member (NM) to assist RAC in necessary update. Draft will be presented in Focal Points Meeting (2003).
Printing of final report only after 2nd FPM.
Each country $2,000 and DINRAC $2,000 / 10,000
Activity B:
Update, Maintenance and Enrichment of DINRAC website / DINRAC / 3,000
Activity C:
Finalization of Institutions and Experts Database /
  1. Receiving update from countries according to specific format and request developed by DINRAC
  2. Finalization of Institutions and Experts Database by DINRAC
/ DINRAC with NM / Each country $1,000 and DINRAC $2,000 / 6,000
Activity D:
Draft the general NOWPAP Policy on Data and Information Sharing /
  1. Consultant to develop draft of guidelines and present to Experts Meeting to review
  2. After discussion in Experts Meeting - draft to be presented to 2nd FPM
/ DINRAC, through a consultant / NMs may assist RAC find appropriate consultant.
After approval of 2nd FPM - draft will be submitted to IGM / 7,500
Activity E:
Establishment of Principles for NOWPAP DINRAC meta-database /
  1. Consultant to develop draft of principles and guidelines and present to Experts Meeting to review
  2. After discussion in Experts Meeting - draft to be presented to 2nd FPM
/ DINRAC, through a consultant / Only after discussion and approval of 2nd FPM – a recommendation to establish a meta-database in DINRAC will be presented for approval of NOWPAP IGM / 7,500
Activity F:
Organization of DINRAC Experts Meeting / The 1st Experts Meeting for NOWPAP DINRAC (mid 2003) possibly in another country than China (upon invitation to host)
Presentation of work by two consultants (activity D and E) / DINRAC, with assistance of RCU, UNEP and IOC and possible host country / NOWPAP policy on data and information sharing; Develop guidelines and policy / 22,000
Principles for establishment of meta-database center in DINRAC
Activity G:
Organization of Focal Points Meeting / Organization of the 1st Focal Points Meeting (2002) / DINRAC with assistance of UNEP / 25-28 November, 2002, Shanghai, China / 25,000
Organization of the 2nd Focal Points Meeting (October- November 2003) / DINRAC with assistance of RCU, UNEP and IOC / Preferably in China / 28,000
Activity H:
Cooperation, Communication of DINRAC activities / Coordination, travel, meetings, communication, publications of DINRAC activities / DINRAC / 16,000
Total / 125,000
  1. The Second NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Meeting (Sanya, Hainan Province of China, October 29 – 1 November, 2003) agreed that the budget for the 2002/2003 biennium for DINRAC activities, based on the Project Document in March 10, 2003 (Annex 5 of the UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 2/15), as shown in Table 2.


Table 2. Activities and Expenditures in Biennium 2002-2003

Unit: USD$

Activities / Expenditures in 2002 / Expenditure or Budget in 2003 / Notes
Activity A:
Harmonization and Completion of National Reports on data and information networks / 10,000 / Each country $2,000 DINRAC $2,000
Activity B:
Update, Maintenance and Enrichment of DINRAC website / 1,500
Activity C:
Finalization of Institutions and Experts Database / 6,000 / Each country $1,000 DINRAC $2,000
Activity D:
Draft the general NOWPAP Policy on Data and Information Sharing / 4,500
Activity E:
Establishment of Principles for NOWPAP DINRAC meta-database / 4,500
Activity F:
Organization of DINRAC Experts Meeting / 30,000
Activity G: Organization
of FPM / Organization
of the 1st FPM
(2002) / 8,133+11392 / $11392 paid by Trust Fund in UNEP for FPs’ Travel and DSA
of the 2nd FPM
(2003) / 10,000+
15,000 / $15,000 will be paid by Trust Fund in UNEP for FPs’ Travel and DSA
Activity H:
Publication / 4,552 / 4,450
Cooperation, Communication / 1,500 / 5,206
Travel on official business / 3,267 / 5,000
5. Total / 28,844 / 96,156 / 125,000


UNEP transferred Trust Fund $ 30,000 and $50,000 on 23 September, 2002 and 16 May, 2003 to DINRAC respectively.

Table 3. The Summary of the Expenditure on DINRAC Budget for the Binnuim 2002/2003

As approved in the 2nd DINRAC FPM / 2002 Expenditures / 2003 Expenditures / TOTAL
1100 Professional staff
1101 DINRAC Director (funded by SEPA) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
1199 Sub Total / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
1200 Consultants
1201 Completion of national reports on data and info networks; Data exchange protocols, internet applications. / 10,000 / 0 / 10,000 / 10,000
1202 General Policy Data information sharing / 4,500 / 4,500 / 4,500
1203 Establishment of Principles for NOWPAP DINRAC meta-database / 4,500 / 4,500 / 4,500
1299 Sub total / 19,000 / 0 / 19,000 / 19,000
1600 Travel
1601 Travel on official business / 8,267 / 3,267 / 5,184 / 8,451
1681 Travel of UNEP staff members / 0 / 0 / 0
1699 Sub total: / 8,267 / 3,267 / 5,184 / 8,451
1999 Component total: / 27,267 / 3,267 / 24,184 / 27,451
2001Institutions and experts database / 6,000 / 6,000 / 6,000
2002 Update and maintenance of DINRAC Website / 1,500 / 1,500 / 1,500
2999 Component total: / 7,500 / 0 / 7,500 / 7,500
3200 Group Training
3201 Training Course on Data Management / 30,000 / 0 / 0 / 0
3299 Sub Totals / 30,000 / 0 / 0 / 0
3300 Meetings/conferences
3301 National Focal Points Meetings / 18,133 / 8,133 / 8,951 / 17,084
3381 Participants travel to Nations Focal Points meeting (UNEP) / 26,392 / 11,392 / 8,662 / 20,054
3399 Sub total: / 44,525 / 19,525 / 17,613 / 37,138
3999 Component total / 74,525 / 19,525 / 17,613 / 37,138
4999 Component total / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
5200 Reporting cost
5201 Publications / 9,002 / 4,552 / 4,450 / 9,002
5299 Sub total: / 9,002 / 4,552 / 4,450 / 9,002
5300 Sundries
5301 Communications / 5,206 / 0 / 5,206 / 5,206
5304 Other / 1,500 / 1,500 / 0 / 1,500
5399 Sub total: / 6,706 / 1,500 / 5,206 / 6,706
5999 Component total / 15,708 / 6,052 / 9,656 / 15,708
99 / Total direct cost / 125,000 / 28,844 / 58,953 / 87,797
Unspent balance / 37,203
  1. The total cumulative expenditures incurred from 23 September 2002 to the end of 2003 is USD $87,797 on both DINRAC and UNEP side. The unspent balance for the project (PN/6030-02-09) is US $37,203.

Details of project expenditures have been reported to UNEP, in line with the relevant regulation of above-mentioned Project Document of UNEP at August 23, 2004.