Attendees - Barry Ridler, Simon Cowan, Greg Margerison, Luke Donovan, Robyn Smith, Stacey Skilton, Sue Kay, Irene O’Malley, Sarah Shand, Natasha Purcell, Debbie Morley, Paul Evans, Ian Morley, Susanna Taylor, Jan McLellan, Mike Ashwell, Ian Smith, Marlyn Austin, Russell Broughton, Ray Burney. Sue Shannon.

Wednesday 7pm

Apologies:Tori and Glenn Roberts, Andre Geelan, Marie Thomas, Alison Morrison, Charlotte Van Asch, Jay Mason, Phil Kay, Andrew Shand, Mary Ercolano, Anna Lee, Lindsay Bird, Tony Harris, Dorothy Lumsden

Simon Cowan filling in for Jay, opened meeting with a b it of personal information on himself. Welcomed everyone, Paul Evans (TWB) Mike Ashwell (TSA) and Ray Burney Patron.

Simon moved apologies be accepted, Greg Margerison seconded.

1,Minutes of previous AGM,

Moved: Paul, seconded by Greg Margerison that minutes be accepted as a true and correct record. Carried.

2, Matters arising: Sue Kay amendment take her off previous minutes as she was away.

Business rising from previous minutes - Nil

3,Presidents report.

Simon read Jays report out, (attached)

Moved: Simon Cowan that presidents report be accepted, seconded Greg Margerison. Carried

4, Treasurers report.

Susanna Taylor thanked Simon for auditing accounts.

Barry raised point about increase in members, means increase in $ to TSA, hoping money spent wisely. The treasurer highlighted aspects of the report, particularly the increase in membership numbers both senior and junior.

Mike Ashwell spoke about TSA how the TSA is going, the cricket winning the ANZ award to upgrade carpets and trophy cabinets.

Simon spoke about his history with TSA

Ray Burney congratulated the club on an excellent financial return for the financial year.

Moved Susanna Taylor, seconded by Stacey Skilton that the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 May 2015 be accepted and adopted. Carried.

5, Other Business

Subs - Moved: Ian Morley that subs stay the same, seconded Irene O Malley.

Strategic Plan - Simon suggested we go around the room and hear from everyone, one positive thing the club is doing and one thing the club could do better. Paul Evans wrote on whiteboard and will collate.

6, Election of officers,

Patron - Mike Ashwell nominated Ray Burney, Robyn Smith seconded.

President - Irene O’Malley nominated Jay Mason seconded Natasha Purcell.

Secretary - Simon Cowan nominated Luke Donovan seconded Stacey Skilton.

Treasurer - Paul Evans nominated Susanna Taylor, Sue Kay seconded.

Membership Manager - Luke Donovan nominated Victoria Roberts, Irene O’Malley seconded.

Club Captain - Luke Donovan nominated Irene O’Malley seconded by Stacey Skilton.

Committee - Paul Evans nominated Sarah Shand, seconded Sue Kay,

Greg Margerison nominated Sue Shannon, seconded Irene O’Malley,

Mike Ashwell nominated Ian Morley, seconded Robyn Smith,

Paul Evans nominated Stacey Skilton, Seconded Sue Shannon,

Sue Kay nominated Greg Margerison, Seconded Irene O’Malley

Paul Evans nominated Natasha Purcell, Seconded Sarah Shand

Paul says he wants committee to sort and fine tune secretarial/Admin role for Luke

Meeting closed 8.15pm

Signed: (President) Signed:(Secretary)

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