Italiano 7 Professoressa Massaro

L’Informatore Annuale del Falcone per l’italiano

A.  L’obiettivo:

We will be learning the Italian language, about Italy and about the cultures and people of Italy. We will work on the four skills of language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. You will learn to think in a new way, and be able to communicate with others using new words, expressions and structures!

B.  Le materiali:

Each day you will be expected to bring the following to class:

·  your binder with 8 tab dividers and looseleaf (un raccoglitore con


·  pens and pencils (le penne e le matite)

·  colored pencils (le matite a colori – 4 o 5)

·  your agenda (l’agenda)

·  your completed homework assignments (i compiti)

·  clear sheet protector sleeves - optional

C.  I voti:

Your grade will be based on the following:

·  Habits of Mind -10%

Participation, Effort, Cooperation, Preparation, Organization, Collaboration

·  Independent Practice – 20%

Oral/Written Class Work, Homework, Station Activities

·  Formative Assessments – 30%

Quizzes, Quick Writes, Do Now Exercises, Oral Fluency Checks, Leveled Questions and Responses, Picture Prompts

·  Summative Assessments – 40%

Tests, Projects, Oral Dialogues, Writing Portfolios (Written Dialogues, Essays, etc.), Presentations

D.  Come contattare Professoressa Massaro:

•  Please see me after class or make an appointment with me.

•  Send me an email:

E.  Le regole:

•  Arrive to class prepared and on time. You will not be permitted to go to your locker during class.

•  Treat others with kindness and respect: listen, encourage, assist, and be honest.

•  You may not interfere with the learning process of others.

•  All school rules apply in class.

F.  Le unità: binder sections

1.  Perché studiare l’italiano?

2.  Chi sono?

3.  Il Calendario

4.  La Famiglia

5.  La Scuola

6.  Il Corpo ed i Vestiti

7.  Cultura

8.  Riferimento - reference

G.  I suggerimenti per il successo in italiano:

a.  In Class:

•  Come to class prepared. (See B)

•  PAY ATTENTION. If you’re talking to classmates about other classes, people, etc., you’re not concentrating!

•  Take notes. If it’s on the board, it’s in your notes!

•  Ask questions.

•  Cooperate with your peers.

•  Actively participate in all class activities.

•  Use Italian as much as possible!! It doesn’t have to be perfect. Keep it simple and BE PATIENT WITH YOURSELF.

b.  Study Techniques:

•  Go over notes and vocabulary every night.

•  Color-code your notes to reinforce what was learned in class.

•  Complete homework and other assignments on time.

•  Exchange contact information with a classmate so you can help each other review for tests and quizzes.

•  Use my school web page to review power points used in class, download reference sheets and extra study notes, and find links to various websites that may help with your learning of Italian.

•  Tweet in Italian @ProfssaMassaro and follow other Italian Twitter handles.

Your success in this class depends mainly on you!