Simple Inner Game System 7 Day Email Course

Simple Inner Game System 7 Day Email Course
Below you’ll find the seven emails of the 7 day email course of my Simple Inner Game System.
It has converted between 5-20% of the readers into buyers within those 7 days, and I want to give you the opportunity to do the same with YOUR website visitors and email readers!
Imagine if you had 500 people on your list and gave them all this 7 day course, then you could easily earn 25-100 x $24,99 = somewhere between $625 and $2500 by promoting the product ONCE!
I’ve handcrafted this course to highlight a different benefit of the product during each day of the course, so that when you try to sell it to the people on your site or email newsletter? The Simple Inner Game System will turn into an offer they can’t refuse…
To make using this 7 day email course super easy for you, I’ve added a Table Of Contents to this document so you’ll know where to find the instructions for the course and each of the individual emails.
Enjoy making those sales!
To More Dating Success,
Dennis Miedema
Win With Women
And Remember…
- If you want to gain access to even more internet marketing techniques so you can earn more money within days, and if you want to stay up-to-date about new product releases, special promotional deals and much more... then GO HERE and sign up for the Win With Women Affiliates Newsletter.
- If you have any questions, requests, or comments send me an email at and I’ll be happy to help you! After all, your success is my success!
Table Of Contents
Instructions – Page 3
Email Day 1 – Page 4
Email Day 2– Page 5
Email Day 3 – Page 10
Email Day 4 - Page 18
Email Day 5 – Page27
Email Day 6 – Page 35
Email Day 7 – Page 39
Final Words – Page 44
1) For MAXIMUM conversions, it’s best to send the emails within one week, so send one email, then send the second the next day, and so on.
2) I end every email with my trademark signature (to more dating success, Dennis Miedema… and so on), but if you’re smart you either:
- Tell people you have a guest writer (that’s me!) that will send them some interesting emails
- Or… you end every email with your own signature
3) Don’t have an email newsletter? Go to or sign up, put a sign up form on your website, and you can have people sign up for your newsletter so you can email them as much as you want, whenever you want!
I highly recommend you get yourself a newsletter, because it’s real cheap and it allows you to try and sell to people multiple times and not just when they visit your site.
Research has shown that it often takes multiple moments of contact before someone will buy from you, so get that newsletter up and running!
4) Once you have a newsletter, all you have to do is COPY and PASTE each day into a new email. Then, enter your affiliate link wherever it says “YOUR AFFILIATE LINK HERE”.
5) Below you’ll see that I start each Email Day with Subject: which is obviously how you should name your email when sending it out. Blank emails don’t work, you need to capture people’s attention with an interesting subject first!
6) Send these 7 emails in the order that I’m presenting them to you… and you’ll be ready to start earning hundreds to thousands of dollars starting today!
Email Day 1
Subject: Easily DOUBLE your dating success today…
Hi there, how are you?
I'm going to be sending you a few awesome newsletters over the next couple of days, in which I discuss some very important dating insights and techniques…
And I want to start off right by giving you some SURPRISE GIFTS!
So, if you want to get your two FREE ebooks that will easily DOUBLE the number of women you can meet and date?
Then what are you waiting for?
Download Them Now
To More Dating Success,
Dennis Miedema
Win With Women
Email Day 2
Subject: Havinga lack of confidence... and what to do about it...
Dear Dennis, I find it really, really difficult to approach women but I don't know what's causing it. Whenever I see a beautiful woman I want to approach I just freeze and end up not talking to her at all! Sometimes I do manage to get their attention, but I start stuttering like seconds after I said hi or something.
What's wrong with me?? Can you please help!
Dean P, New York City, USA
I know what's wrong with you...
You don't have the ballsto do what a man's gotta do and thereforeyou must secretly be a woman trapped in a man's body!
But at least you have the guts to admit there's something wrong and that you need help.
Here's the story...
The majority of regular guys understand the fact that if they have trouble approaching women and can't get themselves to start talking to a woman, that they need to start building their confidence because they're to AFRAID to approach women.
There are many more signs of a lack of confidence that they either don't recognize or ignore, and so I want to give you a checklist of tell-tale signs that hint at you having an inner issue that needs to be taken care of... unless you want to keep being a desperate little wussy.
Below I'll ask you a number of questions, and if you answer "No" to all of 'em you'll be just fine and I suggest you immediately unsubscribe from my newsletter...
But the brutal truth is that there's almost ALWAYS a "Yes"...
when you're honest about yourself!
The checklist will only take a minute of your time or less, so start answering the questions for yourself below now.
The "Inner Game" Checklist
1) Have you ever felt uncomfortable when you found yourself alone in a room with a woman you thought was attractive?

2) Have you ever acted differently towards your friends or family during a social gathering (a birthday, a party at someone's place, etc.) when an attractive woman you didn't know was there too?

3) Have you ever felt jealous and like you were losing control of your emotions when a woman you liked talked about another man, or when you saw her with another man (that includes an ex)?

4) Have you ever gotten angry or lost control of your emotions when a woman said something about you that you didn't like (example: she teases you or is being picky about something you do and you felt insulted)?

5) Do you ever get carried away in a woman's emotions on a regular basis? Example: she felt down at the start of the conversation and you became less and less happy as well during the conversation.

6) Have you ever hesitated when you wanted to approach and talk to a woman, ended up not talking to her at all, and then beat yourself up about it and felt bummed out about it?

7) Have you ever wanted to approach and talk to a woman but didn't do it at all because you were scared of rejection or failure... or simply didn't know what to say to her?

8) Have you ever felt like your job, where you live (for example: with your parents), the amount of money you earn, the clothes you wear, the people you know, a lack of a social circle, the car and other stuff you own and so forth... prevent you from having the success with women that you want?

9) Have you ever wondered why I woman was still with you,
in a relationship with you or still dating you because you didn't deserve it? That you were unworthy of getting her and
keeping her?

10) And have you ever felt like you were out of a woman's league and didn't have enough value to "get the girl"?

11) Have you ever gotten angry or felt like you were losing control of your emotions when people (and women in particular) criticized you for doing (or NOT doing) something?

12) Have you ever felt insecure during sex because you thought you wouldn't be able to satisfy her needs? Or that you had a lack of experience to be able to pleasure her sexually?

13) Have you ever chased a woman more than usual when you felt like you were losing her? That you tried to call her, talk to her, IM with her, email with her and see her more than before because you were scared you would lose her for whatever reason? And did you react angry or insecure when she didn't reply to your attempts to contact her within a day or so?
Answer the questions I just gave you honestly, and even if you only answered "Yes" one time there's a high chance that you need to resolve some inner issues... that your "Inner Game" needs fixing.
It's important that you realize this... AND that you start improving your Inner Game and confidence right away, because 9 out of 10 times one minor issue is just the tip of the iceberg...
That seemingly unimportant behavior is caused by an insecurity, which in turn is caused by a limiting belief that LIMITS not only the dating success but also the social success you will achieve if you don't fix it.
If you work on expanding your self image, you expand the limits of what's possible to achieve in your life.
So how can you start doing that?
Most men, including myself 5 years ago, are scared shitless of
approaching women... they don't dare or can't find the words to say...
Because you fear that a woman will respond in a negative way
to you becausethere's something wrong with you.
And in come your INSECURITIES, the things you think are wrong with you, because you're thinking:
Women won't like me because...
- I'm bald

- I'm fat (or overweight)
- I wear glasses
- I don't have any social status (money, looks, or power)
- Etc.
These limits to your own thinking, "limiting beliefs", prevent you from getting the results with women you truly want... so it's best if you kicked their ass and got rid of them!
And I can show you how to do that quickly and without much effort, with my Simple Inner Game System. It gives you access to living the Axe Effect Lifestyle: being the envy of your friends because woman after woman... after woman will CHASE YOU around until you dateher and sleep with her.
Your success with women will be off the charts until it will actually make your friends think that Axe really DOES work as well as in the commercials!
All because you will have extreme confidence and no longer suffer from the effects of insecurities, theFEAR OF REJECTION, or the FEAR OF FAILURE...and other "limiting beliefs".
Imagine how your life would be if you lived the Axe Effect Lifestyle as I call it, how would you feel? Would things be better for you than they are now?
If your answer is "Yes", then I highly recommend you check out my Simple Inner Game System now by clicking the link below:
Dennis your Simple Inner Game System really has given me an Axe Effect Lifestyle!! I can't believe it. It has been 3 weeks since I joined the first lesson on MSN Messenger and my confidence has gone through the roof while I used to be scared of women. That's right: scared! Scared of what they might say if I would approach them.
I'm starting to notice the effects of more confidence. Last night thecool brunettewho moved in next door a couple weeks back asked me out on a date, I never hadsomeone ask me out on a date!
And my ex suddenly started calling me way more often this week, says she wants to hang out with me soonand stuff. You rock! Can't wait for the second lesson to start!
Hank M, Boston, USA
Now that's whatI'm talking about: all the women you know are slowly turning into near-stalkers hehehe.
Don't say I didn't warn you about the effects of having an Axe
Effect Lifestyle though!
And if you're reading this and want the Simple Inner Game System to give you more confidence and more results with women too, then click the link below now to find out how:
To More Dating Success,
Dennis Miedema
Win With Women
Email Day 3
Subject: What to say to women...
Hi Dennis, how are you mate? I just wanted to say thanks for sending me the value formula mini-ebook, I've learned a lot from it about the connection between dating success,social success and success career wise and howI can let one of these areas boost the success I have in the other two. I've never quite thought of it like you do, so thanks! Your newsletter about confidence was really helpful as well, because it made me realize what my sticking points are: what the stuff is that I need to work on.
But now I'm finally over my fear of approaching women I have a new problem: I have no clue about what to say to women, let alone what to say to create attraction! I feel really stupid for sayingit, but I'm in this to win this so can you enlighten me?

David R, Manchester, United Kingdom

It's annoying isn't it... getting the answer to a question, only to find out that the answer raises even MORE questions.
But I can help... although I don't know about that "enlighten me" part, because me and myseductive deeds are far from holy my friend...
No people like me are called bad boys...NOT holy boys hahaha!
When you want to know what to say to women, the first thing you should do is attach no value at all to the first thing you say.
I've opened many, oh so many conversations with a simple and plain "Hi" or a "Hello there, what's your name?" and then walked away with that woman's phone number in my pocket.
The reason for this is simple: what you say first is a means to an end, a way to start a conversation and it really doesn't matter how you do it...
Because a woman's first impression of you is based on how you react to whatSHE says or does after you started the conversation.
If this sounds vague to you, here's some proof that shows you how it works:
You: you see a woman who's trying to make eye contact with you, you hold eye contact, smile, and she smiles back, and so you approach her and say "Hi there, what's your name girl?"
She: "Hihi hi! I'm Isabella!"
This lady was making eye contact with you first and she even giggled when you said something to her, which obviously shows she is interested in you.
Imagine what would happen if you would try to come up with all kinds of fancy crap to say to her or to tease her, while she already showed her interest...
Do you know what kind of a first impression you would make?
Like you're a total moron who has NO social intelligence AT ALL.
She's already interested, so all you have to do now is take care of logistics:
"I saw you looking at me and thought to myself: you can't look at me like that without introducing yourself! And now that I know your name, I'd like to get to know you better. Let's exchange numbers, then we can grab a cup of coffee soon".
In doing so, you show her you're interested too, and that you're a dominant guy wholikes to get what he wants (and being dominant is VERY attractive)
So don't try and come up with some over-the-top story or question to say to her just so youcan start the conversation, because moreoften than not when you've finally come up with something witty to say?
She's already gone.
Don't be locked inside your head over thinking things, over analyzing things, but seize the moment and start that conversation... even if you only say "Hi" you already won because you DID manage to approach her!
And now that you knowthat it's not what YOU say first,but how you react to what SHE says first... let's take a look at playful teasing.
Playful teasing is a character trait that creates HUGE amounts of attraction, no matter what age, class, or country a woman comes from... it's universally attractive to women.
Here's why...
- Women are used to men chasing them around, showering them with compliments, buying them gifts like flowers and chocolate, and so on... but when you tease them? You show them that you're one of the few men who is NOT impressed with their looks, you show them that they need to bring more to the table than that and that they have to make an effort
of getting YOU!
- Playful teasing is NEVER boring and ALWAYS fun... you show women that you don't take yourself OR them too seriously, you give them something else to talk about then their boring ass jobs, family or hobbies (the things that all men ask them about)