
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

First Friday of every month: 9 am – 6pm. Church will be open for private prayer during this time.

For more information, contact Pam Lister

706-367-2990 or 706-654-0716.

Ladies Guild Annual

Cookie and Ornament Swap

Mark your calendar for December 12th at 7 pm @ Northminster Clubhouse in Jefferson. All women of the parish are invited!! Bring 4 dozen cookies to share, a container to bring your cookies home and an inexpensive wrapped ornament. Loads of fun!





Ham, Turkey and Drinks will be provided.

Congratulations to Garet Kraft (son of Christopher & Linda Kraft) and Heather Fitch who were married on

Friday, December 7th.

December 1, 2012

Offertory $3,396

Building Fund $4,995

St. Vincent de Paul $ 465

This week’s 2nd collection is for Religious Retirement Fund.



You will find our Book of Intentions in the narthex in which you are encouraged to write in your prayer intentions. If you are unable to write a name in yourself, please call the Parish Office.

Please pray for these members of our parish family: Kathy Lochowski, Kate Elizabeth Taibl (Linda’s Granddaughter) and all the men and women serving our country.

Please pray for our church community that as we continue to grow in numbers that we will also grow in faith, love and charity.


If you would like to donate altar flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion, please see Cynthia Newbury or call the office


If you would like to help the SVdP provide Christmas presents for needy clients, please check out the Angel Tree in the Narthex. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

****************************************** Our Parish has an Endowment Fund with the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: An endowment fund is one in which gifts to it are never spent but invested and the growth and interest from these investments provides distributions to the parish on an annual basis. This has been made possible through a generous bequest to the Archdiocese from the Joseph Mitchell estate. Each parish was given seed money of $10,000 to start their endowment and for parishes that have an endowment an additional $10,000 was added to the endowment. This endowment will grow through the generosity of parishioners who will include it in their will or estate plans. Also memorial gifts of cash and stock are accepted and so are gifts in honor of loved ones. So for the person on your Christmas gifts who has everything then consider making a gift to the parish endowment fund in their honor. For additional information please contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: or 404-497-9440. Be sure to look at our website: www.cfnga.org

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Please consider joining our group if you knit or crochet or would like to learn. Our next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 17th at 9:30 am. If you know of anyone who you feel would find comfort from one of our prayer shawls, please let us know. For information, call Connie Tirico @ 706-387-7077. Any yarn donations are greatly appreciated.


St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

Call Jerry Matthews for more info.


TRIP TO MARCH FOR LIFE 2013:Jan. 24-27, 2013. The John Paul II Center in Gainesville and the pro-life ministries of St. Michael Church, Gainesville, are organizing a pilgrimage to Washington, D.C., for the 2013 National March for Life. Charter bus will leave on Jan. 24 and return Jan. 27. Fifty spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Cost is $260 a person for transportation and three-night hotel reservation at Key Bridge Marriott. Contact: John DuTeau at (678) 887-8323 or .

Santa’s Shop

A Santa's Shop will be open for the CCD children on Dec 9 and Dec 12. This is for the kids to shop for Mom's, Dad's, siblings, & Grandparents.

If any parishioners would like to donate small items to the shop, we would love to have them.

The children will be making their purchases with cans of food forthe SVDP food bank.

Call Jerry Matthews with questions--706-652-3547


Poinsettias to decorate the church at Christmas will go on sale this weekend. Envelopes are located in the narthex.

Marriage Encounter – Making good marriage’s great!

A romantic and long-lasting Christmas Gift for your Marriage could be a Formal evening of Dining & Dancing with Atlanta’s finest couples. The Atlanta Marriage Encounter community recommends and supports the Marriage Day Ball because of its focus on Celebrating Marriages. Tickets to the 28th Annual Ball are now available for Christmas Giving. The 2013 Marriage Day Ball will be held at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia on Saturday, February 16th to make your Valentine’s celebration special.

For details and reservations, visit http://wwmeatlanta.com/marriage-day-ball or call 770-623-4333.