To all Councillors - You are hereby summoned to the PARISH COUNCILMEETING to be held at St John’s Community Hall on TUESDAY 7th April 2015 commencing at 7.30 pm. The first 15 minutes are available for the public and the press who have a right to attend to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the following agenda (Standing Order 1). Members of the public are welcome to stay and observe the rest of the meeting.
Signed:M BurroughsMary Burroughs (Clerk) – 31 March 2015
AGENDA for the Parish Council Meeting
Guide Times:
Items 1 to 6 45 mins – 7:30pm till 8:15pm
Items 7 to 1145 mins – 8:15pm till 9:00pm
Items 12 to 1330 mins – 9:00pm till 9:30pm
Items 14 to 1915 mins – 9:30pm till 10:00pm
- Attendance and Apologies for Absence
- Declarations of Interest and Notification of Changes to Member’s Interests
To receive any disclosure by Members of personal interests in Matters on the Agenda, the nature of the interest and whether the Member regards the interest as personal, prejudicial or pecuniary under the terms of the Revised Code of Conduct from members
- Public Participation
- Chairman’s Announcements – Items of sufficient urgency for information only
- Confirm that nomination forms have been hand delivered to HDC (deadline 9th April 4pm);
- Any other matters arising since the publication of this agenda.
- Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 3rd March 2015 to be approved and signed as a true record
- Matters Arising from Item 5 (for information only)
- Horsham District Council has responded on the Lifestyle Ford (LF) noise issue; LF have made further improvements;
- As on the agenda or as previously circulated
- Police Matters
- Receive and comment on the PCSO report;
- Matters to report to the PCSO.
- Countryside Properties
- Receive monthly update report and comment on the same;
- update on points raised at the last meeting.
- Strategic Development (Update, comment and approve the way forward)
- Consider the response to the Parish Council's letter of concernfrom NHS England and agree the PC's feedback;
- Update on the meeting with HDC on 19th March. Agree any action required from this meeting and representation at the next meeting;
- Wickhurst Green - Selection of Artist -progress update.
- Consider proposals to permit cyclists to travel northwardsin Wickhurst Lane
- Receive Reports from District and County Councillors
- Planning - consider and approve feedback to HDC
DC/15/0660 / 22 Billingshurst Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3LW / Construction of two new flat roof dormers to the rear roof slopes, including installation of new upvc windows (Certificate of Lawful Development - Proposed)
DC/15/0573 / 54 Billingshurst Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3LW / Off road parking with cross over, granuler hard standing
DC/15/0632 / 76 Billingshurst Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3LP / Demolition of existing rear extension and replace with a proposed single storey side and rear extension
DC/15/0578 / 111 Charrington Way Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3TL / Single storey side and rear extension
DC/15/0570 / Plot 290 Carter Drive / Hedgerow Removal Notice to remove 15 metres of hedge at Wickhurst Green Development
DC/15/0601 / 22 Billingshurst Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3LW / Construction of two new gable dormers to the front elevation roof slope. Demolition of two existing lean-to extension and construction of a new larger single storey ground floor rear extension in brickwork for a larger kitchen and family room.
DC/15/0556 / 68 Ellis Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3GR / Erect an orangery
DC/15/0253 / 22 Billingshurst Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3LW / Alterations to existing loft conversion, comprising two pitch roof dormers to front and alterations to existing rear dormer, together with the erection of a replacement flat roof extension
- Agree meeting date as required
- Any other urgent planning matters to be considered.
- Documents for Circulation March 2015
- Finance
- Approve additional hours for the Asst. Clerk;
- Approve payments for March 2015;
- Approve the extension of the grounds maintenance contract for Grasstex;
- Approve selection, siting and cost of a defibrillator;
- Approve the cost and maintenance costs for hanging baskets;
- Confirm the cost of the cage for the Dirt Jumps.
- Consultations/Meetings/Activities
- Horsham District Planning Framework Consultation - agree response, as appropriate, to the modifications as circulated;
- Update and arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting on 20th April 2015 and reports from Committees;
- Broadbridge Heath Magazine - consider article for the May/June newsletter;
- Annual Spring Clean - Consider date, agree volunteers and work to be done, as appropriate;
- Action in rural Sussex - agree response to short questionnaire.
- Roads, Footpaths, Green Spaces
- Discuss and agree the way forward with regard to footpaths at the Village Centre and on the Recreation Ground
- Village Centre
- Approve decking for a small seating area and would planning permission be required?
- Confidential matters
- To consider legal advice relating to the Village Centre and contribution towards legal costs
- Next Meeting(s)
Monday / 13/04/2015 / Planning and/or LDC to be confirmed
Monday / 20/04/2015 / Annual Parish Meeting
Monday / 27/04/2015 / Finance & Establishment
Monday / 18/05/2015 / Annual Meeting of the Council
Pursuant to section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press will be required to leave the meeting during consideration of confidential items on the agenda.