Sophie-Barat-Schule, Warburgstraße 39, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

Please download and save this application to your computer. It will not download properly to an iPad. It will work best using Microsoft WORD. Please type your answers into the grey shaded areas of this form.

When finished, save your document and send as a WORD attachment to:

Dr. Dagmar Wetzler, Fachvorsitz Englisch at

This application is considered a supplement to the


SBS Student Name:
Mother’s Name: / Father’s Name:
Student lives with (i.e. Mother, Father, both, Grandparent, Guardian):
Name and relationship of other persons living at home: / If parents are separated or divorced, with whom will the host student and exchange student be living?
Type of transportation to and from school? / If there is a transportation fee, will the host family cover the cost?
yes no
Will one or both parents be home during the entire stay of the exchange student? yes no If no, please explain:
If both parents are away overnight, who will be the responsible adult staying in the home? Please give name and relationship to host family:
Would your family be willing to host a student from a different religious or cultural background, recognizing that certain accommodations may be necessary, e.g. diet, transportation to place of worship? yes no
Describe your home, neighborhood and community.
Will you have a separate bedroom for the exchange student? yes no
If no, with whom will the student share a room? Please describe living arrangement.
Do you have a definite time when your child needs to be home in the evening? yes no
If yes, what time on weekdays weekends
Are there any health or other issues with any family members, and if so, what and how would that affect a guest living with your family?
Do you have any pets? If so, what breed and how many? / Is your home a smoke-free environment? yes no
Does your family attend Mass on Sundays? yes no / How much time does your family spend watching TV?
Do you have Internet access at home? yes no If yes, what rules/limitations are placed on such use?
Do you anticipate any family trips during the time the exchange student would be living with you? yes no
If yes, will your guest be included? Will you cover the travel expense? Where do you plan to go?
Does your family eat meals together? regularly occasionally rarely never
Lunch during school days (please check all that apply):
Our family will provide a bag lunch for the exchange student during school days.
Our family will cover the cost for the exchange student to buy snacks and lunch at school.
  1. How does your family usually spend the weekend?

  1. What activities do you participate in during the week?

  1. What activities do you participate in during the weekends?

  1. What are some of your family’s special interests or hobbies?

  1. How do you hope your child will benefit from participation in the Exchange Program?

  1. What do you expect will be your child’s greatest challenge during their participation in the Exchange Programme?

  1. Comments (anything else you would like to mention):

  1. Please describe your child. Please give us a peek at your child’s personality and characteristics, so that we can find the best exchange match for your child.

The information provided is true and accurate.

We are committed to the Exchange Programme, and we will make our best effort to make a positive contribution.

All Sophie-Barat-Schule school policies apply for the visiting exchange student while living with us as a SBS host family.

Please read carefully and check the box below before submitting your application.

Reciprocity of hospitality is an essential element of a successful student exchange programme. Host parents honour the responsibility to take care of the exchange student’s physical, emotional, and educational needs which include providing all meals, supervision of school and leisure activities, and support as if the student was your own child. The family will provide safe transportation to school and home and from any extra-curricular activities. The family will ensure the well being of the exchange student, making her/him feel like a member of the family with regard to expectations, rules, consequences and proper chaperoning. The family commits to take the exchange student on local outings to help the student discover and understand Hamburg, its surroundings and German culture.

I have read and understand the responsibilities above and will honor these as a host family for the Exchange Program.

SIGNATURES:by typing your name below, you indicate your approval of this application.




Thank you for considering being an exchange student with the Sacred Heart Network Exchange Program!