Sight Words: I me see is a my the go can to like we she on for in so it and up at he
Staying in Contact
If you ever have questions or concerns about your child, please feel free to write me a note and put it in your child’s folder or call and leave me a message at 718-282-8828 (I will call you back when I am not teaching).
Please make sure you are doing the following things EVERY NIGHT! (This will keep your child on track to be promoted to first grade in June):
- Review the letter names and sounds at the top of the homework sheet.
- Review the sight words on the homework sheet (children should be able to both read and spell the sight words).
- Read with your child from their book baggie and log their reading.
Upcoming Events
December 9 – ½ day of school
December 26-January 2 – Winter Break
January 3, 2017 – School resumes
Homework Rubric:
Level 3 – All homework is done (by the child)
Level 2 – Most of the homework is complete
Level 1 – Some or none of the homework is complete
If you have access to a computer, sign into your child’s account at allow him/her to read some books online!
Social Studies
If you have a computer, please visit
User name: PS249
Password: School
- Go to Social Studies – Culture and Awareness – Customs Around the World – Clothing Around the World
We read this text as a class last week. Reread the text with your child, discussing the different kinds of clothing people in your family wear. Are there any special clothes that people in your family wear for work, play, school or a special occasion?
On the Social Studies worksheet, allow your child to color some of the traditional clothes from around the world. Then draw and write about any traditional or special clothes your family wears at the bottom.
Monday, November 28
Reading: Read a book in your child’s book baggie with your child. Focus on using the picture to help you read the words. Record your reading on your reading log.
Math:Complete Daily Math Review and Problem of the Day for Monday. Complete a math worksheet.
Word Work/Writing: Complete two letter/sight word worksheets. Look at your rainbow sight word sheet in your reading folder. Practice the words on your next level.
Poetry: Read the poem of the week together with your child. Find and circle all of the sight words.
Tuesday, November 29
Reading: Read a book in your child’s baggie with your child. Focus on pointing to each word as you read it.
Math:Complete Daily Math Review and Problem of the Day for Monday. Complete a math worksheet.
Word Work/Writing: Complete two letter/sight word worksheets. Look at your rainbow sight word sheet in your reading folder. Think about the words that are giving you trouble. Use the “How to Learn a Snap Word” sheet to help you learn those particular words.
Poetry: Read the poem of the week together with your child. Act it out.
Wednesday, November 30
Reading: Read a book in your child’s baggie with your child. Focus on looking for a pattern. Does your book have a pattern? How can you use that to help you read? Record your reading on your reading log.
Math:Complete Daily Math Review and Problem of the Day for Wednesday. Complete a math worksheet.
Word Work/Writing:Complete two letter/sight word worksheets. Look at your rainbow sight word sheet in your reading folder. Practice the words on your next level.
Poetry: Read the poem of the week with your child. Practice pointing to each of the words as you read.
Thursday, December 1
Reading: Read the book in your child’s book baggie with your child. Focus on finding sight words (snap words). Record your reading in your reading log.
Math:Complete Daily Math Review and Problem of the Day for Thursday. Complete a math worksheet.
Word Work/Writing: Complete two letter/sight word worksheets. Look at your rainbow sight word sheet in your reading folder. Think about the words that are giving you trouble. Use the “How to Learn a Snap Word” sheet to help you learn those particular words.
Poetry: Read the poem of the week with your child. Color the rhyming words.
Social Studies:
Friday, December 2
Reading: Read the book in your child’s book baggie with your child. Focus on rereading your book. Record your reading in your reading log.
Math:Complete Problem of the Day for Friday. Look at your child’s Daily Math Review quiz. If s/he had any incorrect problems, review those types of problems with him/her over the weekend. Complete one math sheet.
Word Work/Writing: Complete two letter/sight word worksheets. Look at your rainbow sight word sheet in your reading folder. Practice the words on your next level.
Poetry: Read the poem of the week together with your child. Practice reading the poem with fluency (nice and smooth, not like a robot!)
Science: If you have a computer, visit
User name: PS 249
Password: School
Go to Science – Life Sciences – Plants – Plant parts – Stems and Trunks.
Read the text with your child (we read it in class today) and complete the science sheet. Also attached is an experiment you can do with your child.