Shropshire Hills Tourism Committee meeting 19 January 2016
Present - Paul Davis (PD), Cynthia Prior (CP), Jack Limond (JL), David Palliser (DP), Catherine Evans (CE), Phil Holden (PH), Kay Dartnell (KD), Lee Chapman (LC), Bob Welch (BW), Jo Longstaff (JoL), Michael Turner (MT), Elizabeth and Steve Blackman
Apologies –Nick Cooke
Venue - Shropshire Hills AONB Office
Time. 10.30am
Directors – Paul Davis (Chair), Lee Chapman (Treasurer), Alan Garner, David Palliser
Agenda item
Matters Arising from Minutes 15th November 2015 / At Visit England meeting it was noted that properties are no longer required to be graded to be entered for awards and most DMOs were moving away from grading as a membership condition.There has been no further news on the Visit Shropshire forum since the last meeting.
Visitor Guide is ongoing, format to be discussed.
Website now live, mini newsletter to ask members to check their entry is visible and correct and ask members to back link from their own websites to SHT.
Funding – thanks to PH for submitting outline application for marketing and training funding from EAFRD. There has been a similar bid from a Ludlow Destination Partnership consortium.
It was agreed that draft minutes should be circulated around the Committee immediately after a meeting then once time for amends will be published on website in Draft form pending approval at next meeting. / Mini newsletter / Paul / ASAP
Domain Transfer / The transfer of the domain from Shropshire Tourism has been finalised and Google Analytics show a leap in referrals as soon as the redirect took place.
Treasurers Report / No Company return was made on dormant SSTA so has incurred a £150 fine. SHT holds all assets.
It has been agreed with ST that invoice for web hosting from January to March 2016 will not be paid due to issues with the domain name and cessation of Joint Agreement.
Members will be asked to include name/ Business reference or Invoice number when paying by BACs to aid identification.
Membership fees for 2016/17 were discussed to allow creation of a budget. It was agreed that membership for period 1/11/16 – 31/10/17 would be set at £45 for 1 year. Anyone joining before 1/08/16 would pay full amount, post this date would join for following year. Proposed: PD, Seconded: LC, agreed unanimously.
LC expressed concerns over level of reserves and it was agreed to work on increasing this from circa £5000 to £10000 over the next 3 years.
There is an automated function within the new website to allow members to auto renew using PayPal, transaction cost to be added at point of payment.
JL suggested the Treasurer investigate to a Co-Op Community account to reduce Bank Charges. / Newsletter
Switch account / LC / Future date
Next Mtg
How do we convince members we offer value for money? Encourage greater understanding of Google Analytics by including features in Newsletters. / Find You Tube ‘How to’ video for next Newsletter / JL / Feb 16
Admin / AONB/DDP will take on Secretariat for meetings.
Accounts, collecting revenue inc. membership subs (aided by auto renewal)
Website – needs further discussion about spreading the load. New members to be added by Virtual Shropshire
Content Management via local Tourism groups
Newsletter – PD, DP, JL, KD via Mail Chimp / Secretarial support / PH
LC / Ongoing
Membership Promotion / Word of mouth/personal approach works best. Application form to be sent out via Newsletter and ask them to recruit.
Committee to provide suggested new members in their locality to be added to Newsletter circulation.
Include overview of SHT and reasons to join on website / Send to JL / All / Jan 2016
DDP / PH/PD propose that SHT and DDP work together more and align content and actions as currently a lot of duplication. PH said this would raise SHT profile as a DMO with Visit England and act as a Strategic as well as Marketing body. SHT will recognise DDP as it’s Strategic arm. / Put SHT logo on DDP paperwork in place of exisiting one. / PH PD / Ongoing
Discovery Map / Now called Great Days Out in the Shropshire Hills. Proof is ready to go out for checking.
If all advertising revenue collected showing a £750 surplus. Printing due early February and will be available for Leaflet Swap at Acton Scott on 17h March. / Ensure Map available for Leaflet Swap / DP / 17/3/16
Newsletter / DP is away until 1st Feb but please send in articles especially re. Half Term and Easter activities for inclusion to allow circulation at end of 1st week in February. / Supply Information for inclusion in Newsletter / All / 01/02/16
Member Benefits / Ask VE about discounted membership/Grading for SHT members. / Contact Pam Foden / JL / ASAP
Local tourism group updates / Bishops Castle – Arts Festival in Half Term
Cleobury Mortimer – Simon Evans Walk 7th August
Clun – March Beer Festival, Green Man Festival in May
Church Stretton – TC are taking on Walkers are Welcome activities; a new Marketing group has been formed with various festivals planned.
Mortimer Country – photo competition last year was very successful, there will be a walking festival throughout the summer. / Groups to feed into events on website and newsletters
PR / Membership drive and website work are ongoing. Suggestions need for next meeting
Invite members to meet us at Leaflet Swap event, offer free cake?! / Submit PR ideas
Include in Newsletter / All
DP / 22/03/16
AOB / MT will attend Ludlow Chamber Tourism Group on our behalf. They meet on the 1st Tuesday of the Month.
Local funding for Church Stretton VIC will cease at end of March. Library staff and volunteers will continue to support through the summer months.
JL suggested we should put forward a nominee for Director on ST board. / Proposed KD/2ndCP / JL
Next Meeting / 22nd March 2016, 2pm, at AONB offices Drover House, opp Craven Arms Hotel