Name ______Period ______
Part I: Basic Information
- What is the official name of Sierra Leone?
- What is the approximate population of Sierra Leone?
- What are the languages spoken?
- What religions are practiced?
- What is the capital city, and where is it located within the country?
- What is the location of Sierra Leone on the continent of Africa?
- What countries surround Sierra Leone?
- What is/are the major methods of industry within this country?
- What is/are the major sources of agriculture produced within the country?
- What are the major exports of this country?
Part II: Culture & Way of Life
1. Explain how Sierra Leone got its name.
2. Explain how/why the country was established, and relevance of the name of the capital city.
3. Explain the housing/shelters used. Discuss the difference between the urban and rural styles of housing.
Food & Economy:
4. What is the food like for the average Sierra Leone citizen? (What do they eat? Think wealthy vs. poor/average?)
5. Explain how property is acquired, owned and controlled.
6. Explain the gender roles and the social statues of men vs. women in Sierra Leone.
7. Explain the way that children are cared for in this culture.
Medicine & Health:
8. Explain the issues with health care, medicine and the ailments that the citizens of Sierra Leone face.
Part III: Sierra Leone Government:
1. What type of government is used in Sierra Leone?
2. When did Sierra Leone become an independent nation?
3. When did SL become a republic?
4. Who was the first democratic president?
5. Explain what happened to the presidency in May 1997.
6. Explain the suffering of the people of SL during the Civil War.
Part IV: Rebels
1. What does RUF stand for?
2. What is the purpose / goal of this organization?
3. Besides SL, where else do these rebels reside?
Part V: Conflict Diamonds
1. What is a conflict diamond?
2. What is the United Nations General Assemblies new policy/law regarding the issue of conflict diamonds?
Continued in the same site. UNDER SIERRA LEONE:
3. What is the Lome Peace Agreement, and what is the purpose of this agreement?
Part VI: Google Earth
I want you to get a visual of Sierra Leone, the county, the people (men, women and children), the way of life, school, jobs, etc. Look at different aspects of their daily life. Look at Freetown compared to the more rural cities/establishments…
What stands out to you the most when looking at pictures from this county? Why? What is your overall first impression of this culture/county?
What about this county makes you feel grateful for the life that you have? How would you feel living there after living in the US? What are some of the things that you would “miss”?