Ulcombe Weekly news

08/05/17 – 12/05/17


Monday - Thursday / Year 6 SATs
08/05/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
12:40 – 15:00 / Gardening Club (Y5 & 6 boys only)
Swimming – Little Owls please remember swimming kit and money
Tues 09/05/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
15:15 – 16:15 / Cross Stitch Club (Y3 – Y6)
Cross Stitch Club (Y3 – Y6)
Wed 10/05/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
12:15 – 12:40
15:15 – 16:15 / Gardening Club (Y5 & 6 boys only)
Karaoke Club (YR – Y2)
Gardening Club (YR – Y6)
11/05/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
12:15 – 12:40
15:30 – 16:30
19:00 – 20:00 / Cross Stitch Club (Y3 – Y6)
Board Games Club (Y3 – Y6)
Ball Sports Club (Y2 – Y6)
FUS AGM in the School Hall
12/05/17 / 12:15 – 12:40
14:50 – 15:10
15:15 – 17:00 / Gardening Club (Y5 & 6 boys only)
Celebration Assembly
Film Club (YR – Y6)

Year 6 SATs – 8 to 11 May

Year 6 SATs take place from Monday 8 May to Thursday 11 May. Please make sure your child is in school on time, has had a good breakfast and a good night’s sleep to allow them to do their best.

Ulcombe Hill will be closed from Monday 8 May for 5 days. Diversions will be in place. Please make sure you allow extra time to get to school if this affects your normal route.

Old £5 notes and other money matters!

Please note that these are no longer legal tender as at midnight on Friday 5 May. As the school banks on a Tuesday (after the deadline), we can no longer accept them. If you have any at home, they will still be accepted by your bank for the next few months, and there is no deadline for when they can be exchanged by the Bank of England.

We have amended our banking procedures in line with KCC policy and, as such, no longer have petty cash in school. This means that we may not have change available, so please send in any cash payments for the school in named envelopes with the correct money. Dinner money is dealt with by the Caterlink cash collector, not the school office, so please keep dinner money payments separate from anything else, also in a named envelope.


As you are aware, good attendance is crucial to your child making progress in school.

There have been several court cases in the press recently relating to attendance and, in particular, the issuing of penalty notices. KCC have revised their policy following these cases.

Our policy remains the same in that every session of absence needs to be accounted for. You must contact school. School will decide whether the absence is authorised.

We expect pupils to attend school every day when the school is open and where there are more than 10 sessions or 5 days unauthorised absences in a 50 day period a penalty notice will be issued.

Please come in and chat to Mrs Hargrave or Toni, our FLO, if you need support in ensuring your child attends every day.

Ice Lollies!

This term Owlets will be selling ice lollies every Friday lunchtime for 50p each. This will help towards their fundraising target of £200 to purchase a new outdoor display board for the school.

Year 2 SATs – 15 to 19 May

Year 2 SATs take place from Monday 15 May to Friday 19 May. Please make sure your child is in school on time, has had a good breakfast and a good night’s sleep to allow them to do their best.

This week in worship we have been discussing making the world a fairer place. We have linked this discussion to food and drink and that how, even though it is 2017, some people in the world are starving or drink dirty water.
‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’
Romans 15:13
We discussed Henry Heinz of Heinz soup and baked beans!
Henry Heinz was a Christian who started to grow food in his family garden and then put it into clean glass bottles and said that people could have their money back if they were not happy with his food. Food production at the time was not always clean and hygienic and people could not trust where their food came from. He believed that customers should trust him in the same way that he trusted in God. He wanted to make sure that he was being fair to the people who put their trust in his products. Laws were introduced based on Henry’s way of being fair to those who trusted his guarantees.
Emma Hickling

Polite Reminders

Please remember that if your child is in Barn Owls, Little Owls or Owlets they must be collected from the school playground by a responsible adult (over 18) and once released into your care at the end of the day they are your responsibility to keep safe and supervise even when still on the school site. If you wish your child to walk home unaccompanied, regardless of their class, the school must have a signed letter to that effect and it must be agreed with Miss Hickling.

Please do not allow your children to play on the adventure apparatus or enter the pond area after school as KCC Insurance Services have advised that this is not permitted unless a member of staff is in attendance.

The school gate will be unlocked from 8:40am until 9:00am and from 3:00pm to 3:45pm. If you need to access the school outside these times, please go to the main door and ring the buzzer.

FUS News
Our fundraising enables us to provide new equipment for the school, such as the adventure trail, benefiting all the children.
FUS AGM – Thursday 11 May at 7pm
This is being held in the School Hall, please feel free to come along if you are interested.
Non school uniform day – Friday 26 May
We will be holding a non-school uniform day on Friday 26 May. To take part, just bring in an item that can be used as a prize for the tombola for the Summer Fayre. Unwanted gifts or any unused items are ideal – please make sure they are within any expiry dates. We need as many items as possible, so please feel free to send as many as you can find.
Summer Fayre – Friday 7 July tbc
The Summer Fayre will be held immediately after Sports Day (date tbc). There will be a BBQ and many stalls so please come along and help FUS support the school. More details to follow.
If you have any donations for raffle prizes, please bring them to the School Office or give them to a member of FUS on the playground before or after school.

Celebration Certificates

Star of the Week / Writer of the Week / Mathematician of the Week
Elizabeth Delaney
Alfie Willink
Daniel Perry
Daniel Doherty / Owen Crane
Kye Sharrad
Jacob Whitehead
Ben Leat / Analise Reader
Neve McLeary
Molly-May Matthews
Rita Allen

Christian Value Cross

Our Christian Values are forgiveness, thankfulness, trust, friendship, endurance and compassion. Each week children have the chance to earn the ‘Christian Value Cross’ for their class. This week it has been awarded to: Peter McCann, Alfie Willink, Ben Leat and Tommy Connors

Our Reading Tree

Leaves for 10 reads: Rory Roe, Madeline Cash, Ameera Kaiyum, Owen Crane, Edward Brazil, Abbie Crane, Jacob Hammick, Casper Whitehead, Rita Allen

Owlets for 50 reads: Rita Allen

Barn Owls for 150 reads: Isobel Duncan-Webster

Times Table Stars

Gold+ star awarded to: Tallulah Turner

Well done!


Emerald 46, Sapphire 25, Topaz 39

Attendance Ted and Punctuality Pup

Last week our Attendance Ted winners were Little Owls with 94.3% attendance. Tawny Owls came second with 93.8%. Barn Owls had 82.8% attendance and Owlets had 71.6%. Whole school attendance was only 86.6%, which is still way below the national requirement of 97%. Punctuality Pup was awarded to Tawny Owls with 98.97% punctuality.

Dates for your diary

8 – 11 May / Year 6 SATs week
Thursday 11 May / 7:00pm / FUS AGM in the School Hall
Wednesday 17 May / 9:00am / Tawny Owls’ visit to Maidstone Museum
15 – 19 May / Year 2 SATs week
Thursday 25 May / All day / Tawny Owls’ War Day – see letter
Friday 26 May / Non
Friday 26 May / 3:15pm / End of Term 5
Monday 5 June / 8:55am / Start of Term 6
21 – 23 June / Residential Trip
Friday 30 June / All day / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL
Friday 7 July / 2:00pm / Sports Day (tbc)
Friday 7 July / 3:15pm / FUS Summer Fayre (tbc)
Monday 10 July / 3:30pm / Parent Consultation Evening
Tuesday 11 July / 3:30pm / Parent Consultation Evening
Thursday 20 July / 1:30pm / School Prom
Friday 21 July / 3:15pm / End of Term 6
Monday 4 September / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL (tbc)
Tuesday 5 September / Inset Day – NO CHILDREN IN SCHOOL (tbc)
Wednesday 6 September / 8:55am / Start of Term 1