Science Lab Grading Rubric – Design Your Own Lab

Exemplary (3 pts) / Satisfactory (2 pts) / Developing (1 pt) / Unsatisfactory (0 pts)
Heading / n/a / Contains lab title, student name, date, course, unit, lesson / Missing one component / Missing two or more components
Materials / n/a / All materials listed / Most materials listed / Some or few materials listed
Hypothesis/ Introduction / Provides a clear and thorough explanation of purpose / Provides a clear purpose with some explanation / Provides a purpose that is clear but provides little or no explanation / Purpose is unclear
Exemplary (6 pts) / Satisfactory (4 pts) / Developing (2 pt) / Unsatisfactory (0 pts)
Procedures/ Plan / Clear step-by-step description of experimental procedures / Step-by-step description that misses not more than one key detail / Step-by-step description that misses not more than two key details / Description lacks more than two key details
Data will not always include tables, diagrams, or graphs / Includes all formulas/calculations used to analyze data; records all observations; includes tables/ diagrams/graphs, as necessary / Includes most formulas/calculations used to analyze data; records observations; includes tables/ diagrams/graphs, as necessary / Includes some formulas/calculations used to analyze data; records some observations; includes some diagrams/tables /graphs, as necessary / Includes few or no formulas/ calculations used to analyze data; records few or no observations; includes no tables/ diagrams/graphs
Conclusions / Uses data effectively as evidence to support conclusions/ answers
Answers all assigned questions
Uses scientific terms, as necessary
Clearly explains results
Always uses proper grammar / Uses data somewhat effectively to support conclusions /answers
Answers most assigned questions
Usually uses scientific terms, as necessary
Clearly explains results
Usually uses proper grammar / Uses data to support some conclusions/ answers
Answers some assigned questions
Sometimes uses scientific terms, as necessary
Somewhat clearly explains results
Sometimes uses proper grammar / Does not use data to support conclusions /answers
Answers few assigned questions
Does not use scientific terms, as necessary
Does not clearly explain results
Sometimes uses proper grammar

Heading /8 (2x4)

Materials /8 (2x4)

Hypothesis/Introduction /12 (3x4)

Procedures /24 (6x4)

Data /24 (6x4)

Conclusions /24 (6x4)

Total score /100