The “scramble format” in golf is a popular format for group outings. Because it allows someone who's not necessarily a good golfer to compete and still get a great score. The rules for playing golf, scramble format are pretty simple. You begin with teams usually between two and four people. Each person on the team tees off from the same spot. The team then chooses the best shot made, and everyone moves their ball to that spot, and then plays from there. Then the best of the second shot is determined, and everyone moves their ball to that spot, and plays from there. This continues until the ball is in the hole.


Each group competes as a team for the LOWEST TEAM SCORE for the 9 holes.


  1. Each group will select a Team captain prior to teeing off.
  2. Play begins with each member of the group teeing off.
  3. With the agreement of the other members of the group, the team captain decides which drive is the most desirable.
  4. The other members of the group pick up their balls and proceed to the spot of the selected drive, where they will hit their second shots.
  5. The best of the second shots is then chosen. The group will then hit all their putts (or third shots) from that spot.
  6. This procedure continues until the ball is in the hole.
  7. At the end of each hole, the score for the group is recorded on the card.

Note: The maximum score allowed is double-par. After that, simply pick up the balls and move on to the next hole.


  1. Place balls within one club length of the original ball
  2. On the putting green place the ball within 3 inches of the original ball.
  3. In placing the ball, you may not change the condition of the shot. If the ball is in a hazard or rough, all members of the team must play their shot from the hazard or rough, respectively.
  4. On the putting green, give each person a shot at the first putt. Do not hole out a short putt if you have missed your first putt.The first ball in must count. Mark your ball and wait.
  5. If playing as a threesome, one member of the threesome may on a rotational basis, hit or putt an extra time to compensate for the fourth person.


  1. Please smooth all marks made in Sand Bunkers.
  2. Leave the putting green as soon as you have holed out.
  3. As a courtesy to all players, please remain quiet to allow player to concentrate while taking their shot.
  4. Do not play until the players in front of you are out of range.
  5. For novice teams taking more than the usual time to complete a hole, if requested, please allow team behind to play through by stepping to the side and waiting until all their team members have made their shots and moved out of way before proceeding.
  6. All divots (hunks of sod you may lift out with your club when hitting the ball) must be placed back and smoothed down.
  7. Please observe all local course rules.

[Prepared by Lynn Gunn as a general example of how Scramble Golf is usually played. Other rules may apply.]