SIR Jerry Sabo ~ Chairman

SIR Russ Salazar ~ Vice Chairman

SIR Ray Buttacavoli ~ Secretary

SIR Joe Young ~ Treasurer

SIR Tim Hall ~ Asst. Secretary

SIR Eric Miller ~ Asst. Treasurer

SIR Derek Southern ~ Ex-officio

SIR Bryan Davenport ~ Policy Advisor

SIR Paul Kramer ~ Operations Advisor

SIR Dan Weller ~ Web Manager


Minutes of meeting held on July 6, 2017

Location: Pacific Avenue Bowl

5939 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA

Chairman SIR Jerry Sabo called the meeting to order at 11:03 AM.

The following members of the Executive Committee were present: Jerry Sabo, Dan Weller, Brian Davenport, Joe Young, Paul Kramer, Russ Salazar and Tim Hall. SIR Ray DiBasilio of Branch 113 was also present as a guest.

There being a quorum present, the Executive Committee spent most of its effort and considerable discussion reviewing and revising several key elements of both the SIR Bowling Manual (State Bowling Committee Bylaws and Standing Rules) plus the SIR Bowling Tournament Guidelines. The elements considered from the Manualincluded:

  • Elimination of recap sheets from the TM’s tournament package (Ref. Article IV, Section 2, A.4. c).
  • Discussion of the future role of Area Bowling Chairman. No action was taken. (Ref. Article V). Adding Prize Coordinators listed on tournament application forms to the SIR tournament mailing list was also discussed. There was general approval, but no formal action was taken.
  • Changes to Averagesas presented in the Tournament Guidelines were discussed. Key elements of these discussions and are summarized in the Guidelines discussion below. Statements in both these SIR documents must be the same. (Ref. Standing Rule 13 and Ref. Guidelines p. 5)
  • It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that plaques also be awarded to members of the winning Doubles Teams in State Tournaments. (Ref. Standing Rule 27)
  • Enforcement (or lack thereof) of Non-compliance wasdiscussed at the beginning of the meeting, but no formal actions were taken. (Ref. Standing Rule 28)

Revision of several components of the SIR Tournament Guidelines generated considerable discussion as the Committeeengaged in computer-generated “off-the-wall” group editing and wordsmithing. Key topics included:

  • Tournament Checklist – It was decided to use SIR titles (i.e., Operations Advisor) rather than names of the current office holders. It was recommended that the Committee develop of a schedule of important tournament deadlines or flow chart to aid TM’s in performing their Managerial Responsibilities in a timely manner.
  • It was recommended that, like the SIR State Tournament, the tournament entry for all tournaments be approved by the Operations Advisor before mailing or posting on the SIR website. However, no formal motion was made to endorse this recommendation.
  • The Averages to Use section (p. 5) sparked discussion and all present agreed that the USBC average to use is the Standard (as opposed to “Sport”) Composite Average for a specified season.
  • It was agreed that each Committee member would review the existing document and submit their final edits and suggestions to the Policy Advisor in a timely fashion.

SIR Treasurer Joe Young submitted the January 1 to June 30, 2017, Financial Statement for the Sir State Bowling Committee, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.

SIR Webmaster Dan Weller presented and discussed Standard Tournament Application Forms prototypes. His vision is to develop perhaps four templates in pdf format that TM’s will find useful in defining their individual tournament characteristics. The initial response of the Committee to the idea of simplifying and standardizing application forms was positive.

In light of the number of significant changes made to both the SIR Bowling Manual and the SIR Bowling Tournament Guidelines, the Executive agreed that the scheduled August meeting for the entire Committee should be held as planned.

The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Sabo at 3:04 PM.

Respectfully submitted by

SIR Tim Hall

Committee Asst. Secretary