Work Crew Strategy – Working Draft
Mission Statement
Within the context of Weekend Work Crew in the Greater New York Division, our hope is that every kid encounters Jesus Christ’s love in action through service and spiritual growth. As a spiritual leader who is called to helping kids grow in their faith, we will uphold the integrity of work crew by corporately understanding the expectations of a weekend assignment and being intentional in the recruitment process.
- Jesus came to serve and set the example. John 13:1-15, Mark 10:45
- We are called to be living sacrifices. Romans 12:1-2
- We are called to take up our cross and follow Christ.Luke 9:23
- In everything we do, we do in the name of Jesus. Colossians 3:17-24
- We will often lead by example.I Timothy 4:12
- We all have a unique and important role amongst one body. 1 Corinthians 12
- Christ unifies the parts as each does it’s own work. Ephesians 4
- Through Christ is freedom, to be used to love and serve.Galatians 5:13
- He who began a good work will carry it to completion. Philippians 1:6
- To seek and obey God’s will for discipleship across the GNY Division.
- To set clear and defined qualifications/expectations for weekend work crew.
- To help staff prayerfully consider the best candidates for running an excellent weekend that mirrors a summer camping experience.
Corporate Strategies
I. Who Kids Are – Qualifications of a Work Crew Candidate
We will do our best to uphold the mission-wide qualifications for work crew candidates – see appendix.
In the event a number of these qualities are absent in a candidate, the area staff should strongly consider working on the weekend as a boss. As well, the area staff must seek the council of regional staff in order to present the candidate’s case.
Candidates are willing to serve wherever asked and must display evidence of a servant’s heart.
II. What Kids Do – Expectations of a Work Crew Candidate
Work Crew candidates will submit to all given authority (bosses) on a weekend. This includes times both on and off the job.
Work Crew will execute their job to the best of their ability, working to achieve a summer camping standard.
Work Crew will set the standard for service in the presence of their peers and fellow servers; they will uphold personal character, encourage one another, and live out their faith.
III. A Call to Discipleship – Growing as a Division
As a Division, we will seek to expand our discipleship work by offering multiple opportunities to kids who are beginning to grow in their faith.
Our priority will be to invite first-time Work Crew to serve while seeking to adhere to the previously stated expectations.
Then, as we adhere to summer camping quality, we will seek to provide the best candidates available to serve.
IV. What Work Crew Bosses Do – Setting the Standard
Work Crew Bosses will uphold the standards for building weekend work crew and help staff in the recruiting process.
They will recruit and train additional work crew bosses for various roles.
They will have a devotion plan for the weekend, which could include: a time for worship and prayer, reflection, fellowship, individual morning devotions, or anything to promote spiritual growth in the work crew candidates.
They will be a resource for area staff/leaders who send kids before, during, and after the weekend and will follow up on their candidate’s experience on weekend work crew.
Mission-wide Qualifications for Work Crew Kids
(taken from Work Crew Handbook issued by Young Life)
Work crew kids should be:
Committed followers of Jesus, continuing to grow in Him
Eager to serve Christ and Young Life campers in this tangible manner
Respectful of authority
Willing to learn about Christian community
Involved with Young Life locally
Prepared through some form of Work Crew Training
Desiring to experience growth in Christ as a result of the experience
Willing to work hard and for long hours while on work crew
Kids whose lives validate the incarnational message of the Gospel