ISAE UK and IrelandRegional Meeting

21-22January 2014

Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

We are delighted to invite you to the UK and Ireland Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) atthe Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (R(D)SVS), University of Edinburgh Easter Bush Campus on22nd January.The theme of the meeting is Animal Health and Welfare. The meeting will be preceded by an evening reception on 21st January, further details to follow. Please see below for more information, and for further inquiries, contact Cathy Dwyer (), Laura Boyle (), or Laura Dixon ().

Call for abstracts

Presentations are invited dealing with any and all aspects of the behaviour and welfare of domestic and confined animals, although we particularly encourage submissions addressing any aspect of the meeting theme. Both oral and poster presentations will be featured.Abstracts will not be made available in a booklet form at this meeting. Instead an electronic copy of the proceedings will be e-mailed to participants ahead of time and you will be expected to print and bring your own copy of the abstract with you to the meeting if you wish to have a hard copy.Please read the following instructions prior to submitting your abstract:

  1. Use a Microsoft Word-compatible word processing program, or submit a text only document. Minimize the use of special characters
  2. Abstracts should consist of the title, names of authors and their institutional addresses (including e-mail), and the main body of the text. The main body should be single spaced, in a single paragraph, and no more than 300 words. Use the Times New Roman font, 12 point size. Abstracts must contain a clear statement of the purpose of the work, the methods used (including the number of animals or experimental units), the results obtained, and conclusions. Results should be presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusions drawn. Except for theoretical contributions and review papers, submitted abstracts must contain data, indicate the method(s) of analysis, and provide information about statistical significance. References, tables or figures should not be included. Abstracts must be submitted in Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007 format (DOC or DOCX or RTF) and the file should be named “YOUR SURNAME.doc”.
  3. For each abstract CLEARLY indicate whether it is submitted for oral or poster presentation.
  4. Submit abstracts by e-mail to Cathy Dwyer(). The subject heading must read “ISAE ABSTRACT”.The deadline for abstract submission is Friday15thNovember 2013.

Oral Presentations:

  1. Oral presentations will be allotted 15 minutes (10 min for presenting, 5 min discussion).
  2. Presentations must be compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 or 2007.

Poster Presentations:

  1. Posters should be produced in 'PORTRAIT' rather than landscape orientation, and must not exceed 90 cm width x 120 cm height (36” x 48”). A recent photo of the presenting author should be placed on the top right hand corner of the poster to help delegates locate authors.
  2. Attaching posters: fasteners will be provided at the meeting.
  3. Poster viewing will take place between spoken sessions throughout the meeting.
  4. Note whether the presenting author is a postgraduate or undergraduate student. a competition will be held for best student posters.


In addition to formal presentations we will hold a small number of workshops. If you are interested in hosting a workshop on a relevant subject then please contact the organising committee to discuss your ideas.

Regional Meeting Organising Committee:

Cathy Dwyer, SRUC /
Laura Boyle, Teagasc /
Laura Dixon, SRUC
Susan Jarvis, SRUC
Natalie Waran, University of Edinburgh
Fritha Langford, SRUC
Jess Hopkins, SRUC
Carol Thompson, SRUC /