Spanish 2

I. Course Content

A. Textbook

1. ¡Ven conmigo! Level 2

2. ¡Ven conmigo! Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook

3. Activities from ¡Ven conmigo! Practice and Activity Workbook

B. Skills

1. Listening

a. teacher and classmates

b. ¡Ven conmigo! CD ROM listening activities

c. variety of cassettes and videotapes

2. Speaking

a. oral drills (individual, small group, class)

b. “personal questions”/opinion questions

c. short conversational dialogs

3. Reading

a. material from textbook

b. material from workbooks

4. Writing

a. exercises in textbook

b. exercises in workbook

c. sentences

d. short paragraphs

e. compositions, stories

5. Cultural topics

a. geography: focus- Mexico

b. customs/traditions–comparisons between cultures: focus-Mexico

c. Andalucía, Spain/México/Texas/the Caribbean (¡Ven conmigo!)

II. Components of a textbook chapter

A. Location Opener – photo essay

B. Chapter Opener

C. De antemano (Getting Started)

D. Primer paso (First Section)

E. Segundo paso (Second Section)

F. Tercer paso (Third Section)

G. Panorama cultural (Cultural Panorama)

H. Vamos a leer (Let’s Read)

I. Repaso (Review)

J. A ver si puedo… (Let’s see if I can…)

K. Vocabulario (Vocabulary)

III. Homework

A. Study vocabulary, verb forms and other grammatical structures

B. Write exercises and /or do worksheets

C. Write sentences, short dialogs, paragraphs, compositions, stories

D. Review the day’s lessons each night

E. Rehearse previously studied material

F. Practice out loud

IV. Evaluation

Examples of evaluations:

Quizzes, Tests, Unit Tests, Projects, Compositions, Conversations,

Presentations, Class participation, Homework, Classwork

V. Grading policy:

Presentational Communication [presentations & formal written expression] 30% Interpersonal Communication [conversation & informal written expression] 30% Interpretational Communication [comprehension & language skills (quizzes)] 30%

Classwork/Homework 10%

Language study is cumulative. It is very important for students to stay current. Feel free to encourage your child to come in for extra help if he or she has any questions.

If you have any questions or concerns about this course or your child’s performance in class, please call the high school office before 3:30 Monday through Friday in order to leave a message for me or contact me by e-mail.

My e-mail address is or


Dr. Corey Borzain

HKHS Mission

The mission of Haddam-Killingworth High School is to provide a personalized and collective experience through which students are challenged to develop the knowledge, skills, and work ethic to contribute to a global society.

Expectations for Student Learning

Academic: Civic:

The Haddam-Killingworth High School graduate will: The Haddam-Killingworth graduate will individually and collaboratively:

1. Access and analyze information 1. Act responsibly

2. Problem solve 2. Pursue goals

3. Communicate effectively

4. Apply information

5. Reflect and evaluate