Week 6
Prayer Class
Singing: The Act of Melodic Worship
A. Words of adoration combined with a melody from the heart lead to praise in its most beautiful from
1. One of the most neglected aspects of personal Worship and Prayer is singing alone in God’s presence
2. Psalm 100:2
B. No fewer than 41 Psalms specifically refer to “singing praises” unto the Lord (1/3)
1. Mary Slosser: “I sing the doxology and dismiss the devil”
2. Amy Carmichael: “I believe truly that Satan cannot endure it and so slips out of the room….”
C. What should we sing during Prayer?
1. Eph. 5:19
2. Col. 3:16
3. Spiritual songs speaks of a song that originated in the believer’s heart; inspired by the Holy Spirit (a new song)
4. Acts 16:25
5. Melodies created in the heart added to personal words of praise
D. The Weapon of Song
1. Singing is a weapon of warfare that adds power to our prahing
2. 2 Chronicles 20 (Jehoshaphat)
E. This type of Worship is more ad lib. Not a specific form like a hymn
1. Ask the Holy Spirit to create in you a “new” song
F. 6 Themes of ministering to the Lord in song
1. Songs of Praise
a. Psalm 135:3
b. Sing praises instead of saying them
2. Songs of Power and Mercy
a. Psalm 59:16
b. sing out loud
3. Songs of Thanksgiving
a. Psalm 147:7
4. Songs of God’s Name
a. Psalm 69>30
5. Songs of God’s Word
a. Psalm 119:54
b. James 5:13
6. Songs of My Heart
a. a NEW song
b. Psalm 144:9
c. My own song
**Worship will be our eternal purpose in heaven and singing will be part of it
Meditation: The Act of Spiritual Evaluation
A. We seek HOW to apply all that God reveals to us in prayer
B. OT definition of Meditation
1. to mutter
2. to muse
3. silent inner study of some spiritual matter
4. Joshua 1:8. (Hagah [hb]=to utter upon)
5. Psalm 119:15 (Sicah [hb]=to bow down)
6. 1 Timothy 4:15 (Meletao [gr]=to be careful; to show care
C. The value of meditation
1. Inner peace
a. Isaiah 26:3
b. Psalm 139:17-18
c. Psalm 104:34
d. Psalm 94:19
D. The Interior of Prayer
1. Types of meditation
a. Psalm 62:5
2. Waiting and Meditation overlap in function
a. Waiting=an act of love
b. Meditation=an act of thinking
3. ponder the nature of God with full intensity
4. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate more as you stretch your thinking
5. Focus on God’s Word
a. Psalm 1:1-2
6. Focus on God’s Works
b. Psalm 77:12
7. Focus on past victories
a. Psalm 143:5
b. Lamentations 3:21-23 (Jeremiah authored)
c. This helps encourage and comfort in times of feeling defeating
d. Reminds of God’s faithfulness (Prayer Journal running prayer section)
8. Focus on positive thoughts
a. Philippians 4:8
**2 Cor. 10:5 We are called to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ
Listening: The Act of Mental Absorption
A. Listening causes us to take focus off of self not only in prayer, but in life
1. Eccles. 5:2
B. Certain elements of prayer seem quite similar
1. waiting=thoughtfully focusing attention on God in a love relationship
2. meditation=careful exploration of a particular theme
3. listening=mentally absorbing divine instruction from God concerning specific matters for the day
C. The University of Silence
1. Best friends are always good listeners
2. Rev. 3:20
a. to “sup” means to have fellowship
b. it isn’t one sided, but conversational
3. Listening can be an actual ministry
4. Listening is a lost art
a. ! Thess. 4:11
D. The Gift of Listening
1. An act of both dependence and faith
a. it implies our belief that God truly desires to speak to us
b. We can only sift out the voices of the world by listening to God
2. Much of prayer is done in silence
3. Listening helps us discover what God wants to do so that He will be glorified
E. The Price of Silence
1. God mightily used Moses because he was very meek
a. Numbers 12:3
b. The meek person is often a listener
2. 1 Peter 3:4
a. We ought to shut our eyes and listen to the Holy Spirit
F. The Whisperings of God: Ways in which God speaks to us
1. Through quiet impressions on the heart [I Kings 19:12]
2. Through His presence gently leading
3. Through His Word
a. All forms of guidance should be measured against Scripture
b. Guidance contrary to God’s Word is coming from another source and we should reject it
G. A Practical Function
1. You can use your Prayer Journal to jot down impressions you may have during the day
2. Keep a notepad by your bedside
3. Use your cell phone to record impressions
4. Being ready to write down or record what He speaks to us demonstrates our faith that He WILL speak to us
Praise: The Act of Divine Magnification
A. We’ve now come full circle in the Prayer Wheel and end how we began with Praise
1. Worship should seal all praying
2. You may wish to put together a play list on your phone or device to help with this
B. Final Moments of Prayer
1. We vocally magnify the nature of God
a. Luke 1:46 Megaluno (gk)=to make great
2 It’s been His greatness that has made our time of prayer possible
3. Add faith to your prayers and praise Him for future answers to prayer
C. Life’s Highest Joy
1. The act of Praise just before concluding prayer is essential
a. It prepares us to minister to God through the day
b. It prepares us to do battle outside the prayer closet
D. The Attitude of Prayer
1. A great secret of prayer is to remain in a devotional attitude after the time of prayer concludes
a. This what is meant when Paul says “pray continually”
***1 Thess. 5:16-18
1. Means-so be it; it is done
2. Amen allows us to end our praying with a strong expression of confidence
3. It proclaims the trustworthiness of God
Suggestion For Application:
In my devotional time I begin by studying one Chapter of whatever book of the Bible I’m in systematically and then also one Chapter in a book of my choosing. I begin in Genesis and work my way through to the end of Revelation systematically, but the one I choose might be the Book of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, or one of the Gospels. I may alternate a programmed devotion for the one of my choosing, but I’m always working my way through the Bible from start to finish. I’ve found this to be enriching.
Then I launch into my prayer time with Praise ending with Praise then starting my playlist on my phone. I have two playlists. One is upbeat Praise and the other is slower Worship. This helps me set the tone for the day!
I strongly suggest downloading YouVersion on your phone or device. It has the Bible, Devotions, Verse of the Day, Video teaching, etc. It is a great tool for enhancing your Prayer and Devotion life.