CEPD 4101 01

Reflection Blog Template

Name (Last, First): Wheelus, Christen

Instructions: Please cut and paste your blog information into the following template and submit a hard copy of your 2best blogs, along with a catalogue of your visits andthe comments you made on your peers’ blogs over the semester. The font needs to be 12 inch, Times New Roman.

Blog #1
Chapter Number/Topic: Chapter 2
Title: Theorists
Post Date (mm/dd/yyyy): 09/14/2011
Text/Main body:Hello Fellow future teachers!!! :) For our chapter two assignment, of reading the chapter and posting this blog, I really enjoyed learning about the many different theorists that were stated in the book. Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky all shaped and described every stage of a person's mental, physical, and psychosocial development. Of all the theorists, my favorite one to read about was Erik Erikson.
Upon reading the many different ages and states that children 2-3 years, and even adults all the way up to 12-18 years, go through as they develop, I immediately could relate to the not only the "identity vs. role confusion", but the "intimacy vs. isolation" stage as well. I feel like at some point, obviously, we all go through every stage but to me, the identity vs. role confusion and intimacy vs. isolation roles have been the hardest ones for me to grasp thus far. Throughout high school, i struggled with finding a place not only in the social realm that included my classmates and close friends, but i struggled to find a place of comfort within myself as well. Shortly before i graduated, it was then that i realized that my place in this world was to learn and teach what i knew. The balance of simple personal habits and the person that i needed to be was an underlying issue for me everyday. Since i've gotten to college and have taken a dive further into obtaining my major, I realize that I have grown emotionally and mentally as well. Although I am not fully the person I wish I could be, i'm working on it and realize that the "identity vs. confusion" role is going to be something that I will continue to struggle with for hopefully only a short while longer.
Now, I feel as if I am not only in the stage mentioned above, but more so in the "intimacy vs. isolation" role. The biggest reason that I find myself in this stage every single day of my life, is due to the fact that I have a hard time trusting people. Period. Once someone breaks my trust, it is extremely difficult for that person to ever gain it back. Relationship and personal friendships that are expiring lead me to struggle with trusting people that were previously close to me, and make me extremely closed off towards everyone that has once hurt me, or let me down. It is also very hard for me to be alone, I am a people person so therefore I love to surround myself with good company, but often find myself pushing people away. It all seems so contradictory. I dontwanna be alone, but I always end up making myself be that way due to a lack of trust.
The stage of Piagets developmental examples that I identified with the most, was the Formal Operational Stage. I enjoy responding to the "form" of a problem rather than its content, followed by forming a hypotheses. I have always enjoyed helping solve other people's problems if they needed my help, and I consider myself a formal thinker because I use a lot of metaphors and similes in my day-to-day life. People know me as sarcastic and satirical, and i will usually joke about everything even if it is something serious.
I hope you have enjoyed my first blog, i know it is extremely long, but I guess i had a lot to say this time around. The questions that we had to answer, are continued and answered in blog two. I'm gonna leave you all with a quote, and Leave me comments!!!! (:
~Life isnt about finding yourself, It is about creating yourself.~ George Bernard Shaw. <3
Blog #2
Chapter Number/Topic: Chapter 12
Title: The Ripple Effect
Post Date (mm/dd/yyyy): 11/08/2011
Text/Main body: FRIENDS!!!! hey everyone!
Chapter 12, the topic of blog 8, focused on a subject that I am actually, for once, previously familiar with; classroom management!
The ripple effect, as discovered by Kounin, and presented by Lindsey's group, states that pretty much when one child is reprimanded for a specific behavior, the whole class will be affected. When i was in elementary school, I know that whenever the teacher called one student out about something that I was doing as well, such as drawing during lecture, i felt as though i needed to stop too before I got in trouble. Also experienced in my practicum, the ripple effect effects students even if they are not engaging in the same behavior as the targeted student. The ripple effect really does work!
One thing, that I know takes over me sometimes is antiseptic Bouncing. An example of antiseptic bouncing is when students get carried away by uncontrollable giggling. Sometimes when I get restless I have a lack of self control, and really just need to take a break from the focused topic. As a future teacher, I feel as though it is important to seek our students' attention at all time whether it be standing up in our chairs and singing "if youre happy and you know it", or taking a nature walk outside to identify clouds; children need breaks too. (their attention spans dont last very long, as we all know.)
As stated in our Physical Ed. and Health class, bullying is an important topic when it comes to violence in our schools. Suicide, something that i am very passionate to speak about, can stem off of bullying, and we need to make sure that we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to those situations. One amazing activity that i read is to have your students ball up a piece of paper stomp on it, throw it on the ground, and continuously crinkle it up. Then have the students unball the paper and see the visible and invisible "scars" that are still there even after the damage has been done. It is our job as teachers to make sure that each child feels safe and out of harms way, especially around their peers.
~Courage is fire, and Bullying is smoke.~ Benjamin Disraeli.

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Chronicle of my visits to peer blog sites:

Blogger’s First Name / Blogger’s Last Name / Date I visited (mm/dd) / Comments / URL
1 / Christina / Ardillo / 11/14 / I definitely agree with your method of memorizing study material and important things. I MUST use repetition when studying. Mnemonic devices definitely help me as well, especially when studying for our Educational Psychology tests. I also hope to use the different types of skills in my future classroom!!! Good Luck!!! (: /
2 / Tiffany / BonneCarrere / Hey renee!!! i feel that this chapter was my favorite one by far... I very much enjoyed reading your blog, and feel that we agree on the same topics pretty much. I also enjoyed the same two topics that you enjoyed, because I feel that these are the most important in our lives right now. NICELY DONE!!! /
4 / Natalie / Clay / DENIED ACCESS!!! ): / DENIED ACCESS!!!! ):
5 / James / Cooper / 11/14 / I definitely agree with your POV James!!! Equality is absolutely important, especially in the elementary years. When I was in high school, I found that my teacher, who was also a football coach, definitely showed favoritism towards the males in the class, and of course most of the time they played football... so I DEFINITELY agree with everything you are saying!!! /
8 / Emily / Duncan / 11/14 / I also enjoyed the videos Emily!!!! I agree with Latoya when she says that elementary students are way to young to understand the gay/lesbian/bisexual community, but we definitely need to teach them to embrace that not everyone is alike in their ways of thinking, but that we are all still equal no matter what. /
9 / Rachael / Eubanks / 11/14 / I most definitely agree with your view on this blog Rachel, as well as Shamaiya's. I have issues with my boyfriend that I feel stem from my deep issues of low self-confidence. I feel that whether we are homosexual OR heterosexual, we all have relationship problems at some point. I have also been cheated on, like Shamaiya, which is why i have low self-confidence and trust issues. I also plan to nurture the ways my students think and understand. Youll get there girl!! Dont give up!!! :) /
10 / Paige / Fields / ISNT EVEN ON THE ROSTER ): / ISNT ON THE ROSTER ): no blogs available.
11 / Toni / Gibbs / 11/14 / I very much enjoyed reading your blog, and I agree 100% with everything youve said. I also use Mnemonic devices, and place things into "chunks" when i study, its just always seemed to work out best that way for me. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is a classic and one mnemonic device that I think will live on forever pretty much. I will be sure to use Mnemonic devices in my classroom, to help my students remember and process information!! very nicely done! /
13 / Charisa / Harris / 11/14 / I agree pretty much with what everyone says on this blog. We are all, i feel, going through all of the same things. Im just glad that we all have each other to get through it! As long as we future teachers support each other, we can make sure that we support our future students' learning and when they begin to go through Erikson and Piaget's stages, we can know how to better cope with them and help them get through it. I feel as though much of my success in life, scholastically and personally, is due to the very few teachers i had that actually cared about how i felt and what was going on outside of school. /
14 / Jessica / Hunt / 11/14 / I completely agree with your religious beliefs! I feel that religion is a big deal for everyone no matter what, and as long as we stat true to ourselves, and our beliefs, we can succeed and not end up being forclosed about other peoples beliefs or morals. Great job Jessica!! /
15 / Tishanna / Jackson / 11/14 / I definitely agree Tishanna!!! Especially with the statement "Either that child is going to continue that behavior or they will not." I agree that when a child is chastised they more than likely wont continue the same behavior that they were once reprimanded for. Good work Tishanna!! /
17 / Bethany / Mallory / NO ACCESS ): / NO ACCESS ):
18 / Lindsey / McMillan / NO BLOGS PRESENT ): / NO BLOGS PRESENT ):
19 / Kyle / McSherry / 11/14 / I agree with you Kyle, but what step was your favorite? And how do you think you will relate it to your future classroom? Great job on thig blog, i agree with everything youve said!!! /
20 / Cambria / Neese / 11/14 / When I was in Elementary school, most of my teachers used ability grouping. In my practicum placement, there are yellow, green, and orange groups for high, medium, and lower learning students. The students all know that they learn at a different pace and that that is the reason why they are in different colored groups. Do i agree with this? Absolutely not! I feel as though students should not have the right to know which level of learning they are in, because that just swings the door wide open to the gateway of bullying. That is definitely something we DO NOT need. As for ability grouping discreetly, i absolutely agree with it /
21 / Megan / Painter / 11/14 / Although alot of talk revolves around the subject of having a "rewards system" in your classroom, I feel as though I definitely want to have one when I start to teach. The reason being because, when you reward students for something they do correctly, obviously they are more prone to want to learn something so they can have positive feedback and praise when they succeed. The "Trojan Gold" techniques used in my practicum placement is not a direct reward, but a staircase to a larger reward at the end of that month. Students win trojan gold tickets when they stay on green all day, and they then get to cash them in at the end of the month. All of my teachers, K-5 and even into higher grades, used reward systems. /
22 / Kaitlyn / Parker / 11/14 / I also do not think it is necessary to completely avoid using extrinsic motivations. I feel that extrinsic motivation does help students, but it definitely should be used ONLY in moderation. Student definitely should gain a balance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. I will be sure to use this method in my future classroom. Well done! /
23 / Kaleigh / Patterson / 11/14 / I love this blog because I can relate to the intimacy vs. Isolation period. I think that once people reach a certain age of course, but when they get in college as well, it gets to the point where we are almost forced to confront our demons that we may held onto for so long. I agree with the formal operational stage that you are in, I place myself into that category as well. /
26 / Annette / Preston / 11/14 / Annette!!! These blogs are amazing!!! I especially loved BLog 6!!! its great to have a "light bulb" moment especially when you can use it to benefit a child!!! Nicely done ma'am!!! /
27 / Sarah / Radvansky / NO ACCESS! ): / NO ACCESS!! ):
28 / Montana / Richardson / 11/14 / I agree Montana!!! I enjoyed the activity we did in class where we had to write about what kind of teachers/parents weve had/have. I never really actually say down and thought about how many authoritarian teachers I had. In my opinion, being an authoritarian teacher may not always be the best route to choose when teaching elementary aged students. If students feel intimidated, they are more likely to NOT come to us for help, and they will be afraid at all times to do anything wrong, and we all know that you have to fail once or twice in order to succeed. I also agree, however, that having a permissive teacher is not the best thing either. You must set ground rules and also establish your authority without coming off as too strict. If you do not set rules early in the beginning, your students will walk all over you. Well done Montana!! :) /
29 / Elizabeth / Robinson / NOT ABLE TO ACCESS ): / NTO ABLE TO ACCESS ):
30 / Abbey / Rowe / 11/14 / I agree with you abby, when you say "i feel as though you must be able to connect with your students in order for them to believe and trust that what you teach is true."We are both going through the same stage of Eriksons psychosocial development, so i think i agree on alot of things that you mentioned in your blog number one..very well put! (: /
31 / Ashley / Schuldies / NOT ON ROSTER! ): / NOT ON ROSTER!! ):
32 / Hannah Sharai / Snyder / 11/14 / Teachers must absolutely be versatile when it comes to teaching students of different genres and cultures and races. You never know when you will have someone that cannot speak English, needs special assistance with a certain subject, or is in a different culture than you are. You must know your students on a small personal level in order to know how they need to learn and what they need from you as a teacher. /
33 / Dwate / Strickland / 11/14 / This is absolutely an important part of teaching, as Kayley said! being an effective reflective teacher definitely matters when it comes to teaching children and what we can do to help them learn and succeed. I commend you on being a special education major, and that you plan on using the methods stated in this blog in your future classroom!!! Good luck!! /
34 / Christen / Wheelus / 11/14
35 / Joe / Frierson / 11/14 / NOT ON ROSTER!!! ): / NOT ON ROSTER!!! ):

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