Sisters Park and Recreation District

Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

5:30 – 7:45


5:30 1. Call meeting to order

·  Board Chair, Jeff Campbell, calls the meeting to order at 5:28 PM

·  Board members in attendance: Andrew Gorayeb, Jeff Campbell, Darren Layne, Peggy Tehan, Erin Borla (6:35 pm)

·  Staff in attendance: Liam Hughes

·  Approval of agenda

·  Jeff would like to add a discussion to update the STA/Tollgate trail easement issue

·  Add also: Elect a Vice Chair

2. Welcome Visitors

·  Dennis Schmidling

o  Sisters Arts Association 501c3

o  Expand arts that aren’t currently well represented (no music)

o  Culinary art to metal arts and all between

o  Has some volunteer teacher time available

o  Has all but the IRS status in place

o  Looking for a fiscal partner to fill the gap until the determination from the IRS comes in

o  Will take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years to get designation. Likely 3-5 months.

o  City is overhauling Hood Ave and intends to make public art space available

o  Spending the early part of the summer putting together the strategic plan

o  Strengthen and support arts in the community

o  Plans to bring in big names like Chihuly

o  Good local support already

o  SPRD cannot act as a throughput for the money

o  Would have to be a committee of SPRD and act within our framework

o  Wants to tap into the growing excitement

o  Dennis will work with Liam to explore the options for a committee formation and partnership

o  Technical and operational limitations may limit functionality

5:45 3. Minutes (6:08 PM)

·  Approval of Minutes from 4/7

·  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes for 4/7/2015 as presented

o  Votes in favor: Peggy Tehan, Jeff Campbell, Darren Layne

o  Votes against: None

o  Votes abstained: Andrew Gorayeb

4.Old Business

·  Approval and signing of letter of support for STA trail from SHS to Tollgate.

·  STA/Tollgate trail easement

o  Jeff gives update.

o  Questions below posed to Tollgate HO Board of Directors by Jeff Campbell

Our Answers in Red (Tollgate Board of Directors)

What is the Board's current position regarding this trail? The Board supplied a letter of support in September 2012.

Was the easement that SPRD (SOAR) holds intended to support the 2003 Community Trails Plan and STA (or the precursor)?Yes

To your knowledge, was the easement granted legally under the terms of the HOA CC&Rs? (2/3 vote, if required) Yes, May 13, 2004

Would they be interested in assigning the easement to STA? It is not our to assign. Per our attorney - the easement is to SOAR “its successors and assigns” and there is no requirement of our consent for them to assign. SOAR is free by the terms of the easement to assign its interest and obligations in the easement and our consent is not necessary.

How would they feel if we did? (STA in no longer a part of SPRD)We would need notification and would not be responsible for any costs. When transferred we will need proof of insurance and be named on the policy.

Status of easement?Still valid but has not been transferred.


Tollgate Board of Directors

·  Liam will investigate how to assign the easement to STA.

o  Need a timeline of events

o  What is the cost?

o  STA requirements?

·  Sisters schools partnership update – Liam

o  Met with Stephen King

o  SPRD is waiting for invitation to participate from SSD

o  Stephen will talk with the teachers union

o  Have alternatives to paid class work

5:50 5. New Business

·  Elect a Vice Chair

o  A motion was made and seconded to elect Darrin Layne as Vice Chair

§  Votes in favor: Peggy Tehan, Jeff Campbell, Andrew Gorayeb

§  Votes against: None

§  Votes abstained: Darren Layne

·  Local Option Committee Update

o  Erin is working on the marketing plan

o  Friend-raising is needed

·  Discussion of creating a policy on vetting class instructors.

o  Marty Kaczmarek brought several issues to Jeff’s attention during a meeting

o  Liam spoke with other districts to understand what they do with regard to vetting coaches and instructors for martial arts

o  Andrew believes that any physical program have its instructors trained in first aid along with the other requirements

o  Our program is not providing certifications

o  Liam will check into it further with SDAO

o  Jeff will connect Marty and Liam regarding a potential new policy and for further discussion

·  Budget draft, calendar and budget committee update.

o  Waiting to hear from Marcus Peck (Andrew will contact)

o  In need of two additional budget committee members

§  Rob Malone has volunteered

§  Jeff and Erin will recruit new members

o  Erin and Andrew will help research a less expensive method of transacting credit cards

§  Offer a discount for online transactions

o  Liam will investigate adding $40k in budget for medical benefits

o  Can we modify the cost of registration to help the budget?

§  Currently $5 per

§  Suggests $2 per plus 3.5%

§  Sell this service to other entities (ticket master style)

o  Partner costs/charges need to be evaluated

§  Charge a fare rate

§  Check writing fee

§  Offer web site service?

§  What can and should be monetized?

o  Budget binders will be out by the end of the week

o  Use events and camps to build revenue streams

§  Mini SALI in June?

6:30 6. Financials, February and March—Peggy (7:20 PM)

·  Credit cards fees are high

o  Charge partners appropriately

·  Credit balance control account

o  Accuracy is in question

o  Hoodoo refunds

§  Negative in Hoodoo revenue of $11k after refunds

§  The revenue may get posted in youth programs while the refund is taken from the Hoodoo program

o  It should always be known what is in the account and why

·  Strategic plan had identified adult programming as an area to fund

o  Youth/teen programs have been needing more support than expected

·  Cash flow

o  District burns approximately $25k per month

o  Major programs in play have not yet been dispersed

o  Should have about a $10k carry-over

6:45 7. Board Chair’s Report.

·  Liam goals update to be scheduled

7:00 8. Executive Director’s Report

·  Registration for cross country camp is going well

·  SALI is this weekend

o  Everyone is pitching in to help

·  Bike park dirt is showing up

o  Grant presentation in June

o  Board member volunteer?

·  Will sign new copier contract

o  Reduced costs all around

7:15 9. Board Member Reports and Comments

·  Andrew

o  Would like the board to host an employee appreciation day

o  Peggy and Jeff volunteer their homes for a pot luck

·  Erin

o  Working on a marketing proposal

o  Doing press releases

·  Peggy

o  Had a bit of an issue closing the books on programs

o  Partners and vendors need to know cut-off dates and requirements

·  Darren

o  Nothing to add

·  Round table discussion about district business

7:25 10. Receive Public comment regarding agenda items.

·  None

7:45 11. Adjourn Meeting

·  Board Chair, Jeff Campbell, adjourns the meeting at 7:53 PM

Next Meeting(s):

Regular Board Meeting: June 2nd

Additional Meeting: Budget meetings