640 LOR 4 TOA PAYOH S(319522) TEL:62503088 FAX: 63569901 Email: Website:
继续教育中心Centre of Continuing Education
TCM Short Courses (English)
Lecturer’s Biography: Physician Tay Ai Choo 郑爱珠医师Prior to practicing TCM, Ms Tay was a veteran human resource practitioner and people developer. She obtained her Bachelor of Commerce (Economics) from Nanyang University and subsequently obtained her first master degree in Adult Education from Sheffield University, UK. Her second master degree was awarded by Beijing TCM University. Ms Tay is a very much sought-after speaker by the general public and private institutions in TCM topics. /
Course: Guasha and Healthcare 刮痧与养生
TCM holds that when the body’s meridian system is performing well, the emotions, mind and spirit of the body will maintain a harmonious state. However, when the essential functions of the meridian system, which is to transport qi and blood and to resist invasion of exogenous pathogenic factors encountered obstruction, the human body’s “interior landscape” will be eroded. By applying acupoint self-massage and scrapping the specific spots of blockage or bottlenecks, the body’s depletion and stagnation will be restored to earlier stages, greater health problems can therefore be avoided.
This course will cover the followings:
• Brief introduction of Meridians Theory
• Physiological functions of the body’s Meridian System
• Composition of the Meridian System
• Running routes of the various Meridians
•Brief introduction of Scrapping or Guasha techniques
• Allocating the positions of the body’s key acupoints
• Mastering the characteristics and possible healing effects of these acupoints
• The dos and don’ts of applying Guasha technique
• Application of Guasha technique to manage common body discomfort
报名表格Registration Form
Name (Chinese):(English): / Mobile No. (Required) (To contact you if there is any changes to the lectures):
NRIC: / Email(Required) (To contact you if there is any changes to the lectures):
Nationality (Please √):
Singaporean( ) Permanent Resident( ) Others( )
Signature: / Date: / Office Staff: / Receipt No.:
NT-17-22Guasha and Healthcare 刮痧与养生
Course Duration: 20 hours (Over 8 sessions, each session 2.5 hours)
Course Commencement: 14Aug2017
Venue: Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
640 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh Singapore 319522
3rd floor
Course Schedule: Mon, 7:00 pm to 9:45pm (2.5 hours, with 15 min break)
1)14/8/17 (Mon): Guasha and Healthcare - Lecture 1
2)21/8/17 (Mon): Guasha and Healthcare - Lecture 2
3)28/8/17 (Mon): Guasha and Healthcare - Lecture 3
4) 4/9/17 (Mon): Guasha and Healthcare - Lecture 4
5)11/9/17 (Mon): Guasha and Healthcare - Lecture 5
6)18/9/17 (Mon): Guasha and Healthcare - Lecture 6
7) 25/9/17 (Mon): Guasha and Healthcare - Lecture 7
8) 2/10/17 (Mon): Guasha and Healthcare – Lecture 8
Course Fees / ( )S$288 (Register before 31July 2017 to enjoy a 10% early bird discount)
( )S$320 (Standard rate)
Remarks / 1) A minimum class size of 15 students is required in order to start the course.
2) Class size is limited to not more than 30 students to ensure a valuable learning experience.
3) Early Bird Discount: Register before 31 July 2017 to enjoy a 10% discount.
You may opt for the following methods to register the TCM lectures:
1. Visit the College (3rd floor) to register and make payment.
2. Via Cheque Payment: Mail the registration form together with a cheque (cheque crossed and addressed to “Singapore College of Traditional Chinese
Medicine”)to “Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 640 Lor 4 Toa Payoh, Singapore 319522”.
3. Via Online Banking: Via ATM, DBS Cash Deposit Machine or Internet Banking, transfer the required amount of payment to the College’s DBS Current
Account, account number: 005-015985-7.Upon successful transaction, fill up the online registration form on Wechat or email the registration form,
transaction reference number and date to . Pleaseretain the transaction receipt for verification when there is a need.
Refund Policy
1. If the lecture/course is cancelled or postponed, participants may opt for a refund or change to another equivalent lecture/course.
2. Participant who is not able to attend the lecture/course after registration and payment, he/she may request for a refund. However, such request
must be submitted at least 7 working days (not including Sunday) prior to the start date of the lecture/course. Request for refund that is submitted
in less than 7 working days will not be eligible for refund.
3. Any request for refund must be accompany with the payment receipt.