Stillwater Christian School
Music Theory, History, & Literature
History & Literature Final Written Examination
Mr. Hunter
Music History – 150 pts.
Please match the style period in the left column with the appropriate set of dates in the right column.
Ancient / 1900-2000Medieval / 1600-1750
Renaissance / 4000 B.C.- A.D. 300
Baroque / 1450-1600
Classical / 1800-1900
Romantic / 300-1450
Twentieth-century / 1700-1800
Ancient Music
- Describe the functions of music in the cultures of Ancient Israel, Greece, and Mesopotamia.
- What is a kithara?
- What is an aulos?
- What is a shofar?
- Describe the Ancient Greek understanding of musica mundana.
Medieval Music
- What is direct chant?
- What is responsorial chant?
- What is antiphonal chant?
- What is syllabic text setting? Which texts of the mass ordinary are most likely to utilize it?
- What is neumatic text setting? Which texts of the mass ordinary are most likely to utilize it?
- What is melismatic text setting? Which texts of the mass ordinary are most likely to utilize it?
- For what is Pope Gregory the Great primarily remembered in music history?
- Differentiate between strict simple, strict composite, and modified parallel organum.
- Name two composers of organum who lived in the late Medieval period.
- What is a motet as written in the 13th century?
- What contributions did Guido d’Arezzo make to music history?
- What contributions did Franco of Cologne make to music history?
- In your opinion, what is the single most important musical development of the Medieval period? Why?
Renaissance Music
- Write “imitative polyphony.”
- Explain what is meant by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina belonging to the “Roman school” of composition. What were some characteristics of this “school?”
- Compare and contrast a Renaissance madrigal and a Renaissance motet. How are they the same? How are they different?
- What is the difference between a Medieval motet and a Renaissance motet?
- Technically, Pierre Certon’s La la la, je ne l’ose dire is a “chanson.” If you had to broadly categorize it as either a “motet” or a “madrigal,” which would you choose and why?
- Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli worked at St. Mark’s cathedral in Venice during the late Renaissance. What significant contribution did they make in the realm of instrumental music?
- In your opinion, who was the greatest composer of the Renaissance period? Why?
Baroque Music
- Why is Johann Sebastian Bach widely regarded as the greatest composer of the Baroque period? Do you think he is deserving of this distinction? Why or why not?
- What is the difference between an opera and an oratorio?
- Name a famous Baroque opera and its composer.
- Name the most famous oratorio of the Baroque period and its composer.
- What is the difference between recitativo secco and recitativo accompagnato?
- Explain how the “recitative and aria” functions in an opera or oratorio.
- What is a solo concerto?
- Antonio Vivaldi is primarily remembered for his
- Oratorios
- Concertos
- Symphonies
- Crazy funk grooves
- What is your favorite work/piece of Baroque music? Why?
Classical Music
- Classical music is generally characterized by a reliance on
- Heavily ornamented solo lines
- Complex polyphony
- Formal structure
- Improvisation
- What are the five parts of a sonata plan?
- Using letters, write out the plan of a five-part rondo.
- Describe the general idea behind theme and variations.
- In your opinion, is Mozart deserving of the wunderkind status with which he is still remembered? Why or why not?
Romantic & Nationalist Music
- Obviously not every song written in the nineteenth century is a love song. What is meant by referring to the music of this time as “romantic?”
- In what three ways did nineteenth-century composers “nationalize” their music regarding folk elements?
- Describe how Ludwig van Beethoven can accurately be considered a “transitional” composer. Which two periods did he link?
- What is thematic transformation? Who is credited with having developed it? Give an example of a symphony in which thematic transformation is used.
- Do you consider Johannes Brahms’ A German Requiem to be a Romantic work, a Nationalist work, or both? Explain your answer.
- What characters are present in Franz Schubert’s Erlkönig? Does this song qualify as Romantic? Nationalist? Explain your answer.
- In your opinion, does worldview affect artistic output? How is your answer supported by an understanding of musical developments of the nineteenth century? Include at least one example.
Twentieth-century Music
- Differentiate between the neoclassical and avant-garde schools of compostitional thought.
- Of which of these two philosophies is Appalachian Spring an example?
- Of which of these two philosophies is minimalism an example?
- For what compositional process is Terry Riley known?
- What is aleatoric music (aleatory)?
- John Cage is known primarily for utilizing ______in his music.
- Minimalism
- Aleatory
- Sonata form
- Theme & variations
- Terry Riley is known primarily for utilizing ______in his music.
- Minimalism
- Aleatory
- Sonata form
- Theme & variations
- In your opinion, at which point in history did Western music achieve its artistic apex? Has this point come yet? Is this a reasonable question?
Who is the most likely composer of the following excerpt?
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Aaron Copland
Explain how you arrived at your answer: ______