Signature Assignment Planning Template
This document was modified from Salt Lake Community College’s “Implementing Critical Thinking with Signature Assignments”
1. Title: [Provide a unique title for this assignment to help you communicate. Click here to type.]2. Brief Description: [Briefly describe what you want your students to do and/or to submit. Include the real-world (authentic) situation, type of task to be accomplished, and the sorts of higher-order thinking (analysis, reasoning, critical thinking, etc.) that students will use to complete the task. You don’t need to create step-by-step student instructions yet. Click here to type.]
3. What course learning outcomes will be tested? [Place applicable course learning outcomes here. Click here to type.]4. What program learning outcomes will be tested? [Place applicable course learning outcomes here. Click here to type.]
5. What institutional learning outcomes will be tested? [Place applicable course learning outcomes here. Click here to type.]
6. Which LEAP Essential Learning Outcomes will you score? (Check all that apply.)
☐ 1. Knowledge of Human Cultures & the Physical & Natural World☐ 2. Intellectual and Practical Skills
/ ☐ 3. Personal and Social Responsibility
☐ 4. Integrative and Applied Learning
7. What will be graded? [Check all that apply. Be sure to consider the SLOs.
☐ Process {Quality of the methods used.}☐ Product {Qualities of the artifact (paper, project, etc.) the students submit.}
☐ Performance {Quality of delivery – e.g., singing, dance routine, etc.}
☐ Personal Trait {Professionalism, Critical Thinker, Good Listener, etc. Caution: These can be relatively difficult to define and measure.}
☐ Content {Quality of the discipline-based information presented (e.g., appropriateness, accuracy, etc.)}
8. What are the criteria for success? [List criteria titles for one or more types of criteria listed below.]
Type of Criteria / Enter ideas into one or more boxes below.
Quality: {Compelling ideas, good solution, strong evidence, precise steps, etc.}
Depth/Breadth: {Complexity of analysis, insightfulness, completeness, etc.}
Relevance/Adequacy: {Proper execution, correct formula, good teamwork, effective approach, etc.}
Impact: {Outcome of the task – e.g. solved the dilemma, the patient lived, reduced manufacturing costs, etc.}
Accuracy: {Use this type of criteria sparingly.}
9. What resources, research, and/or other materials will the student need to use? [Briefly list here. Click here to type.]
10. What reflection prompts will accompany the signature assignment? (How will students be asked to reflect on and process their reasoning, judgments, feelings, evaluations related to their work on this assignment?) [Include at least one reflection prompt. Giving students a choice of reflection prompts is good practice. Click here to type.]
1 Assessment Workshop, Fall 2014