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Delete part of Paragraph Six only. - Current Rule
10. In the event of a team wishing to join the League. The team finishing bottom in each season will take part in a play off with any team from within the County Association who have won their respective first division league and whose green they have won the league must have floodlights. Where the application is from a club whose green is located outside the Shropshire county boundary, the application will only be considered if the club is solely affiliated to the Shropshire County Bowling Association and they have been affiliated for a minimum period of 10 years.
Where more than one team wishes to join the League then the Management Committee shall arrange a date and venue for those teams to play against each other to determine who shall go forward to play against the team finishing bottom of the League.
If there is only one application to join the League then that team will automatically play against the team finishing bottom of the League.
Any play off match will be decided by a single match played at a neutral venue on the first Friday in October (or such other date as may be decided by the Management Committee). The match will comprise 12 games of 21 up, the winners to be decided by overall aggregate. In the event of a tie then the team with the most number of individual winners will be declared the winners. If a winner cannot be arrived at then three players from each team one from the first four one from the middle and one from the last four of the players competing in the match will play again up to 11 and the play off place will be awarded to the team whose players have the highest number of points.
To be eligible to play in a play off match a selected player must not have played in any premier league game in that season and have played at least six league games in that season for the team wishing to join the league. The team wishing to join the League to send their list of eligible players to the League Secretary at least seven days before the date of their match. In the event of a team being unable to provide a full compliment of players then the Management Committee (whose decision shall be final and binding) will rule on the eligibility of other players.
To be eligible to play in a play off match for the bottom placed Premier League side, a player must have been registered by the 30th June and have played at least six league games in that season. In the event of the team wishing to play a player who has not played six league games then the Management Committee (whose decision shall be final and binding) will rule on the eligibility of other players.
Proposed rule after deletion
10. In the event of a team wishing to join the League. The team finishing bottom in each season will take part in a play off with any team from within the County Association who have won their respective first division league and whose green they have won the league must have floodlights. Where the application is from a club whose green is located outside the Shropshire county boundary, the application will only be considered if the club is solely affiliated to the Shropshire County Bowling Association and they have been affiliated for a minimum period of 10 years.
Where more than one team wishes to join the League then the Management Committee shall arrange a date and venue for those teams to play against each other to determine who shall go forward to play against the team finishing bottom of the League.
If there is only one application to join the League then that team will automatically play against the team finishing bottom of the League.
Any play off match will be decided by a single match played at a neutral venue on the first Friday in October (or such other date as may be decided by the Management Committee).
The match will comprise 12 games of 21 up, the winners to be decided by overall aggregate. In the event of a tie then the team with the most number of individual winners will be declared the winners. If a winner cannot be arrived at then three players from each team one from the first four one from the middle and one from the last four of the players competing in the match will play again up to 11 and the play off place will be awarded to the team whose players have the highest number of points.
To be eligible to play in a play off match a selected player must not have played in any premier league game in that season and have played at least six league games in that season for the team wishing to join the league. The team wishing to join the League to send their list of eligible players to the League Secretary at least seven days before the date of their match. In the event of a team being unable to provide a full compliment of players then the Management Committee (whose decision shall be final and binding) will rule on the eligibility of other players. To be eligible to play in a play off match for the bottom placed Premier League side, a player must have been registered by the 30th June and have played at least six league games in that season.
Proposed by League Management Committee
Current Rule
All matches to be played on the published fixture date unless BCGBA or SCGBA fixtures or inclement weather cause a postponement save that each club will be allowed one concession during the season if required. Where a club requests a concession then it must be notified to the Fixture Secretary no later than the 31st August. The re-arranged game must be played within 28 days of the original date (either before or after). Any re-arranged match with a date within 28 days of the final match must be played before the final match of the season. In the event that a fixture does not take place on a Friday night, the club may request a concession to re-arrange the date within the requirements listed above. Any concession for a change from a “non Friday” date will be in addition to the one concession per season
2. All matches to be played on the published fixture date unless BCGBA or SCGBA fixtures or inclement weather cause a postponement save that each club will be allowed one concession during the season if required. Where a club requests a concession then it must be notified to the Fixture Secretary no later than the 1st March. The re-arranged game must be played within 28 days of the original date (either before or after). Anyre-arranged match with a date within 28 days of the final match must be played before the final match of the season. In the event that a fixture does not take place on a Friday night, the club may request a concession tore-arrange the date within the requirements listed above. Any concession for a change from a “non Friday” date will be in addition to the oneconcession per season.
Proposed change in Bold
Proposed by League Management Committee
In accordance with the outcome of the October Executive Meeting, it was agreed to add an item to the 2015 AGM about the penalties imposed on Chester Road and Ifton for their failure to play a "postponed" match within 21 days. The Management Committee on the 2nd August 2014 made the following decision:-
"Following a review of all correspondence on this matter the Management Committee have decided in accordance with Match Rule 9 " Failure to play scheduled Match" to impose the following penalties on both Chester Road and Ifton Bowling Club:-
a)Seven Points to be deducted from both clubs for failure to play the match
b)Both Chester Road and Ifton Bowling Club to be fined £50.00"
Both clubs appealed this decision and the original decision was upheld on the 9th September. The paperwork for this decision and appeal documents were issued at the October meeting.
Each club will be asked at this meeting to support the Managements decision or refund the £50 fine as requested by both Chester Road and Ifton.
Current Rule
If the commencement of a match is delayed because of inclement weather a decision to postpone the match shall not be taken before 7. 45 p.m. unless mutually agreed between both team captains.
If the groundsman of the home club decides that the green is unfit for play either before , during or at any stage of the match that decision shall be final and binding on both teams.
Games abandoned under this rule shall be played within 21 days, with interrupted games being re-started at the same stage at which they
finished, with the away player allowed to play three (3) ends prior to the recommencement of the match.
If the commencement of a match is delayed because of inclement weather a decision to postpone the match shall not be taken before 7. 45 p.m. unless mutually agreed between both team captains.
If the groundsman of the home club decides that the green is unfit for play either before , during or at any stage of the match that decision shall be final and binding on both teams.
Games abandoned under this rule shall have a "new" date arranged within 28 days, with interrupted games being re-started at the same stage at which they finished, with the away player allowed to play three (3) ends prior to the recommencement of the match.
Proposed change in Bold
Proposed by League Management Committee
Current Rule
Each team shall comprise twelve male bowlers and the draw for each game shall be made by the captains exchanging the names of their players in playing order prior to the commencement of the match.
Delete the word “Male” to
Each team shall comprise twelve bowlers and the draw for each game shall be made by the captains exchanging the names of their players in playing order prior to the commencement of the match.
Proposed by Burway
Current Rule
Each club shall donate a raffle prize to the value of £15 or have £15 deducted from their prize money for the Annual Presentation Evening which will be held at a venue and on a date to be decided by the Management Committee.
Each club shall have £15 deducted from their prize money for the Annual Presentation Evening which will be held at a venue and on a date to be decided by the Management Committee.
Proposed by Fixtures Secretary
Current Rule
13 At the end of each match (whether league or cup) both captains shall sign the result card as a true record. The card to be retained by the Home Captain.
The home club captain to forward a picture of the result card via email or MMS to reach the Treasurer/Fixtures Secretary before 11 p.m. on the day of the match. (Email address or 07973 479662). Failure to comply will result in a fine of £10 for each offence.
13. (a) Home clubs shall ensure the result card details are entered on the website in the correct playing order within 48 hours of the match being completed. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a fine of £5. The details should then be checked and approved by the away club within five days of the match being played.
(b) Clubs shall retain all the result cards for the home fixtures of all their teams until the end of the season. Result cards must clearly show individual player details which must include BCGBA numbers, forenames and surnames for players of both teams, and the correct associated scores.
(c) Clubs must present result cards for verification within 72 hours of being called for by the league or a league officer.
(d) Where a dispute arises and a result card is not provided for verification, the complainant shall have their complaint upheld, with no right of appeal being given to the home team.
(e) A £5 fine may be incurred for either club named on a result card for failing to ensure player details are recorded accurately, and for failing to ensure the card is signed by their team captain.
(f) Changes to club registered lists, or new member registration numbers, must be entered on the registration page of the website by clubs before the seasonal cut-off point. Thereafter all changes can only be made via the nominated league officer (Fixtures Secretary).
(g) The principles of these rules are to ensure clubs enter their home fixture results in a timely and accurate manner, which must be fair to both sides playing in the fixture. The league may take action against a club, or a member of a club, who - for whatever reason - fails to meet these principles.
Proposed by League Management Committee to incorporate the Mike Beckett results system
16.Selection of venue for 2015 Presentation Evening.
The Clubs interested are Wrockwardine Wood, St Georges, Burway, Sir John Bayley, Bowring, Bylet and District.
Please note that the President (Mike Hinton), the Chairman ( John Nash) and the Fixtures Secretary, Meetings Secretary and Treasurer (Mark Burroughs) will not be standing for re- election
2014 / 2015President-Mike Hinton.
Chairman-John Nash.
Vice Chairman- John Coxill.
Fixtures Secretary-Mark Burroughs.
Meetings Secretary- Mark Burroughs.
Treasurer-Mark Burroughs.
Competitions Secretary-John Coxill.
SCGBA Delegate- Mike Hinton
Auditors-Keith Pessall & Ian Gaut.
Management Committee-
Mike Hinton, John Nash, Mark Burroughs, John Coxill, Barrie Thomas, Tony Rhodes, Mark Thomas
Welfare Officer – John Coxill
Sponsorship Officer – Richard Taylor
Inter League Captain – Mark Thomas
Inter League Vice Captain – Bill Tarrell
Veterans Inter League Captain – Terry Sambrook
Veterans Inter League Vice Captain – Bill Tarrell
Junior County Selector – Steve Roberts
Fixtures Secretary-Mark Burroughs£600
Meetings Secretary-Mark Burroughs£150
Treasurer-Mark Burroughs£300
Competitions Secretary-John Coxill£300
Please note after the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting, each club is invited to the setting of the League fixtures for 2015