Grissom Math Teacher: Mrs. Dion Lucas

Email: ; Phone: (256) 428-8000 Extension 224; Room BB4


-  School Laptop & Headphones - Binder, Notebook Folder, or Spiral

-  Pencils, Pens, & Highlighters - Scientific or Graphing Calculator (Class Set Provided)

Weighted Grades:

60% - Exams 40% - Classwork Note: Homework is Completion of Classwork

Grading Scale:

100 - 90% A 89 - 80% B 79 - 70% C 69 - 60% D

Algebra 1 – First 9 Weeks Concepts / Geometry – First 9 Weeks Concepts
Foundations for Algebra
Solving Equations
Solving Inequalities
Intro to Functions / Tools for Geometry
Reasoning & Proof
Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
Algebra 1 – Second 9 Weeks Concepts / Geometry – Second 9 Weeks Concepts
Intro to Functions Continues
Linear Functions
Systems of Equations & Inequalities / Congruent Triangles
Relationships Within Triangles
Polygons & Quadrilaterals
Algebra 1 – Third 9 Weeks Concepts / Geometry – Third 9 Weeks Concepts
Systems of Equations & Inequalities Continues
Exponents & Exponential Functions
Polynomials & Factoring / Polygons & Quadrilaterals
Right Triangles & Trigonometry
Algebra 1 – Fourth 9 Weeks Concepts / Geometry – Fourth 9 Weeks Concepts
Quadratic Functions & Equations
Radical Expressions & Equations
Rational Expressions & Functions
Data Analysis / Area Continues
Surface Area & Volumes
Benchmarks at the End of Each 9 Weeks / Benchmarks at the End of Each 9 Weeks

Period 1: Algebra 1

Edmodo Code: degkis
Math XL Code:
XL05-E1C4-0021-6043 /

Period 5: Geometry

Edmodo Code: eavzd6
Math XL Code:

Period 3: Algebra 1

Edmodo Code: 5fqxu7
Math XL Code:
XL05-F15D-5021-9043 /

Period 6: Geometry

Edmodo Code: dt5bcw
Math XL Code:

Period 4: Algebra 1

Edmodo Code: i22fi8

Math XL Code:


Period 7: Geometry

Edmodo Code: fp54uu
Math XL Code:

Management Plan for Mrs. Lucas Class

Classroom Expectations:

-  Bring ALL class materials with you each day and be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.

-  Listen carefully during class, SHOW ALL WORK, and do your best!

-  Finish your current math assignments before working on other assignments.

-  Cell phones & laptops are not allowed on paper exams.

-  Cheating will not be tolerated. If the teacher has a reason to believe a student is cheating, then parents will be contacted and the student will take a different assessment to show proficiency of the content lesson.

Make-Up Work & Exam Policy:

-  Absent work must be done in the designated time period.

-  Late work will be accepted, but 10% will be taken off each day after its original due date.

-  Test will be announced well in advanced. Please be prepared to take the scheduled exam.

-  All make-up exams and retakes are done before or after school.

-  Students may retake exams if their performance score is below a 70%. The average score of the two exams cannot exceed 70%.

Classroom Rules:

1.  Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in the classroom

2.  Raise your hand and wait for permission to share.

3.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4.  Cell phones are to be used before and after class.

5.  Please throw away all foods/drinks in the trash cans and keep the classroom clean.

If You Choose to Break a Rule:

First Time: Verbal warning

Second Time: Conference with teacher

Third Time: Office referral and parents are contacted


Praise (daily)

Positive notes & calls home (random)

Various positive perks (throughout the school year)

STUDENT: I have read this classroom’s course guidelines & management plan, and I understand what is expected of me. I will honor it throughout the school year.

Signature ______Date ______

PARENT: My child has discussed the classroom’s course guideline & management plan with me. I understand it and will support it.

Signature ______Date ______

TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the management plan for all students.

Signature ______Date ______

***** IMPORTANT *****


Thank You!

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