All information is treated in confidence. The information is furnished to the Singapore Millennium Foundation with the understanding that it shall be used or disclosed for evaluation, reference and reporting purposes.

1. Name of Applicant/Principal Investigator (PI)

Applicant/PI / Role / Position / Department / Institution

(Attach additional sheet if required)

2. Title of research(Limit to 300 characters)

3.Total amount of funds applied:$______

4.(a) Period of support requested ____years (max 3 years)

(b)Proposed start and end dates

Start date: ______

End date: ______

5. Area of Research:______

6.Ethical considerations and containment (where applicable)

Fund disbursement is subjected to ethics approval if the project involves any of the following:

a)Human SubjectYes No

b)Use of Human/Animal Tissues or CellsYesNo

from Primary Donors (i.e. subject/volunteers recruited for project)

c)Use of Commercially AvailableYesNo

Human/Animal Tissues or Cells

d)Animal ExperimentationYesNo

e)Requirement for ContainmentYes No

f)Multi-centre project(s) or trial(s)YesNo

(If yes, please state all participating institutions/centres)

A copy of the ethics approval is attached:


7. Abstract of Proposal (please use layman’s terms)

In no more than 300 words, concisely describe the specific aims, hypotheses, methodology and approach of the research proposal including its importance to research. The abstract must be self-contained so that it can serve as a succinct and accurate description of the research proposal.

8. Research Proposal Details(attach separate sheets where required)

(Please provide details on your research proposal under the headings listed below)

a) Specific Aims

State concisely and realistically what the study intends to accomplish and/or what hypothesis is to be tested.

b) Significance and potential short and long term implications

Briefly sketch the background of the research proposed, critically evaluate existing knowledge and specifically identify the gaps which the project intends to fill. State concisely the importance of the research described by relating the specific aims to both short term (3-5 years) and possible long term implications.

c) Describe how your research will contribute to:

i) solving the problem identified

ii)developing new knowledge;

iii)developing scientific applications(if applicable)

iv)providing tangible improvements in the area of study being researched.

d) Methods

Describe the following in detail:

i)experimental design and the procedure,

ii)any new methodology and its advantage over existing methodologies,

iii)the potential difficulties and limitations of the proposed procedures and alternative approaches to achieve the aims,

iv)any procedures, situations or materials that may be hazardous to personnel and the precautions to be exercised,

v)statistical justification and the means by which data will be analyzed and interpreted.

9. P.I./Co-P.I/Collaborator Details

Use the format below to provide a Report the on the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator/Collaborator (where applicable). The report should be confined to 2 pages each

  • Name/NRIC/Passport No./Office Mailing Address/Email/Contact No/Fax No
  • Current Position (Please provide full details, e.g. joint appointments, percentage of time spent in Singapore every year, if applicable)
  • Academic qualifications (Indicate institution’s name and year degree awarded)
  • Research interests
  • Publications in the last 5 years (include only publications of direct relevance to study, stating impact factors where possible)
  • Patents held (related or unrelated to the study )/Recent Scientific Awards)
  • Current and previous support from other sources.

(Please also include proposals pending approval)

  • Research Outcomes from other grants (e.g. publications, patents, awards, etc)
  • Provide an account of the Principal Investigator’s preliminary studies (if any) pertinent to the application and/or any other information that will help to establish the experience and competence of the investigator pursuing the proposed project.


a) Manpower

Budget for all the manpower required for the project including part-time personnel and those to be shared with other projects. State whether they are existing personnel in your institution or new staff to be recruited.

Staff Category / Existing/New / No / Remarks / Total cost

Provide details below to justify your manpower

b) Equipment

Budget for all scientific equipment you need to purchase to carry out the project. Indicate sharing of equipment with other projects, if any.





Unit Cost


Sub- Total


Provide details below to justify your Equipment

c) Other Operating Expenses (OOE)

This category covers other expenses directly related to the project such as consumables, laboratory manuals, literature search, maintenance of equipment etc. Conference travel will be funded only if a presentation or if an article is presented. The presentation or article must be directly related to the project.

Item Description



Materials & Consumables
Overseas Travel

Provide details below to justify your OOE

Materials & Consumables
Overseas Travel

11. Milestones

Propose Milestones for assessment of the progress of the study. The progress of the project will be taken into consideration for continued disbursements of funds.

Milestones / Targeted Duration/Date of Fulfillment

12. Performance Indicators

Indicate the final expected targets. State ‘NA’ where indicator is not applicable.

Performance Indicators / Indicate number / value
Capability Indicators / Training R&D manpower for industry
Developing long term R&D capability / Joint programs/projects with prestigious international research organizations
Joint programs/projects with local universities/organizations
Invention disclosures
Patents filed
Patents granted
Papers published in international journals
(To state impact factor)
Presentations at international conferences
Awards for research at national and international level

13. Other Research Funding

a) Grants currently held

Title of Research / Funding Agency / Amount of Fund / Support Period (Year) / Expiry Date of the grant
Approved/ Received ($) / Balance Available ($)

b) List all applied grants.

List all the applied grants of similar proposals where the applicant is involved as either PI, Co-PI or collaborator and provide any overlapping sections in the proposals as a separate attachment.

Title of Research / Application ID / Funding Agency / Amount of fund applied for ($) / Support Period (Year)

14. Conflict of Interest

Provide names and contact information of individuals who might have conflict of interests with your current research proposal.

S/N / Title / Names / Details
(tel., fax number and e-mail add)

15. Suggested names of Reviewers

Reviewers who are co-authors with the PI(s) in publications are generally not to be included. Note that reviewers must not have conflict of interest or involvement (direct and indirect) with the proposed project. SMF has the final discretion whether to select the suggested reviewers for the evaluation of the grant proposal.

S/N / Title / Names of Reviewers / Details
(tel., fax number and e-mail add.) / Relationship to PrincipalInvestigator

16. Signatures of PI/ Co-PI/Collaborator

In signing the Grant Application, the Principal Investigator and all Co-Principal Investigator(s) & Collaborator(s) undertake to:
  • Declare that all information is accurate and true.
  • Not send similar versions or part(s) of this proposal to other agencies for funding.
  • Submit supporting documents of ethics approval obtained from the relevant Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Animal Ethics Committee for studies involving human subjects/human tissues or cells, and animal/animal tissues or cells respectively.
  • Ensure that the requested equipment/resources are not funded by another agency or research proposal.
  • Ensure that there is a reasonable effort in accessing available equipment/resources within the host institution or elsewhere within Singapore.


Signature Signature

Principal Investigator Co- Investigator


Date:______Date: ______


Signature Signature

Co-Investigator Collaborator

Name: ______Name:______

Date: ______Date: ______

17. Signatures of Supervisor/HOD/Dean of Faculty/CEO of Institution

In signing the Grant Application, the Institution undertakes to:
  • Discuss with the Supervisor /HOD/Dean of Faculty or CEO of the Institution of the applicant that the following will be complied with:
  • The proposed research will be conducted in the host institution
  • Adequate resources will be provided to the applicant for the entire grant period (e.g. lab space)
  • The applicant is independently salaried by the institution for the entire period of the grant
  • Confirm the accuracy and completeness of information submitted, including budget, ethics, other funding sources, etc.
  • Confirm that budget is clear (e.g. no double funding/ excessive purchase of equipment), and is aligned with host institution HR and other policies
a)Comments by Supervisor/HOD/Dean of Faculty
b)Comments by CEO of Institution
______Signature Signature
Supervisor/HOD/Dean of Faculty CEO of Institution
Date:______Date: ______