State of Illinois )
County of McDonough )ss
City of Macomb )
The Macomb City Council met in a regular session on Monday, June18, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in City Hall, 232 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL
PLEDGE Mayor Pro tem Lobdell called the meeting to order and lead the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL City Clerk Melanie Falk called the roll and the following Aldermen answered present: Richard Vick, Edward Lavin, Louis Gilbert, Mike Inman, Dave Dorsett, Tim Lobdell, Chris Senn and Dennis Moon. Ken Zahnle was absent. Mayor Pro tem Lobdell declared a quorum present for the transaction of business. In addition to the Mayor, City Clerk and Aldermen, Legal Counsel Liz Wilhelm was also present.
THANK YOU Mayor Pro tem Lobdell thanked all of the area fire departments for helping with the fire on June
TO AREA FIRE 6th and read a statement from Mayor Wisslead adding his thanks and recognizing Emmet-Chalmers,
DEPARTMENTS Colchester, and Good Hope Fire Departments for their cooperation.
Items on the Consent Agenda:
1. Approve minutes of the Macomb City Council meeting held on Monday, June 4, 2007 and the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings held on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 and Monday, June 11, 2007.
2. Approve claims and accounts submitted on June 13, 2007.
3. Department Reports: Rental Housing Inspection, Fire Department
4. Accept and place on file Treasurer’s Report for May 2007
CONSENT Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Inman to dispense with the reading of the
AGENDA consent agenda and adopt the same as published, on question being put, Aldermen Vick,
ADOPTED Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro tem Lobdell declared the motion carried
Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 2nd reading of the following ordinance:
An ordinance to amend the City fee schedule to set cemetery burial fees for the columbarium niches and crypt openings by amending Section 24-4 of the Municipal Code.
APPROVED Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Vick to approve the ordinance to amend the City fee ORDINANCE schedule to set cemetery burial fees for the columbarium niches and crypt openings by amending NO. 07-24 Section 24-4 of the Municipal Code, on question being put, Aldermen Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett,
Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and it became ordinance # 07-24.
APPROVED Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Senn to approve the public transportation program FY08 CONTRACTS contracts for FY08 for Bridgeway, Go West, Barry’s Taxi Service, McDonough County Red Cross, FOR PUBLIC Route Match Software and the Western Illinois Regional Council, on question being put, Alderman TRANSPORTATION Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, being all Alderman present voting “Aye” on PROGRAM roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro tem Lobdell declared the motion carried.
APPROVED Alderman Senn moved, seconded by Alderman Lavin to approve the drug and alcohol testing policy DRUG & ALCOHOL change (reduction of the required random drug testing rate from 50% to 25%) for the public
TESTING POLICY transportation program, on question being put, Aldermen Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick, FOR PUBLIC Lavin, Gilbert, being all Aldermen present voting Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro tem TRANSPROTATION Lobdell declared the motion carried.
Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 1st reading to the following ordinance:
Prohibited off street parking of certain vehicles and containers in specified districts.
APPROVED Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Inman to approve a MACCDDC revolving loan MACCDDC LOAN application from Cynthia Dunsworth dba The Magic Dragon in the amount of $20,000 for five (5)
FOR CYNTHIA years at 3% interest, on question being put, Aldermen Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, DUNSWORTH D/B/A Gilbert Inman, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro MAGIC DRAGON tem Lobdell declared the motion carried.
APPROVED Alderman Inman moved, seconded by Alderman Gilbert to approve a MACCDDC revolving loan MACCDDC LOAN application from Jeff and Lisa Kugler dba The SportZone in the amount of $20,000 for five (5) years FOR JEFF & LISA at 3% interest, on question being put, Aldermen Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert Inman, KUGLER D/B/A Dorsett, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro tem SPORTZONE Lobdell declared the motion carried.
City Council Minutes
June 18, 2007
Page 2
ACCEPTED Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Dorsett to accept the $89,050.00 bid from LAVERDIERE’S BID Laverdiere Construction Inc. for the South Ward Street sanitary sewer point repair project, on
FOR SOUTH WARD question being put, Aldermen Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, Inman, Dorsett Lobdell, being all Aldermen SANITARY SEWER voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, and Alderman Gilbert abstaining, Mayor Pro tem Lobdell POINT REPAIRS declared the motion carried.
Legal Counsel Wilhelm read the following resolution:
A. The General Assembly of the State of Illinois has passed and the Governor has approved the Prevailing Wage Act (820 Illinois Compiled Statutes 130/0.01 et.seq.); and
B. The Prevailing Wage Act (the “Act”) requires every municipality to investigate and ascertain the general prevailing rate of wages for public works during June of each year.
SECTION 1: ASCERTAINMENT OF PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES. To the extent and as required by the Act, the general prevailing rate of wages in this locality for laborers, mechanics and other workers engaged in the construction of public works coming under the jurisdiction of the City of Macomb, McDonough County, Illinois (the ”City”) is hereby considered to be the same as the prevailing rate of wages for construction work in the McDonough County area as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor (the “Department”) as of June of the current year, a copy of which determination is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. As required by the Act, any and all revisions of the prevailing rate of wages by the Department shall supersede the Department’s June determination and apply to any and all public works construction undertaken by the City. Any term appearing in this Resolution which is defined by the Act shall have the same meaning as in the Act.
SECTION 2: APPLICATION OF PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES. Nothing contained in this Resolution shall be construed to apply the general prevailing rate of wages as herein ascertained to any work or employment except public works construction of the City to the extent required by the Act.
SECTION 3: CITY CLERK TO MAKE DETERMINATION AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. The City Clerk of the City shall publicly post or keep available for inspection by any interested person in the main office of the City the determination, or any revision thereof, of the prevailing rate of wages.
SECTION 4: DETERMINATION OF PREVAILING RATE OF WAGE TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL DOCUMENTS. The prevailing rate of ages as determined herein, or as subsequently revised, shall be included in every contract for public work, shall state or provide that any person performing any public works on behalf of the City shall be required to pay the prevailing rate of wages to all laborers, mechanics and other workers employed for such public works. Also, all contractor’s bonds, provided by any contractor on any public works construction for the City shall provide a guarantee that the contractor will faithfully perform his obligation to pay the prevailing rate of wages as provided by the contract for such project and by the Act.
SECTION 5: PUBLICATION OF NOTICE AND MAILING TO PERSONS REQUESTING DETERMINATION. The City Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published one in a secular newspaper having general circulation within the City that the determination of prevailing rates of wages made herein is in effect and that a copy of such determination is available for public inspection. Further, the City Clerk shall mail a copy of the determination to any employer or association of employers or to any person or association of employees who have filed their names and addresses, together with their request, for a copy of the determination as to particular rates and particular classes of workers whose wages will be affected by such rates.
SECTION 6: FILING OF CERTIFIED COPY OF PREVAILING RATE OF WAGS WITH SECRETARY OF STATE. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of the determination of prevailing rates of wages made herein with the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois in Springfield, Illinois.
SECTION 7: CITY CLERK TO REQUEST DEPARTMENT TO ASCERTAIN PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES. The City Clerk is directed on June 19, 2007, or as soon thereafter as practical, but during the month of June, 2007, to formally request the Department to investigate and ascertain the general prevailing rate of wages for public works applicable to the City for the next year.
ADOPTED Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Lavin to adopt the resolution, on question being put, RESOLUTION Aldermen Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Lobdell, Senn, being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll NO. 2007-22 call and Alderman Dorsett voting “Nay”, Mayor Pro tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and the
Resolution became # 2007-22.
City Council Minutes
June 18, 2007
Page 3
APPROVED Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Dorsett to appoint Daryl Phillips as Waste Water APPOINTMENT Treatment Supervisor, on question being put, Aldermen Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, DARYL PHILLIPS Senn, Moon, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro tem WASTE WATER Lobdell declared the motion carried.
APPROVED Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Lavin to approve an intergovernmental agreement INTERGOVERMENTAL with Scotland Township for an asphalt overlay improvement to 1050th Road (one mile section), on AGREEMENT question being put, Aldermen Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, being all Aldermen WITH SCOTLAND present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro tem Lobdell declared the motion TOWNSHIP carried.
Legal Counsel Wilhelm read the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Macomb, Illinois that the following described street
be improved under the Illinois Highway Code.
Be it further resolved,
1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of improvement of one mile of 1050th Road East of
C. H. 16, with an asphalt overlay. This is a cost share with the McDonough County Highway
Department. Approximately 14% of this section of the road lies within the city limits of Macomb.
2. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $20,000.00 for the improvement of said section from
the municipality’s allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds.
3. That work shall be done by contract; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation.
ADOPTED Alderman Inman moved, seconded by Alderman Laving to adopt the resolution, on question being RESOLUTION put, Aldermen Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, being all Aldermen present NO. 2007-23 voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and
The resolution became resolution #2007-23.
EXECUTIVE Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Inman to adjourn into executive session for the SESSION purpose of a) Collective Bargaining matters between the public body and it’s employees or
representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, pursuant to Sec. 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act, b) Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, pursuant to Sec. 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act, c)Pending or probable litigation, pursuant to Sec. 2©(11) of the Open Meetings Act, on question being put, Aldermen Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Pro tem Lobdell declared the motion carried and they adjourned into closed session at 7:58 p.m.
COUNCIL There being no further business to come before the Council, Alderman Moon moved, seconded ADJOURNMENT by Alderman Senn to adjourn, on question being put, Aldermen Lobdell, Zahnle, Senn, Moon, Vick,
Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, being all Aldermen present voting “Aye”, Mayor Pro tem
Lobdell declared the Motion carried and they adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
City Clerk