Course Student Name:

Course Number

College or University



Student Survey ( points) (NOTE: This is an Example. Change the modules listed as needed.)

This survey is being used to gather information to assist your professor in characterizing the population of students in our economics class, and to obtain feedback on the computer software package economic simulations called SimEconâ. This information will assist the professor in evaluating the operation, learning efficacy, and acceptance of the software for future applications. The results of this survey will also be used in the assessment process of this software that is funded by a National Science Foundation Grant. All written responses, whether supportive or critical, will receive equal weight in the evaluation process. Completeness in answering the survey questions is very important in order to receive full credit on this assignment.

A. Student Characteristics

Check which of the following characteristics apply to you in the space provided.

1. Gender: Male Female

2. Ethnicity: Asian Black Hispanic White Other

3. Class Level: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

4. Major: Business or Economics Other

5. College/School: Agriculture

Business Administration

Education and Integrative Studies


Environmental Design

Hotel and Restaurant Management

Letters, Arts and Social Sciences



6. SAT Scores: Verbal Math

7. Prior College Economics: Prior EC 1

Other Intro

8. Current GPA:

Course Page 2


9. Distance to Campus: On Campus

Very Close

2 - 5 Miles

6 - 10 Miles

10+ Miles

10. Access to PC at Home? Yes No

11. Access to the Internet at Home? Yes No

12. Location of PC used Most? Home

Campus Lab


13. Computer Skills: No Experience

Novice User

Intermediate Level



14. First Language: English

English and Another Language

Another Language

B. Student Attitudes with respect to Course Lectures, and Materials

1. Rank each of the following components of this course on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = average, 4 = poor, and 5 = very poor regarding how essential each component was in learning the course material: (For this and the next question, rank ONLY the two modules that you were assigned.)

1 2 3 4 5


Textbook Practice Multiple Choice



SimEconÒ Markets Project

SimEconÒ UtilityMax Project

SimEconÒ Competition Project

SimEconÒ Monopoly Project



Course Page 3


2.  Rank each of the following components of this course on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = average, 4 = poor, and 5 = very poor regarding how enjoyable each component was in learning the course material:

1 2 3 4 5


Textbook Practice Multiple Choice



SimEconÒ Markets Project

SimEconÒ UtilityMax Project

SimEconÒ Competition Project

SimEconÒ Monopoly Project



C. Student Evaluation of SimEconÒ Computer Projects (Answer ONLY questions that pertain to the two modules that you were assigned.)

Please answer these questions fully based on your experience with using the Markets simulation program.

1. How easy was it to use the module? Very Easy



Very Difficult


2. Rate the overall quality of the program? Very Good




Very Poor

3. How easy was it to install the module?

Very Easy



Very Difficult

Course Page 4


4. What was the frequency of technical difficulties that you experienced with the program?


A Few, 1 - 2

Some, 3 - 5

Lots, > 5

Comment on technical problems here:

For questions 6 - 10, use the following ranking of 1 to 5 with 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = average, 4 = poor, and 5 = very poor. Write your numeric responses in the underlined blank spaces provided.

6. How interesting was the topic covered in the Markets simulation program? .

7. Did the Markets program extend the assigned course readings on market analysis? .

8. Did the Markets program complement the assigned course readings on market analysis? .

9. How helpful was the Markets program assignment in your understanding of market analysis? .

10. How helpful was the Markets Manual in your understanding of market analysis? .

11. What did you like best about the Markets program? Comment here:

12. What did you like least about the Markets program? Comment here:

13. Please offer any additional comments that you might have regarding improving the Markets program here:

Course Page 5


Please answer these questions fully based on your experience with using the UtilityMax simulation program.

1. How easy was it to use the module? Very Easy



Very Difficult


2. Rate the overall quality of the program? Very Good




Very Poor

3. How easy was it to install the module?

Very Easy



Very Difficult

4. What was the frequency of technical difficulties that you experienced with the program?


A Few, 1 - 2

Some, 3 - 5

Lots, > 5

Comment on technical problems here:

For questions 6 - 10, use the following ranking of 1 to 5 with 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = average, 4 = poor, and 5 = very poor. Write your numeric responses in the underlined blank spaces provided.

6. How interesting was the topic covered in the UtilityMax simulation program? .

7. Did the UtilityMax program extend the assigned course readings on market analysis?


Course Page 6


8. Did the UtilityMax program complement the assigned course readings on market analysis? .

9. How helpful was the UtilityMax program assignment in your understanding of market analysis? .

10. How helpful was the UtilityMax Manual in your understanding of market analysis? .

11. What did you like best about the UtilityMax program? Comment here:

12. What did you like least about the UtilityMax program? Comment here:

13. Please offer any additional comments that you might have regarding improving the UtilityMax program here:

Please answer these questions fully based on your experience with using the Competition simulation program.

1. How easy was it to use the module? Very Easy



Very Difficult


2. Rate the overall quality of the program? Very Good




Very Poor

3. How easy was it to install the module?

Course Page 7


Very Easy



Very Difficult

4. What was the frequency of technical difficulties that you experienced with the program?


A Few, 1 - 2

Some, 3 - 5

Lots, > 5

Comment on technical problems here:

For questions 6 - 10, use the following ranking of 1 to 5 with 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = average, 4 = poor, and 5 = very poor. Write your numeric responses in the underlined blank spaces provided.

6. How interesting was the topic covered in the Competition simulation program? .

7. Did the Competition program extend the assigned course readings on market analysis? .

8. Did the Competition program complement the assigned course readings on market analysis? .

9. How helpful was the Competition program assignment in your understanding of market analysis? .

10. How helpful was the Competition Manual in your understanding of market analysis? .

11. What did you like best about the Competition program? Comment here:

12. What did you like least about the Competition program? Comment here:

Course Page 8


13. Please offer any additional comments that you might have regarding improving the Competition program here:

Please answer these questions fully based on your experience with using the Monopoly simulation program.

1. How easy was it to use the module? Very Easy



Very Difficult


2. Rate the overall quality of the program? Very Good




Very Poor

3. How easy was it to install the module?

Very Easy



Very Difficult

4. What was the frequency of technical difficulties that you experienced with the program?


A Few, 1 - 2

Some, 3 - 5

Lots, > 5

Comment on technical problems here:

Course Page 9


For questions 6 - 10, use the following ranking of 1 to 5 with 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = average, 4 = poor, and 5 = very poor. Write your numeric responses in the underlined blank spaces provided.

6. How interesting was the topic covered in the Monopoly simulation program? .

7. Did the Monopoly program extend the assigned course readings on market analysis? .

8. Did the Monopoly program complement the assigned course readings on market analysis? .

9. How helpful was the Monopoly program assignment in your understanding of market analysis? .

10. How helpful was the Monopoly Manual in your understanding of market analysis? .

11. What did you like best about the Monopoly program? Comment here:

12. What did you like least about the Monopoly program? Comment here:

13. Please offer any additional comments that you might have regarding improving the Monopoly program here: