Morgan Hill and Hollister Campus Survey Report
Fall 2006
Summary of Findings
- The total number of valid surveys obtained was 871. Ten surveys were rejected because of incompleteness. Two surveys were removed as duplicates. Morgan Hill produced 522 valid surveys; Hollister produced 349 valid surveys.
- Approximately 50% of the students attending the Morgan Hill campus are residents of Morgan Hill. Approximately 95% of the students attending the Hollister campus are residents of Hollister.
- Approximately 84% of Morgan Hill’s students are enrolled in one or two classes at the campus. Twenty-seven percent of those students are enrolled in at least one course at Gilroy or Hollister.
- Approximately 71% of Hollister’s students are enrolled in one or two classes at the campus. Fifty percent of those students report enrolling in classes at Gilroy.
- At Morgan Hill, 58% indicate one of reasons they enrolled this semester was the campus’ proximity to home and work; 91% of Hollister’s students indicated proximity to home and work was one of reasons they enrolled this semester.
- At Morgan Hill 39% indicate the class(es) they are taking were only available at that campus.
- The most desired classes at both campuses were all levels of Math, English, and Computer courses.
- Physical Education courses were desired at Hollister and Morgan Hill, while Child Development (particularly in Spanish) was popular at Morgan Hill.
- Most students surveyed would be interested in four-year courses from SJSU and CSUMontereyBay at their campus.
Morgan Hill Campus
Survey of Student Interest, Fall 2006
A questionnaire assessing student interest was fielded at Gavilan’s Morgan Hill campus in September 2006. The focus of the questionnaire was on students’ preferences for specific class offerings, class day and time schedules, and reasons for enrolling in classes at Gavilan Morgan Hill. A total of 522 valid surveys were obtained.
Morgan Hill residency was reported by 50% of those students attending the campus. Of the remaining 50%, the largest percentage of students resides in Gilroy (27%). Students’ city of residence is reported in the table below.
City of Residence / Count / Valid PercentMorgan Hill / 262 / 50.2%
Aromas / 1 / .2%
County / 1 / .2%
Gilroy / 140 / 26.8%
Hollister / 41 / 7.9%
Los Banos / 1 / .2%
Milpitas / 2 / .4%
Salinas / 1 / .2%
San Jose / 46 / 8.8%
San Juan Bautista / 5 / 1.0%
San Martin / 19 / 3.6%
Santa Clara / 1 / .2%
Watsonville / 2 / .4%
Total / 522 / 100.0%
Course Load
Students were asked to report the number of courses taken at all of Gavilan’s campuses and whether they were attending other institutions. Approximately 84% of Morgan Hill students are enrolled in one or two classes this term (3 respondents did not report the number of courses taken at Morgan Hill).
Number of classes taken at Morgan Hill / Count / Valid Percent1 / 311 / 59.9%
2 / 122 / 23.5%
3 / 38 / 7.3%
4 / 43 / 8.3%
5 / 5 / 1.0%
Total / 519 / 100.0%
A total of 155 students (27%) report taking classes at Gilroy or Hollister. The chart below displays the joint distribution of students taking classes at more than one of Gavilan’s campuses.Approximately 90% of Morgan Hill students who report taking classes at other campuses attend the Gilroy campus. This chart shows that a moderate number of students are picking upone class at Morgan Hillwhile taking one or more classes at another campus location. A fewer number of students are dividing quite large course loads among Gavilan’s campuses.
Attendance at other institutions was reported by 21 students. Alternative campuses attended include Cabrillo, CSUMontereyBay, De Anza, Evergreen, Hartnell, Mission, San JoseCity, San JoseState, UC Santa Cruz, and WestValley.
Reasons for Enrolling at Morgan Hill
A five-item question with an open-ended response option assessed Morgan Hill students’ reasons for enrolling in classes at the campus this fall. The table below displays the percentage of students indicating a positive response on each item. More than half of the students indicated that the campus’ proximity to their home as one of the reasons for enrolling at Gavilan Morgan Hill. The second most frequent response was course availability. Approximately 39% indicated the class they wanted was only available at Morgan Hill.
Reason for Enrolling at Morgan Hill This Fall / Count / % Positive Student ResponseMorgan Hill closer to where I live / 280 / 58.3%
Class offered only at Morgan Hill / 188 / 39.2%
Facilities are better at Morgan Hill / 60 / 12.5%
Instructor I prefer teaches in Morgan Hill / 58 / 12.1%
Class I wanted on main campus was closed / 45 / 9.4%
The open-ended response option for this question garnered 98 responses that have been categorized in the table below. The most common additional reason that students gave for enrolling at Morgan Hill was fit with home and work schedule, including proximity of the campus to the workplace. Another popular reason for enrolling was classes given in Spanish, namely Child Development.
Fits daily/work schedule / 36Classes in Spanish / 29
Classes on Saturday / 10
Night class offered / 10
Like smaller campus / 4
Don't want to take classes in Gilroy / 3
Wanted specific instructor / 2
AC doesn't work at Gilroy, makes for long classes / 1
Easy access / 1
Free parking / 1
Have 5 yr old son in school / 1
Class Scheduling Preference
Students were asked whether they preferred day classes and thought the campus should offer more day classes. Most responses were divided between “Agree” (49%) and “No Preference” (33%).
Student preference for specific day and time scheduling was assessed by two relatively complicated schedule matrices. Response distributions for only the second of these items will be reported due to the large amount of non-response on the question that asked students to indicate their preference for start time and days of attendance. It is recommended that this question be presented in a different format in future surveys.
Student preferences for day and evening class hours are presented below. The most popular class hours for day courses were 90 minutes, 2 times per week. For evening courses, 3 hours, 1 time per week was the preferred classlength. The least popular day and evening class hours were 50 minutes, 3 times per week.
Most Preferred / Don't Care / Least Preferred / Don't KnowCount / % / Count / % / Count / % / Count / %
Day Preference
3 Hrs, 1x week / 136 / 35.8% / 98 / 25.8% / 109 / 28.7% / 37 / 9.7%
90 Min, 2x week / 179 / 47.0% / 120 / 31.5% / 45 / 11.8% / 37 / 9.7%
50 Min, 3x week / 59 / 17.9% / 106 / 32.2% / 125 / 38.0% / 39 / 11.9%
Evening Preference
3 Hrs, 1x week / 219 / 56.3% / 66 / 17.0% / 73 / 18.8% / 31 / 8.0%
90 Min, 2x week / 134 / 36.4% / 136 / 37.0% / 61 / 16.6% / 37 / 10.1%
50 Min, 3x week / 45 / 13.8% / 89 / 27.3% / 150 / 46.0% / 42 / 12.9%
Future Course Offerings
Students were asked to select all of the courses they would like to see offered at Morgan Hill from a list of 17 areas of study. The content of the list was based on the results of previous surveys and anecdotal information from students at the campus. Students were also provided with an optional write-in response section to add any additional comments or classes they would like to see offered at Morgan Hill. The table below summarizes the percentage of response on the 17 item list. The most desired classes are all levels of Math and English, followed by Child Development, all Computer classes, History, and Physical Education.
Courses / Count / % of Student Response / Courses / Count / % of Student ResponseMath – all levels / 220 / 49.9 / Desktop Publishing / 82 / 18.6
English – all levels / 191 / 43.3 / Business Law / 78 / 17.7
Child Development / 152 / 34.5 / Real Estate / 77 / 17.5
Computer - all / 130 / 29.5 / Allied Health / 75 / 17.0
History / 124 / 28.1 / Accounting / 70 / 15.9
Physical Education / 113 / 25.6 / Computer Graphics / 67 / 15.2
Health Education / 97 / 22.0 / Music Theory / 56 / 12.7
Language / 95 / 21.5 / Guidance / 52 / 11.8
Science / 94 / 21.3
Open-ended responses to the class interest item are presented below. The most popular write-in response was for classes given in Spanish, including Child Development, ESL, CPR and First Aid.
Classes in Spanish: CD, ESL, CPR, First Aid, computers36
Admin of justice3
All GE classes3
Biology or chemistry3
French (also 1 each for Japanese and Italian)3
Sports: softball, tai chi, yoga evening3
Summer school for kids3
Beginning piano and guitar2
Business marketing & admin2
Econ 1a,b and 22
Music: choir2
Theatre, radio television, film2
3D animation1
Adobe Acrobat1
American Indian studies1
Communication 1A and 101
Digital photography in evening1
Electronics, basics of AC/DC1
Interest in Professional Development or San JoseState Courses
A final set of questions asked the students about their interest in taking SJSU or professional development courses at the Morgan Hill campus. Students were mostly in favor the possibility of taking SJSU classes from Morgan Hill, although there was less interest in courses for professionals with degrees or in professional development. The distribution of response for these questions is presented below. Write in responses indicating interest in classes taught by the NationalHispanicUniversity were also obtained.
Would take SJSU courses from Morgan Hill campus / Count / Valid PercentYes / 416 / 83.7%
No / 81 / 16.3%
Total / 497 / 100.0%
Missing (non-response) / 25
Would like more courses for professionals with degrees / Count / Valid Percent
Yes / 324 / 68.2%
No / 151 / 31.8%
Total / 475 / 100.0%
Missing (non-response) / 47
Would take UCSanta Cruz professional development courses at Morgan Hill / Count / Valid Percent
Yes / 325 / 67.0%
No / 160 / 33.0%
Total / 485 / 100.0%
Missing (non-response) / 37
Hollister Campus
Survey of Student Interest, Fall 2006
A questionnaire assessing student interest was fielded at Gavilan’s Hollister campus in September 2006. The focus of the questionnaire was on students’ preferences for specific class offerings, class day and time schedules, and reasons for enrolling in classes at Gavilan Hollister. A total of 349 valid surveys were obtained.
Hollister residency was reported by 94% of those students attending the campus. Of the remaining 6%, the largest percentage of students resides in Gilroy (3%). Students’ city of residence is reported in the table below.
City of Residence / Count / Valid PercentHollister / 330 / 94.6%
Gilroy / 9 / 2.6%
Los Banos / 1 / .3%
Morgan Hill / 1 / .3%
Paicinas / 1 / .3%
San Juan Bautista / 7 / 2.0%
Total / 349 / 100.0%
Course Load
Students were asked to report the number of courses taken at all of Gavilan’s campuses and whether they were attending other institutions. Approximately 70% of Hollister students are taking one or two classes this term.
Number of classes taken at Hollister / Count / Valid Percent1 / 136 / 39.0%
2 / 112 / 32.1%
3 / 47 / 13.5%
4 / 48 / 13.8%
5 / 6 / 1.7%
Total / 349 / 100.0%
A total of 155 Hollister students (48%) report taking classes at Gilroy or Morgan Hill. The chart below displays the joint distribution of students taking classes at more than one of Gavilan’s campuses. Approximately 99% of Hollister students who report taking classes at other campuses attend the Gilroy campus. This chart shows that quite a few students are dividing their course load across the Hollister and (primarily) Gilroy campuses.
Attendance at other institutions was reported by 3 students. Alternative campuses attended include San JoseCity and BostonReedCollege. One student declined to answer.
Reasons for Enrolling at Hollister
A five-item question with an open-ended response option assessed Hollister students’ reasons for enrolling in classes at the campus this fall. The table below displays the percentage of students indicating a positive response on each item. More than 90% of the students indicated that the campus’ proximity to their home as one of the primary reason for enrolling at Gavilan Hollister.
Reasons for Enrolling at Hollister This Fall / Count / % Student ResponseHollister closer to where I live / 305 / 92.1%
Class offered only at Hollister / 29 / 8.8%
Instructor I prefer teaches in Hollister / 27 / 8.2%
Class I wanted on main campus was closed / 24 / 7.3%
Facilities are better at Hollister / 21 / 6.3%
The open-ended response option for this question garnered 44 responses that have been categorized in the table below. The most common additional reason that students gave for enrolling at Hollister was fit with home and work schedule, including proximity of the campus to the workplace. Another popular reason for enrolling was related to transportation issues and the price of gasoline.
Fits work and home schedule / 13Transportation: cannot drive; walking distance; do not have car; gas prices / 10
Night classes offered / 6
No parking permits / 4
Late registering at other campuses / 2
Smaller bldg; easier to find classes / 3
Counselor told me to / 1
Class Scheduling Preference
Students were asked whether they preferred day classes and thought the campus should offer more day classes. A majority of Hollister students (61%) agreed that they prefer day classes.
Student preference for specific day and time scheduling was assessed by two relatively complicated schedule matrices. Response distributions for these items are reported below. This same item on the Morgan Hill survey produced a large amount of non-response on the first set of items that asked students to indicate their preference for start time and days of attendance. Hollister students did not exhibit a similar pattern of non-response. However, it is recommended that this question be presented in a different format in future surveys to ensure that these items are understandable to all respondents.
The most popular days and times for Hollister students reflect the needs of day and night students. Preferred day schedules are 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday through Thursday. More than 50% of the students indicated that this time period was preferred. Preferred night schedules are 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, again with over 50% of the students preferring this time and date for courses.
Day and Time Preferences / Count / % of Students Answering “Yes”8am-12pm M-F / 141 / 41.2%
8am-12pm M-W / 187 / 54.7%
8am-12pm T-Th / 184 / 53.8%
12pm-5pm T-Th / 113 / 33.0%
5pm-9pm M-F / 136 / 39.8%
5pm-9pm T-Th / 199 / 58.2%
5pm-9pm M-W / 176 / 51.5%
Before 8am Sat / 39 / 11.4%
8am-12pm Sat / 79 / 23.1%
12pm-5pm Sat / 56 / 16.4%
Student preferences for day and evening class hours are presented below. The most popular class hours for day courses were 90 minutes, 2 times per week. For evening courses, 3 hours, 1 time per week or 90 minutes 2 times per week were the preferred hours. Least popular for both day and evening courses was the 50 minute, 3 times a week class.
Most Preferred / Don't Care / Least Preferred / Don't KnowCount / % / Count / % / Count / % / Count / %
Day Preference
3 Hrs, 1x week / 94 / 34.6% / 89 / 32.7% / 74 / 27.2% / 15 / 5.5%
90 Min, 2x week / 163 / 57.0% / 92 / 32.2% / 19 / 6.3% / 13 / 4.5%
50 Min, 3x week / 52 / 20.6% / 94 / 37.2% / 89 / 35.2% / 18 / 7.1%
Evening Preference
3 Hrs, 1x week / 131 / 47.6% / 65 / 23.6% / 64 / 23.3% / 15 / 5.5%
90 Min, 2x week / 128 / 46.2% / 97 / 35.0% / 34 / 13.3% / 18 / 6.5%
50 Min, 3x week / 42 / 17.0% / 79 / 32.0% / 104 / 42.1% / 22 / 8.9%
Future Course Offerings
Students were asked to select all of the courses they would like to see offered at Hollister from a list of 17 areas of study. The content of the list was based on the results of previous surveys and anecdotal information from students at the campus. Students were also provided with an optional write-in response section to add any additional comments or classes they would like to see offered at Hollister. The table below summarizes the percentage of response on the 17 item list. The most desired classes are all levels of Math and English, followed by Physical Education, all Computer classes, and History.
Courses / Count / % of Positive Student Response / Courses / Count / % of Positive Student ResponseMath – all levels / 210 / 67.5% / Business Law / 80 / 25.7%
English – all levels / 159 / 51.1% / Computer Graphics / 77 / 24.8%
Physical Education / 125 / 40.2% / Accounting / 76 / 24.4%
Computer - all / 118 / 37.9% / Real Estate / 72 / 23.2%
History / 116 / 37.3% / Desktop Publishing / 67 / 21.5%
Science / 109 / 35.0% / Guidance / 56 / 18.0%
Language / 104 / 33.4% / Allied Health / 56 / 18.0%
Health Education / 90 / 28.9% / Music Theory / 55 / 19.2%
Child Development / 90 / 28.9%
Open-ended responses to the class interest item are presented below. The most popular write-in responses were for administration of justice and physical education classes.
Administration of Justice7
Athletic training/PE, swimming, tennis, dance, yoga (am)8
Life Sciences: Biology 10, Botany, Ecology, Geology4
Sociology, Psychology, or Social Science Hybrid3
Sports medicine3
All GE to get aa2
Better selection of night classes1
Chemistry, science with labs1
Learning guitar or music2
Marketing; management1
More comfy chairs in the lobby1
Nursing program1
Interest in Professional Development or Four-YearUniversityCourses
A final set of questions asked the students about their interest in taking SJSU or CSUMontereyBay, or professional development courses at the Hollister campus. Students were very in favor of courses from SJSU or CSUMontereyBay (85% answered “Yes” to this question). There was much less interest in courses for professionals with degrees or for professional development courses from UC Santa Cruz. The distribution of response for these questions is presented below. Some students indicated they did not understand what “professional development” was; examples of such courses could be included in subsequent surveys if this topic is of interest.
Would take SJSU or CSUMontereyBaycourses from Hollister campus / Count / Valid PercentYes / 280 / 85.6%
No / 47 / 13.5%
Total / 327 / 100.0%
Missing (non-response) / 22
Would like more courses for professionals with degrees / Count / Valid Percent
Yes / 190 / 54.4%
No / 122 / 35.0%
Total / 312 / 100.0%
Missing (non-response) / 37
Would take UC Santa Cruz professional development courses at Hollister / Count / Valid Percent
Yes / 215 / 61.6%
No / 108 / 30.9%
Total / 323 / 100.0%
Missing (non-response) / 26
110/18/2018Prepared by E. McKean, Research