The children of Standlake will reach their potential by belonging to a supportive and inclusive community, believing in themselves, each other and Christian values and building on their successes.


Friday 27thFebruary 2015

Dear Parents,

Have you given anything up for Lent? Have you thought about taking it a step further and not only giving something up but giving something out to someone else?

Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance (saying sorry for the things they have done), moderation and spiritual discipline. Traditionally this is done over 40 days and is used as a time to reflect on the life and death of Jesus and what this means to us today.

Whether you are observing Lent or notwe can all get involved in ‘giving something out’. Our school value this week has been ‘compassion’ and we have been thinking about how we can help others in need through an act of kindness.

During our Wonder Wednesday assembly we thought about why we might do a random act of kindness and the impact it can have on those around us. We talked about the importance of doing the acts willingly, joyfully and without the expectation that you will get something in return.

Attached to this newsletter is a wall planner with 40 acts of kindness. The idea being that you have 40 days of giving back, doing good and living generously. You can find more information on this at the following website:

Why not take up the challenge with you children for the next couple of weeks and carry out simple acts of giving and kindness. Will you do 5 of the 40acts? Will you do all 40? It doesn’t matter – just make sure the acts you do, you do well.

Have a look at this online clip() and see the power that one act of kindness can have on the community around you…

Have a lovely weekend.

Andrew Denham

Achievement Book

Week beginning 19th January

Isabel Cleevely - for always trying to make links and connections in her work

Charolotte Todeschini - for much better listening and some good Maths

Caty Stretton – for making good progress in writing and Maths during the past few weeks

Ben Cole- for his eagerness to learn– especially in phonics

Paige Morgan - for doing some extremely careful and detailed artwork yesterday


Week beginning 26th January

Charlotte Prickett - for always trying her best, being enthusiastic about all subjects & being well behaved!

Holly Dabban - for showing great friendship to others and helping her friends resolve a disagreement.

Jake Roberts- for working really hard on his weekly spellings achieving full marks three weeks in a row!

Amy Hardy - for always behaving in a kind, thoughtful & tolerant manner helping others resolve difficulties.

Sophie May - for doing some very detailed research and preparation for her argument text.


Week beginning 2nd February

Jasmine Willans and Fatima Ahmed for attention and detail in their piece of artwork

Alwin Prince - for getting on the “gold pot” this week due to good work in English and Maths

Zoe Geddert- for always trying hard to help others – both adults and children

Brody Cox - for showing great kindness and compassion to all his class and others, including adults

Harrison Cruikshank- for being such a lovely friend to everyone, always smiling and positive attitude.


Miss Steptoe

We are delighted to be able to tell you that Miss Steptoe will be getting married at Easter. If you would like to make a contribution towards a wedding gift from the whole school then please send it in to school in a sealed envelope marked “Miss Steptoe Wedding Gift”. Please ensure your name is on the envelope so that we can write your details in the card that will accompany the gift.

Mrs Bowles

Sadly we say goodbye to Mrs Bowles at the end of this term as she has decided to take early retirement. If you would like to make a contribution towards a leaving gift from the whole school then please send it in to school in a sealed envelope marked “Mrs Bowles Leaving Gift” ensuring that your name is written on the envelope.Many thanks.

Parents Evenings

Parent Evenings will be taking place next week. Booking forms have been put up outside classrooms and we have emailed all parents for whom the office has an email address (apologies to those who have received multiple emails!).

World Book Day – Thursday 5th March

To celebrate World Book Day, we would like to invite all the children to come to school dressed up as a character from a book on Thursday the 5th of March. We are not asking for donations, instead we hope the children will enjoy thinking about what character they want to be; dressing up and working out who their friends have come as.

In addition, to promote the joy of reading, we are launching a 'bookathon' where children will be encouraged to read as much as they can between Monday the 2nd of March and Friday the 17th of April. For every five books the child reads, they will get a special sticker and there will be medals for all those taking part.

Further prizes (one per class) are available for the most 'extreme' reader who has read in an unusual, exciting, challenging or creative (but obviously NOT dangerous) place. For more information on this unique challenge please see this week's home learning books.

Red Nose Day – Friday 13th March

This year’s theme for Red Nose Day is “wear a funny face”. We are asking all children to

donate £1 to decorate their faces in some amazing way – i.e. funny glasses, wigs, wear a moustache, face nose, use face paints. Children should still be in school uniform. There

will also be a special tuck-shop from which the proceeds will go to Comic Relief.

FSU Plea

The FSU would be grateful for donations of things for junk modelling – egg boxes, plastic bottles, cereal boxes, toilet rolls. Please take all donations down to the Foundation Stage Unit.

Year 1 Plea

Please could we have more 4 -liter milk bottles for our igloo. Thank-you


Headlice are with us again. Will you please continue to check your child’s head on a weekly basis

as continuous checking with an appropriate comb is the only way to keep the little creatures at bay!

Over-the-counter and prescription lotions and shampoos are available that are reasonably effective but there is evidence that nits are becoming increasingly resistant to the liquids. Liquids & combing combined is best.

Sainsburys Active Kids Vouchers

We are collecting the Active Kids Vouchers from Sainsburys again this year as you might have seen from the banner outside the school. The collection box will be in the entrance hall when it arrives and we would be grateful if you could ask all friends

and relatives to start putting their vouchers to one side for us. These vouchers do mean that we are able to buy those little extras for the children which we would normally not have the funds to be able to do. We will of course keep you informed via the newsletter, as before, of the items that we order using the vouchers.

Parent Governor

We have another vacancy for Parent Governor. If you would like to be considered for election please contact Mr Denham by Friday 6th March.

Term 4

Tuesday 3rd MarchSchool Nurse in to measure weight and height (Reception/Y6)

Tuesday 3rd MarchFOSS Meeting @ The Bell 8pm

Thursday 5th MarchYear 6 Transition Day to Bartholomew

Thursday 5th March World Book Day

Friday 6th MarchFOSS Quiz Night

Tuesday 10th MarchNSPCC Workshop with Year 6

Wed-Fri 11th-13th MarchSchool Residential

Friday 13th March Red Nose Day

Tuesday 17th MarchClass Photo’s

Thursday 19th March3.30-5.30pm Mixed Rugby match (Y5/6) @ Bartholomew School

Friday 20th March9.00am - Year 3/4 Class Assembly

Friday 20th March9.00-11.00 - Year 2/3 Class at Multi-skills Festival @ Bartholomew School

Wednesday 25th March Choir to Chervil Cottage and Meadow View

Thursday 26th March Mr Denham’s Achievement Book Party

Friday 27th March9.00am-11.00am Year 3&4 Class at Tennis Festival @ Bartholomew

Friday 27th March 9.30-10.15 am Easter Church Service @ St. Giles Church

Finish Term at 1.30pm with FOSS Easter Event

Term 5

Monday 13th AprilINSET Day

Tuesday 14th AprilStart of Term

Thursday 23rd April3.30pm-5.30pm Mixed Year 3&4 Tennis Tournament @ Bartholomew School

Friday 24th AprilFOSS Film Night

Monday 4th MayBank Holiday

Friday 8th May9.00-11.00 – Year 1 Class to Fundaments PE @ Bartholomew School

Saturday 9th MayFOSS Tex Mex Night @ Village Hall

Monday 11th MaySATS Week

Friday 22nd May3.30pm End of Term

Compassion Tolerance Forgiveness Honesty Thankfulness Love