Shropshire Hills Tourism Meeting 31.01.2017

Attendance: Nigel McDonald, Caroline Magnus, Catherine Evans, Kay Dartnell, Louise Welsby (latter part), Dave Palliser, Manager Upper Norton HPB, Jack Limmond, Paul Davis (Chair), Bob Welch, Jo Longstaff

Apologies: Tish Dockerty, Cynthia Prior, Sonja Belchere, Mike Brogden, Lee Chapman

PD requested for someone to take minutes on regular basis.

Matters arising:

Actions: Venue for Facebook training many thanks to Westhope College

Shropshire Way for newsletter -NM – carry forward

Sykes – PD found unworkable and said NO

VE – PD has written with literary ideas

4. Rural Concierge – Liz Hill

Liz Hill presented her business Rural Concierge

How it works: Customer asks Liz for help. She puts together package. Foreign visitors and groups, also individuals. Based in Herefordshire, but covers Shropshire too. Developing “hidden gems” in areas. Look online for more info. Struggles in marketing.

Asking what we want; how we can fit in to mutual benefit; struggle with matched funding; lots of potential

Day trips work well for her, people coming in and booking. Building year on year. Trips to date mainly from Hereford, but keen to work from other areas.

Coach trips – no longer run in area.

Attractions? Black and white villages, esp. for larger groups. Tries to make more interactive for smaller groups, eg cheese and/or cider tasting. Mostly heritage and gardens. Mostly older age group.

Would Market Town hopping appeal? LH, yes, esp. if blue badge guide in area. Some companies will only deal with blue badge guides. Bishops Castle and Ludlow have bookable guided tours.

Earns money by adding her commission to cost. At moment a bit ad hoc, realizes needs to sort out a system. Filling gap left by closure of TICs.

Overseas market: Discover England fund, but since winning rural business award in October has been asked to put together food and drink itinerary to take to America.

Greatest demand is in summer.

Wants to expand but worried that it will take up too much time. Funding a problem.

Possibly set up a Shropshire rural concierge? LH asked about Ludlow Info Centre? Her long term plan is to have hubs around the area. Currently only in Hereford.

Unable to work with Tricounties Tours. NM: co-wheels car-share. Will be coming to leaflet swap on 29th March. Suggest LH books table and makes contact, also suggested LH joins SHT. blog post about her business. Write small paragraph for newsletter.

End Feb GTO magazine – talk about Rural Concierge concept, the Marches and Herefordshire.

5. Chairman’s report

Directors, Jack, David and Paul. Would like two more to avoid excesive influence under new legialation. Jack to become treasurer. Action: 2 volunteers
PD had received a number of requests asking to pay to put info on website. PD followed up because we have editorial control but then discovered they wanted to link to a gaming website……. was too good to be true! Spam.

LEADER started taking applications on 1st January, closed now but opens in short windows and will open again. Small capital projects.

Literary Heroes. Page on website. Potential to add links.

Meeting on Friday Shropshire walking forum. Keith Pybus. May produce some literary focused walks. NM talking to Discovery Centre

Heart of Wales line crowd funding account for £10,000 for signage etc. Walk from Craven Arms to Knighton, into Wales. Decided to wait before contributing. NM reported a struggle to sort out route in Powys. No objections in Shropshire because using existing rights of way.

Wildlife natural assets coordination – Shropshire Wildlife Trust – attempt to bring together all interested organisations, eg NT, nature partnership, to coordinate marketing and put together a database of resources. Richard Powell from Park Hall Farm attended last, and Chair of ST will be attending next meeting. Exploring social media possibilities and branding. Branding by Shrewsbury Business Improvement District Nothing funded at the moment but planning to put together bid once ideas finalised.

Shropshire Council scrutiny committee have requested a paper on tourism. PD trying to find out more. Geena Davies is writing it. PD attending Thursday Feb 2nd.

EAFRD – NM . Defra funding. AONB and Destination Partnership put in initial bid, then taken forward by Shropshire Council. Project focuses on outdoor activities, food and drink, events and festivals. Originally 4th theme: sustainability – declined to develop this as theme, it will be built into other three themes. £50k

Stan Abbott and Linda Tuttiett of Gravity ConsultingLtdwant to work directly with 60 businesses in Shrops Hills developing 5 areas of activity, walking cycling, adrenalin based, slightly quirky. Gathering details, will approach and work directly with businesses. NM has database with over 100 businesses includes Bridgnorth and surrounding countryside (not Ironbridge or Severn Valley). Must be current businesses, but can have started last year. Visitor facing businesses. Sign up to report back on impact of business over three years. 5% increase in income and 5% increase in number of visitors as a result of being promoted through these packages. Eg cycle tour links to hire company, festival etc.. etc. and promoted nationally.

Coming to leaflet swap to meet people and talk about the project. Aim to get info together by Easter and launched by summer. Information to expand as host for the new product they create.

Needs to be open to everyone. Hopefully encourage businesses to join SHT.

MAP – Dave hasn’t seen proof yet, but should be ready for printer by 13 February. Will have made around £3-400 profit when all funds received.

SWAPSHOP: Visited Stokesay Court. NM hasn’t yet issued invitations. Will go out soon. NM would appreciate support and help. £10 per table. Incl. 1 x Tea coffee and cake, buy other refreshments when there. 20 tables.


Reports saved in Dropbox.

103 paid, £2,700 still unpaid. 1 payment received, no id. Bank charge high.

£8,400 currently in bank.

PD: budgeted to break even with 100 members. Any money from now on can be spent on marketing, currently around £1000 + reserves.

PD – big thank you to Jack.


Slightly ahead on nos coming to site, but also slightly up on bounces.

PD suggests we need to consider home page. Poss Sign up button to move from home to members page. Poss have join button on home page. Poss new front page. Lengthy discussion. Look at InSynch report; Action: PD to recirculate.

Louise suggested using Survey Monkey for feedback on website. Action Louise to create survey

CM suggested small sub committee to look at website, (including with view to planning revision in two years), or holding a separate meeting dedicated to current issues. Decision: Next meeting to focus on web & marketing


PD to speak to Louise. Poss support members on Live video footage, eg Youtube channel to upload videos to. Currently two main walking videos, 1 by Jim Stabler and one other. Probably much more which is available and good quality, examain if we can help self-produce videos. ACTION: Everyone to look and make suggestions/bring together as a resource to link to.

Louise to talk to SMN to see if there are options for collaboration


NM: Shuttle buses. Changed service extending season. Special service over Easter and regular services between July – end September. Long Mynd and Stiperstones. NM to forward details to PD for newsletter


Not producing where to stay or what to do leaflets this year.

Reprinting and revising Bishops Castle brochure.

Try to get Dial a Ride more involved with Tourism. DP said it is possible to hire for groups. NM said will be looking for new funding for shuttle bus next year, needs new plan. Reduce subsidy. Action NM and DP to liase re Dial a Ride

Art Weeks – good potential for arranging tours round the various exhibitors


Commissioning 12,000 printed booklets and looking for help in distribution (Swapshop). Commissioning a new website

Orientation Visits

Suggestion that we attempt to arrange visits to Offas Dyke Centre, Judges Lodgings and Spaceguard Centre before Easter. Action: PD to contact activities

AOB- Cynthia had been contacted by 20isPlenty campaign for Ludlow. Action: Publicise in newsletter for individuals to get involved if they wish

Next meeting: Tuesday 14 March 2pm. Website and PR only

Tuesday 23 May 1pm – full meeting. Both at AONB offices