SierraPacificHigh School

Beginning Band

2013 – 2014

Instructor: Jeff Detlefsen


Location: 502 (Band Room)

Phone: 583-5912 or Ext. 2551


A. This is a one year performing arts course. Students will receive a year of performing arts credit for enrolling in this class. Because of that, attending performances is a requirement of this course. Without performing this class would not meet the needed requirements of performing arts.

B. Students will learn the basics in music theory. Students will read, write, and understand written musical notation. They must identify note names, key signatures, time signatures, and clefs. Students will also learn how to play a musical instrument. (Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Baritone, Bells)

C. Music will be provided for the students. It is the student’s responsibly to have their music during class, rehearsals, or performances. Lecture notes must be copied and kept in the students' notebooks. Students will be fined for lost/damaged music.


Students will perform in class on various days throughout the year. Students will be given at least 2 weeks notice before performances.

Students will also be required to attend at least two band performances *from any school. Band performances will be announced and flyers placed on Mr. Detlefsen’s office door. Students must write a short two paragraph summary of what they heard and liked or didn’t like at the concerts, as well as turn in a program from the concerts.


A. Grading Scale ( A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=59 and below)

B. Description of Grading Procedures

Performances 30%

(Attendance and behavior at all performances throughout the year)

Playing and Written Assessments30%

(Includes playing test, written test, benchmarks, and final exam)

Attendance & Participation30%

(Includes Rehearsals and Concert Attendance, and participation in class)


C. Attendance and Classroom Participation

Each class attended earns 10 daily participation points. To receive full point value, students must be on time, on the risers with all music and other required materials, and participate fully. Arriving late, chewing gum, talking or disrupting rehearsal all result in loss of points.

D. Homework

Students will be expected to review materials in their notes and be prepared at anytime for a quiz on that material. Students are highly encouraged to practice ensemble music on their own. Practice rooms are available for small groups of students that wish to rehearse. Any material that is written on the board during lecture is to be copied by the students and should become part of their notes


A. Expected Behavior: Students are expected to observe courteous behavior towards the instructor and other members of the class. Classroom expectations include: no talking during lectures, rehearsal or student recitals, no gum, food, or drink in the classroom at any time. Students must remain in their seat during performances and lectures, raise your hand for questions or comments, and maintain a positive attitude when addressing other students and instructors.

B. Assertive Discipline Plan: Failure to meet with the student expectations will result in: lack of earning participation points, meeting with instructor, phone call to parents, meeting with counselor, or meeting with Administration. Serious infractions may result in student’s removal from the performance organization.

C. Restroom passes will be issued for emergencies only.

  1. Classroom Procedures

Turning in Paperwork: Any paperwork that needs to be turned into Mr. D should be placed in the Inbox (located near the door). Do not hand paperwork to Mr. Detlefsen, always place it in the Inbox.

Turing in Money: Any money that is to be turned in for uniform, shirts, or fundraising should be placed in the wooden box located by the band office. Money should be placed in the envelope with the students name and amount clearly written on the outside of the envelope.

Lost Music: If a student looses, or forgets their music they may borrow a set for that rehearsal. Students should always check the top drawer of the filing cabinet at the front of the classroom for extra music. If the desired music is not available, place a note in the inbox requesting the song needed, and check the filing cabinet the next day.

Handouts: All handouts will be placed in the second drawer of the filing cabinet located at the front of the classroom. If for any reason students need another copy a handout please check the filing cabinet before placing a note in the inbox requesting the form. If students are absent they are to check the filing cabinet the next day they return to class.

Student Name:______Grade: ______

I have read and understand all attendance policies and requirements as stated in this syllabus. I understand that an absence at a performance can severely affect my grade. I will follow all class rules and regulations or risk removal from the choir program.

Student Signature:______

Parent Signature:______