Chief Peguis Parent Advisory Council

January 16, 2011

Meeting Minutes

In attendance: Carmen Walker, Doug Nowicki, Roberta Hoogervorst, Lori Gomes, Susan Zuk.



Acceptance MOVED by Roberta H., SECONDED by Lori G., and CARRIED.


·  Lori - $10,000 grant from family?? with tree foundation to beautify/make better use of outdoors. Check grant application and deadline. Doug will ask staff what they would like.


·  December 15, 2011, Christmas drama production put on, written by two C.P. teachers, kids amazing. They entertained elementary students, C.P. students and then adult population. Doug felt this was among the best he has ever seen at the junior high level, given the difficulty of doing comedy.

·  A huge amount of food for Winnipeg Harvest.

·  Staff/ student hockey was won by the staff.


Ø  Roberta – Food – Cannot do March 16 as this is also P.D. day at Kildonan East and no students will be available. We will change the date to March 15 at 3:00 p.m. just prior to the student led conferences. The menu will consist of lasagna with garlic bread, salad and cookies from K.E. Roberta will purchase drinks. This will be held in the staff room. Roberta and Doug will work out details.

Ø  Lori – letter to parents – Lori explained about the staff appreciation letter to parents regarding a “thank you leaf tree”. She will need student volunteers to help put the “tree” together. As this is a major project we will rediscuss at next meeting.


Sobey’s – will be done in conjunction with CPMAA using the same dates

January 23 Send out information

February 9 Deadline for returning orders

February 13 Count money

February 27 Organize gift cards

February 29 Pick up of gift cards at school

Use two colours of paper for outgoing letters.

Discussed denominations

Additional funding ideas:

Lori spoke of an application for a grant, with an estimated donation of $10,000, from Kelly Lehmann ("Run with Porter"). Visit the website for details


§  In the future, Lori is thinking of creating a wolf (School's Symbol) with the students. To be discussed.

Meeting adjourned 7:03 pm.

Next meeting, 6 pm, February 13, 2012

Chief Peguis Library

All are Welcome