1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes

-No objection

  1. Executive Reports
  2. Director of Physical Operations (House Manager) – Mitch Ranke

-All house clean

  1. Kitchen Manager – Matthew Thiem

-Clean up before founders day

-Moving portions down for daily meals

  1. Risk Manager – Jackson Gilman

-Sober bros for founders day

  1. Director of Membership Development (Scholarship Chair) – Foley Schreier

-Study sheet/hours

  1. Eminent Chronicler – Christian Engum

-Founders day slideshow

  1. Community Service Manager – Matthew Thiem

-Community service hours spreadsheet

-Salvation army looking for help

-Food shelf looking for help

  1. Philanthropy Chair – Jack Buckingham

-No report

  1. Member Educator – Alex Osborn

-New member meeting at 8pm tonight

  1. Director of Membership Recruitment and Retention (Social Chair) – Ryan Bjerke

-No report

  1. Alumni Relations Coordinator – Jake Jenzer

-No report

  1. Manager of Recruitment (Rush Chair) – Brian Porter

-No report

  1. Intramural Chair – Taylor Strenge

-Volleyball at 8pm wednesday

  1. Eminent Correspondent – Mitch Hirsch

-No report

  1. Eminent Recorder – Tristin Ironi

-sober bro picks

  1. Eminent Warden – Kyle Hanson

-No report

  1. Eminent Preceptor – Alex Osborn

-No report

  1. Eminent Treasurers – Nick Becker

-Final bills were due april 1st

-Fines will be finalized next week

  1. Eminent Deputy Archon – Chris Petschen

-Founders day itinerary

-Busses start at 5pm

  1. Eminent Archon – Austin Ricklefs

-Pictures need to be brought back for founders day

-Boston or phoenix trip this summer

  1. Alumni Report

-No report

  1. Unfinished Business


  1. New Business

-Presidential nominations

-Chris petschen

-Nick becker

-Tristin ironi

-Blake andert

-Ryan Bjerke

-Foley Schreier

-Jake Eischens

  • Move curtis to alumni hall of fame
  1. Good of the Order


  1. Chapter Recognition
  2. Chuck: Foley Schreier, Chris Petschen, Ryan Bjerke, Jackson Gilman, Mitch Ranke
  3. Lion: Alex Osborn
  4. Words
  5. Adjournment